Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 137 Interesting things at home

Wang Xiaofeng looked carefully at the parchment in his hand. It looked like a legendary treasure map, but it was not a map, but various soul beasts. Even the soul beast illustrated book compiled by the master did not record it. The soul beast.

After studying the parchment over and over again, but couldn't find anything, Wang Xiaofeng put it into the spirit space.

Although there were rumors in the previous life about the method of immersing in water and revealing in fire, it might not work in another world, so it is better to keep it as a family heirloom.

"Hey, I almost forgot about you." Wang Xiaofeng flipped through the martial soul space idly, and found a black bone in the corner, which was the soul bone obtained by killing the unknown giant ape.

Wang Xiaofeng took out the soul bone, felt the fierce soul power in the black bone, and took it back after making sure it was not worn out. He thought to himself, "I almost forgot about you again, so I just took it back as a gift. Save My mother is talking about it."

After passing Jade Feng Town, the rest of the road was more difficult to walk, but I hurriedly arrived at the entrance of Hulu Village in the evening.

"Young Master, I can only take you here." The coachman stopped the carriage and said a little embarrassedly.

Although spirit beasts generally don't appear on the road, they might appear at night. The spirit beast's blood boils and they don't care about it, so most people don't rush on the road at night.

The sun is going down now, and if you leave late, you might get into trouble, so the driver is a little embarrassed, because usually the driver will deliver it to your doorstep.

Wang Xiaofeng jumped out of the carriage, waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's getting late. You should go back to town quickly."

Watching the carriage leave, Wang Xiaofeng calmed down and walked into the village.

People who had worked hard all day were staying at home and cooking hurriedly. The fine smoke from cooking slowly spread over the village with the help of the tail of the night wind, varying in length.

Under the peach tree in the center of the village, it is a place where people gather, and it is also a good place to enjoy the cool air. Children are playing beside the elderly, and some women who have already finished their meals are chatting.

Suddenly, a woman's peripheral vision spotted Wang Xiaofeng, who was about to take the opportunity to slip away, and she couldn't help but joked: "Hey, isn't this Xiaofeng? Why are you back? It's not vacation time yet."

"Second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law..." Wang Xiaofeng saw that he couldn't escape, so he had to walk over and asked each one how they were. Then he said: "Isn't there something wrong with the school? Let me come back to discuss it with the parents."

Another woman said with a smile: "Since you have something to do, you should go back first. Your mother should be cooking at home at this time." She quickly pulled and pulled a strong and durable straw sandal in her hand. Quickly formed.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't expect that it would be so easy to let him go this time when he came back. He would usually talk about introducing his girlfriend to himself.

So he said with some embarrassment: "My brothers and sisters have grown up so much. I came back in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. There are some candies here. Let's just eat them as snacks."

After saying that, he took out a large bag of candies from the soul guide and placed it on the wooden table nearby.

Good guy, Wang Xiaofeng said it easily, but everyone looked up and saw that it weighed almost fifty kilograms, "Hey, so many candies are not cheap, right?"

"Okay, there are candies to eat."

The children didn't care so much and swarmed up laughing. Under the scolding of their respective parents, they happily shared the candies.

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