Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 133 On the way home

Dai Mubai saw that Wang Xiaofeng kept taking the jade bottles from Ma Hongjun and putting them into the soul guide, and asked strangely: "Xiaofeng, what is that in your hand?"

"You mean this bottle? This is specially used to store the hair of the Netherworld White Tiger." Wang Xiaofeng handed it to Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai opened it and saw that there was indeed a slender hair inside, but because it was It is formed by soul power, and it can be clearly seen that it is gradually disappearing.

This is what Wang Xiaofeng asked Ma Hongjun to collect just now. He cut a lot with scissors and filled it with about eighty or ninety bottles.

Jade containers can greatly slow down the loss of soul power, but at this rate of loss, the tiger hair can be stored for about half a day before it completely disappears. Of course, if Wang Xiaofeng takes it into the spirit space, the storage time will be longer.

"This is too disgusting, let me destroy them all." Dai Mubai felt as if part of his body was being studied, and he felt uncomfortable all over his body.

"Hey, do you still have some research spirit? How can you do research without collecting samples! I don't have time to watch your research every day." Wang Xiaofeng said angrily.

Dai Mubai imagined for a moment that he had to work exhaustingly every day to fuse martial arts and cooperate with Wang Xiaofeng in research. He immediately shook his head and said, "Well, I think studying tiger hair is pretty good."

Dai Mubai had seen the scene where Ma Hongjun was being studied by Wang Xiaofeng. Just imagining that he was being pestered by Wang Xiaofeng to study his body, he felt a tremor. It should be a feeling that life would be worse than death.

With Oscar and Ning Rongrong watching over Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, there would be no problem. In order to seize the time for research, Wang Xiaofeng hurried back to the dormitory, summoned the martial spirit, and took out the research equipment.

In fact, they are some soul guides similar to magnifying glasses, and soul guides that can test the soul power of items. Wang Xiaofeng spent a huge sum of money to buy these, and most of the money he earned over the years was spent on them. If he hadn't made a fortune by participating in the soul fighting bet, he might not be as rich as Tang San now.

"Well, the quality of the soul power contained in the hair is very high, five times that of the same volume of blue silver grass..." Wang Xiaofeng took the blue silver grass formed by Tang San's martial spirit and continued to compare and study it with the hair of the Netherworld White Tiger.

As soon as Oscar came back, he saw Wang Xiaofeng who was addicted to the experiment. He shook his head and closed the door again. At this time, the dormitory is full of manuscript papers and various soul tools, and there is no place to stay. Instead of being an audience here, it is better to go to the cafeteria to practice.

The master looked at Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who had come to the cafeteria early to look for food before the sun went down. The remaining fruits from lunch had gone into their stomachs, but they still kept shouting that they were not full, and suddenly asked with some confusion. Said: "You two seem to have a lot more appetite."

Their physical fitness master keeps records every day, and the ingredients purchased are also calculated to definitely meet everyone's daily nutritional needs. Under normal circumstances, there is no shortage of food.

"Master, it's all because of Xiaofeng's invention of the gluttony soul skill that I can eat as much as Fatty now." Dai Mubai slumped in his chair and said with despair.

How can you learn a new soul skill without practicing it? No, you may accidentally practice it too much and follow Oscar's footsteps. Dai Mubai was not like Wang Xiaofeng, who kept dry food in his soul guide at all times, so he could only come to the cafeteria to find food, and then he met Ma Hongjun who was in the same situation.

"Oh? I didn't expect Xiaofeng to really simplify Baji-Gluttony." The master said with slight interest.

Wang Xiaofeng created the Baji-Gluttony Master and has also studied it a little. Although it is very complicated, it is not difficult for him, so he is also the only one who has learned it. Unfortunately, it is of no use in breaking through bottlenecks, so he has not practiced much. , but after Tang San learned it, he used it to digest food from time to time.

"Oscar, are you here for food too?" Ma Hongjun then saw Oscar standing aside.

Oscar said angrily: "I have been practicing here! It was you who patronized and ate it."

"That's just right. Hurry up and get some sausages for me to fill my stomach. Otherwise, I will starve to death before Master can prepare dinner."

Seeing that Dai Mubai was waiting for sausages to fill his stomach, Oscar had no choice but to start summoning sausages. While chanting a spell, he said in his heart: "I will kill you, I will kill you." After a while, hundreds of sausages were summoned. come out.

The table was piled with sausages. Ma Hongjun said while eating, "Good brother, just because of these sausages, I will definitely say less about you in the future."

"So many sausages can't stop your mouth." Oscar wiped his sweat. Although these sausages had no amplification effect, it was still quite tiring to summon so many sausages at one go.

Time flew by at night, and Wang Xiaofeng did not appear in the cafeteria. It didn’t take much thinking to know that the research must have forgotten the time. In order to prevent them from finishing dinner, Oscar took out some food early and put it into the soul guide. .

Oscar opened the door to the dormitory and found that the dormitory was neat and tidy. Wang Xiaofeng was not studying things, but packing clothes. He asked with some confusion: "Xiaofeng, what are you doing?"

"I'm going home tomorrow morning, and I'm packing my luggage now." Wang Xiaofeng answered without packing his clothes.

Before he could put it away, he smelled the aroma of food. When he looked up, he saw the food Oscar put on the table.

"Oscar, you are indeed my good brother. You even brought me dinner. I'm just so touched." Wang Xiaofeng couldn't wait to throw himself on the table and started to wolf down.

"By the way, aren't you going home?" Wang Xiaofeng asked belatedly.

Oscar said angrily: "I went back just after the holiday and stayed for several days before coming back. Of course you, a busy man, have no impression."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his head in embarrassment, picked up the cup and said, "Sorry, sorry, I'll apologize to you with water instead of wine, that's it." After saying that, he drank the water in the cup.

"You are just simply thirsty."

"Haha, why don't you tell me when you see it?"

Early the next morning, Wang Xiaofeng, who had finished his daily practice, spoke to Flender, and after breakfast, he went to the carriage dealer in Soto City.

As soon as he entered the door, a young man came over and said respectfully: "Master Soul Master, do you want to buy a carriage or hire a carriage to travel?"

"Hire a carriage."

Wang Xiaofeng quickly agreed on the price with the people in the trading company, which was five gold soul coins in total.

Although the price is expensive, there is nothing you can do about it, because traveling in Douluo Continent is still quite dangerous, especially traveling by carriage. No one knows whether they will encounter robbing robbers or man-eating soul beasts, so for the trading firm, this is regarded as the groom's life money.


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