Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 141 Assessment after the vacation (revision)

While they were chatting, Wang Xiaofeng lowered his head and ate hard, almost finishing his breakfast. The same goes for everyone else, so the idle crowd watched Tang San feast while thinking about their gifts in their hearts.

It's not a good feeling to have everyone's attention, especially while eating.

Tang San quickly ate the little breakfast left and immediately stood up, "I'll have indigestion if I let you guys look at it any longer."

Oscar smiled awkwardly. He was the most eager among everyone, and the excitement in his eyes almost shot out.

Xiao Wu naturally took the dishes and chopsticks used by Tang San and started to clean them. Tang San grabbed her little hand and said: "We will clean it up later. Let's go outside first."

Ning Rongrong teased: "Xiao Wu will definitely be a good wife and mother from now on!"

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue at her and took Tang San's arm, as if swearing sovereignty.

Everyone looked at each other and suppressed their smiles as if they didn't see it. Only Tang San was still in the dark and touched his head, wondering where the laughter was.

A group of people came to the playground of the college. The playground was empty and the sun was shining all over the playground. It was already early summer. Shrek Academy was located in the middle of the continent. Even in the early morning, it was still very warm.

"Mistress, take it out quickly. What is it?" Oscar said eagerly. He couldn't wait to see those hidden weapons flashing with sharp light.

Tang San smiled slightly, wiped his right hand on the twenty-fourth bridge on the moonlit night, and took out something special.

It was a tubular object made entirely of metal, and the entire body was silver.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at it curiously and asked, "What is this, an iron fist with a hidden weapon?"

Xiao Wu pulled up her sleeves and saw something very similar to the one in Tang San's hand on her left arm. Xiao Wu compared it and said doubtfully: "Xiao San, this thing is similar to the sleeve arrow, but it is more powerful. The sleeve arrow?"

Tang San smiled and shook his head, saying: "To be precise, it is a tool. I call it the Flying Divine Claw. You can see clearly how I operate it."

Tang San clasped it on his left forearm. The tube-shaped object was completely attached to his arm without any shaking, and it looked like a perfect fit.

Tang San tightened his grip with his five fingers, and with a crisp clang sound, a metal cone suddenly popped out and turned into a metal claw. The claw was divided into five fingers and shimmered coldly in the sunlight.

"Wow, so handsome." Oscar couldn't help but touch the metal claw. Unexpectedly, he was stabbed. He quickly summoned a sausage and ate it, which stopped the injury. "What a sharp flying claw."

"Don't underestimate this metal claw. I made it by fusing several metals together and hammering it through many times. Not only is it extremely hard, it is also extremely easy to penetrate gold and stone."

Tang San picked up a stone from the ground aside and put it against the metal claw. He heard a "snap" sound, and under everyone's stunned gaze, the metal claw dug into the rock as easily as piercing tofu.

Tang San smiled slightly and said: "Of course it's more than that, otherwise it wouldn't be called the Flying Divine Claw. Its main function is to help us 'fly'."

As he spoke, Tang San first flicked the steel claw away again, then raised his left arm towards a big tree about twenty meters away. In the blink of an eye, the steel claw flew out, and with a pop, he grabbed directly into the trunk of the tree. .

Everyone could clearly see that a steel cable about the thickness of a thin hemp rope was connected behind the steel claw.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San, pulled by the steel cable, jumped onto the big tree in the blink of an eye. Relying on the pull of Feitian Divine Claw, the whole person was lying on the tree trunk.

Wang Xiaofengnuo looked thoughtfully at the flying claws displaying their power, and thought to himself: "Good thing, this way, even if you encounter some cliffs or fall into a desperate situation, you won't be completely helpless."

While Wang Xiaofeng was thinking about it, Tang San's ups and downs had already returned to the crowd.

Everyone couldn't stand seeing such a powerful flying divine claw, so they made the same movement and stretched out their right hands to Tang San.

As Tang San spoke, he taught everyone how to fit, "The rope of the Flying Divine Claw is only thirty meters long, and the pulling force does not exceed three hundred kilograms. Fatty, remember not to be overweight."

"With Xiaofeng's Gluttony Soul Skill, it's impossible to be overweight in this life." Ma Hongjun said carelessly, "Hey, with the Flying Divine Claw and Xiaofeng's Shunpo, you can go anywhere in the world! "

"If you fall from a cliff more than 100 meters away, neither the Flying Divine Claw nor Shunpo can protect you." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "Fat man, hurry up and break through level 30 to get a soul skill that can fly. Look, Zhuqing and Rongrong’s soul power is almost catching up with yours.”

Ma Hongjun said sadly: "I don't want to be overtaken, but it is not so easy to break through the first level of a soul master. Level 30 requires opportunity."

While playing with the Feitian Divine Claw in his hand, Dai Mubai couldn't help but said: "Xiaosan, I really don't know what the structure of your brain is, but you can even think of such a thing."

Seeing Tang San with a wry smile on his face, Wang Xiaofeng touched the rather delicate Flying Divine Claw, squinted his eyes, and thought to himself: It seems that Tang San's world technology is not much worse than that of his previous life, maybe he can use it when traveling and transporting goods. A wooden cow and a stray horse.

Time passed very quickly, and the two-month rest period was over in the blink of an eye. Shrek Academy was originally bought by Flanders, and there was nothing valuable.

None of the teachers objected to the master's proposal. Seeing that the agreed time was coming, under Flanders' order, everyone packed up and prepared to set off for Tiandou Royal Academy.

Of course, before that, everyone must accept the master's assessment.

"The assessment is very simple, just to check the progress of your soul power cultivation." The master touched it from his waist, and two crystal balls appeared in his hands. He glanced at the eight people and said lightly.

"You have all broken through a level before in Soul Fighting. Two months is enough for you to take a step further on this basis."

"Which of you comes first?"

"Master, I'll do it." Dai Mubai stood up without hesitation, probably because he was the captain of the Shrek team and wanted to show off his achievements in the past two months.

The master placed the crystal ball in his right hand in front of Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai slowly poured his soul power into it, and suddenly the entire crystal was filled with bright light.

"Well, that's right. If you keep up this progress, your soul power will be able to break through to level 40 in less than three months."

Dai Mubai showed a smile, living up to his two months of hard training.

"The second one, I'll do it." Tang San smiled slightly, walked forward, stretched out his right hand and placed it on the crystal ball, directly injecting his own Xuan Tian Gong internal energy into it.

The bright white light appeared again, although it was not as intense as Dai Mubai's, and it was much dimmer in comparison.

"Level 33! Mistress, you must have suffered a lot these days."

"Not bad." Tang San replied with a smile, and walked back to the team amidst Xiao Wu's happy voice.

"Is this the protagonist of the world? He rose from level 29 to level 33 in four months. He must be a cheater." Wang Xiaofeng looked at Tang San speechlessly. As expected, Lao Jin was defeated by the cheater.

Everyone tested forward one by one. Except for Oscar, who made average progress, everyone else made great progress. They did not waste the past two months.

"Xiao Feng, what are you thinking about? You are the only one left without a test." Oslo poked Wang Xiaofeng to wake him up from his thoughts.

"Oh, it's coming." Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his wrist and mobilized a little soul power to inject it into the crystal ball.

In an instant, the crystal ball burst into white light, and every corner of the crystal was filled with intense light. Even the sun was not as bright as this light. The dazzling light was clearly a symbol of reaching level 40.

"Well, you Xiaofeng, you are talking about a balance between work and rest, so that we can relax our vigilance. Once the results are tested, tell me, are you ready to see our surprises?" Oscar said angrily.

"No, I..."

"Stop talking. Explanation is just a cover-up."


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