Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 135: The Fisherman’s Benefit

It was late at night, the moon was shining brightly in the sky, and the stars were dotted. Except for the occasional barking of a dog, the deserted streets were silent.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was practicing, suddenly felt his heart tremble and immediately quit the practice state. Wang Xiaofeng knew that this was a martial arts warning, something had entered the ten-meter range of him.


Just as Wang Xiaofeng was looking around cautiously, slight footsteps came from the roof.


Wang Xiaofeng approached the window cautiously. If it was a thief, he would definitely come in through the window. Later, let this little thief see his fists as big as sandbags, and the things he stole were stolen on his head. He was really impatient.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng held his breath and prepared to give the thief a big gift, a soft voice came from the roof.

"Jade Fox, you dare to steal things in front of my face. You are so brave." A young and beautiful girl with short black hair was panting and cursing at the person in front of her.

The girl was dressed in black and had a well-proportioned figure, neither slender nor plump. I saw her breathing slowly, crossing her arms across her chest, raising her head, and looking proudly at the man in front of her.

If any residents of Yufeng Town were standing here, they would definitely recognize this short-haired girl as the second young lady of the Ye family, the largest family in the town.

The man known as the Jade Fox wore a fox mask on his face and a green shirt. He was fanning lightly with a folding fan in his hand. A cold voice came from under the mask, "I just happened to meet Yufeng Town on the way. Nothing was stolen."

"Impossible, who else besides you can have such a powerful disguise." How could the short-haired girl believe him?

"That's because you have too little knowledge." Jade Fox said disdainfully.

The Douluo Continent is so big that it is full of surprises. Maybe some spirit master with the ability to change spirits is pretending to be him. This little girl is really too young.

At this time, Jade Fox was still thinking silently whether any of his friends had revealed his whereabouts.

Little did he know that what the Ye family lost this time was so important that he was discovered as soon as he entered Yufeng Town. Of course, this was also because he was too careless and wandered around in a fox mask without any disguise.

"You actually ignored me, look at the sword!" The black-haired girl saw that Jade Fox was thinking on the spot and didn't take her seriously at all. She couldn't help but became angry. She stretched out her right hand and grasped a three-foot long sword that was completely white. Appeared on the right hand.

Two bright yellow soul rings appeared from her body, and then wrapped around the sword. She was a great soul master.

"The first soul skill is to draw the sky."

The snow-white sword body exuded a gleaming brilliance. The black-haired girl began to run in small steps. After about four or five steps, her hands and feet suddenly exerted their strength. The three-foot long sword moved forward diagonally. At the same time, she jumped up from the ground. , quickly grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and chopped it down on the head.

The jade fox looked at ease, showing no intention of evading, and just lightly stamped his foot.

Not to mention that the powerful sword strike was completely in vain. Surprisingly, the black-haired girl was still standing where she was when she launched the attack.

"How is that possible?" The black-haired girl stared blankly at the jade fox in front of her. She didn't expect that such a powerful and heavy move was easily broken by someone, and she couldn't see how it was done.

"Sleep...sleep." The jade fox did not explain, and gently shook the folding fan. The black-haired girl felt that her head was getting heavier, and layers of shadows began to appear on the jade fox in front of her.

Although the black-haired girl struggled to hold on, she couldn't stop the strong sleepiness, and finally fell to the side helplessly.

Jade Fox looked at the sleeping black-haired girl and did not leave. Instead, he said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, after watching the show for so long, it's time to come out."

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked. He could be found eavesdropping from across a roof. It was really amazing! He is worthy of being the thief who was offered a reward of 700 gold soul coins by the Barak nobles.

Jade Fox, whose identity is unknown, stole a gem worth fifty thousand gold soul coins in the capital of Balak half a month ago, and was then offered a reward of seven hundred gold soul coins by the owner of the gem. I heard this news while chatting with Oscar and the others.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a jade fox. When did you discover me?" Just as Wang Xiaofeng was thinking wildly, a rough voice sounded.

Jade Fox's expression suddenly became serious. He actually didn't notice anyone watching the show, he was just cheating out of habit. The person who could make him unable to find out must at least have one level of soul power higher than him. OK.

A skinny man climbed up from under the eaves. The four bright white, yellow, yellow and purple soul rings on his body already indicated his cultivation level.

"Soul Sect! It seems that you are the little thief who stole something and blamed me." Jade Fox gently shook the folding fan and said coldly.

"Don't waste your efforts, your illusions are useless to me." The thin man said coldly: "As long as I deal with you later, no one will know that I stole the things, and they will only target you. .”

"Since illusion is useless, it's better to try other tricks."

Seeing that his first two soul skills had no effect on the thin man, Jade Fox used his third soul skill, Phantom Clone.

That's right, the jade fox saw that he was outmatched and was ready to run away. There is no other way. If the soul skill is suppressed, there is no need to fight. It is better to run away directly and keep the green hills, without fear of running out of firewood.

"Escape, did you escape?" The thin man's body tensed up, and the ground where his front and rear feet stepped suddenly collapsed into two small pits. His whole body burst out, and his sharp claws shone with metallic light.

A faint white light appeared in the eyes of the thin man. With the blessing of soul skills, he seemed to be able to see the true form of the jade fox. Without looking at the other three figures, he stabbed straight towards the jade fox on the far right.


Jade Fox's back was immediately penetrated with three bloody holes. He who had always been pampered had never experienced such pain, and he actually fainted from the pain.

"Hey, you solved it so easily, and you still come out to make trouble, bah." Although the thin man looked down on the jade fox, if you look closely, you will find that his first soul ring and fourth soul ring are always on.

"Staying up late at night, tearing down the house!" A powerful wave of soul power flashed past.

"Soul Sect!" The soul power fluctuated too fast just now, and the location was not found, but the soul power that was almost the same as his own showed that there was indeed a Soul Sect nearby.

"You are lucky." The thin man glanced coldly at the two people who fell to the ground, felt the less than three levels of soul power in his body, and sighed. At this time, dark clouds covered the moon, and the thin man quickly ran away into the distance.


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