Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 148: Three Minutes of Life and Death (Cultivation)

"Master, how... is this possible!" Flanders looked at Meng Li who was safe and sound in surprise and said in disbelief.

The master's gaze became a little deeper, looking at Meng Li who seemed to be in a violent state, and said lightly: "This shows that the thin layer of soul power on his body is equivalent to the defense of the third soul skill, so Zhuge Only a divine crossbow can't break it."

"Aren't the children in danger? No, I have to stop the game." Flender unconsciously summoned his soul power, and the spectators around him felt their bodies sink and it was difficult to breathe.

Flanders immediately noticed several eyes staring at him, and then he calmly put away his soul power.

The heavy pressure passed away in a flash, and the audience just thought that the game was too exciting, which caused them to have an illusion.

"Don't panic. Although the violent giant bear soul master fell into a violent state for some reason, it was obvious that he did it at a certain price. He should have absorbed the blood not only to enhance his soul power, but also to replenish his body. The role of blood."

"And the wounds on his body have not recovered. He just sealed them with soul power. As long as Xiaosan is smarter and interrupts his current state, he can easily win."

Listening to the master's words, Flender's mood gradually calmed down. Yes, Tang San's self-created footwork was indeed good at hiding. Zhao Wuji was shown his scalp numbly at the beginning.

But his heart was still hanging on, and his eyes were fixed on the Soul Fighting Platform. As long as there is any dangerous situation on the field, he will fight to be chased by the big spirit fighting field and save the children from Meng Li.

"The seven treasures have names, one is called strength, and the other is called speed."

"Phoenix FireWire!"

"White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

The people who were amplified did not waste their soul power at all. Meng Li, who was still enjoying the pleasure of life, was enveloped in flames and explosions the next moment.

The smoke was thick, but Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who were standing at the front, did not dare to let down their guard.

Sure enough, the blood-red soul power exploded instantly, dispersing the smoke, and the intact Meng Li showed a bloodthirsty smile, "Blood, I want blood!"

The three-meter-tall Meng Li showed speed that was completely inconsistent with his size. Before Dai Mubai could react, a huge bear paw had already slapped him on the body.


Dai Mubai's body was instantly shot dozens of meters away, flying towards the outside of the field like a cannonball.

Only Zhu Zhuqing reacted, and with a flash of figure, accompanied by a slight explosion, he stood behind Dai Mubai in the blink of an eye, helping him to relieve his strength.

After swatting Dai Mubai away, Meng Li inevitably stopped on the spot, and this opportunity was seized by Tang San.

"The third soul skill, Blue Silver Cage."

Tang San's first move was the third soul skill, because he knew that with the ordinary blue silver grass blessed by the first soul skill alone, he couldn't even get close to the bloody soul power on Meng Li's body.

The blue silver grass became very hard under the third soul skill. The blood red blue silver grass quickly grew out from Meng Li's feet. Under Tang San's control, the blue silver grass did not form a cage, but entangled Meng Li's body bound him tightly.

And some tiny seeds fell on Meng Li's wound inadvertently, and a few golden awns fell on his limbs together.


With crackling sounds, the Bluesilver Grass kept breaking, and Meng Li was able to break free easily.

Xiao Wu also took the opportunity to get close, and activated her third soul skill teleportation. Her body suddenly appeared behind Meng Li, her legs wrapped around Meng Li's waist, and her waist bow was activated.

But what Xiao Wu didn't expect was that her waist bow couldn't pull Meng Li, as if she was pulling a huge mountain.

Before Xiao Wu gave up the attack, the blood-red soul power exploded instantly, knocking her away.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San pulled the blue silver grass with his right hand, allowing Xiao Wu to land safely on the ground. But in an instant, Xiao Wu teleported away from the place, and a deep pit immediately appeared where Xiao Wu was. .

"Even the Dragon Beard Needle is useless against him?" Tang San frowned, his Purple Demon Eyes were turned to full capacity, and he could barely catch Meng Li's figure.

Meng Li seemed to have fallen into a certain state. He did not use any soul skills but fought more and more ferociously. His fighting instinct was ridiculously strong. The gap in soul power between Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing was too huge, and they were injured quickly. This also greatly increased the pressure on Xiao Wu and Tang The burden of three, if the two of them didn't have a perfect tacit understanding, they would not be able to hold on long ago.

"Damn it, if I had known it, Xiaofeng would have come up. At least it would be of some use." Oscar looked pale and was supported by Ning Rongrong as he stood on the edge of the spirit fighting arena. For the first time, he felt that he was very useless.

The phantom intestine has no effect on Meng Li. Whether it is invisible or phantom, Meng Li can find his true body instantly, so it is very dangerous for Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing to contain him.

Although Tang San was able to interrupt Meng Li's offensive in time with his Purple Demon Eye operating to the limit, the blood holes in his body also sprouted blood again under the blue silver grass-parasitism.

But other than that, whether it was Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Flame, Dai Mubai's White Tiger's Fierce Light Wave, Zhu Zhuqing's Netherworld Hundred Claws or Xiao Wu's soft skills, they could not cause any injuries to him. He could only constantly find the right opportunity to hit. Interrupt his offensive and delay Meng Li's explosive period.

The battle on the field also reached a fever pitch. Without the constant supply of blood, Meng Li's momentum began to gradually decline.

Tang San silently estimated that at this rate of decline, it would only take one more minute, until Meng Li's bloody soul power disappeared...

But things began to develop in the opposite direction of what Tang San thought.

Meng Li's beast instinct was focused on Tang San, who was constantly harassing him. Being familiar with everyone's tricks, he went out of his way, burst out his soul power, and rushed directly towards Tang San.

Tang San didn't dare to be careless, and while using the blue silver grass to hinder Meng Li, he stepped on the ghost shadow and retreated to the side.

Unfortunately, Meng Li's speed exceeded Tang San's imagination. The blue silver grass could not keep up with Meng Li's figure, and the phantom created by the ghostly shadow could not blind Meng Li's beast intuition. Tang San only had time to protect it with the Eight Spider Spears. Himself, the next moment, a bear paw slapped on the sharp spider legs.

"Boom!" The Eight Spider Spears and Bear Palms made a huge explosion.

As everyone watched in disbelief, Tang San spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and the Eight Spider Spears shattered.

Meng Li also felt uncomfortable. The bear paw on his right hand was cut off by the sharp Eight Spider Spear, leaving only two fingers. There were also few pieces of meat left on his arm. The blood on his lower body also turned purple, but he seemed not to feel it at all. Painfully, while laughing loudly, he raised his left palm and slapped Tang San who was lying on the ground heavily.

"Brother!" Xiao Wu kept urging the third soul skill, but unfortunately the soul skill had a cooling time, so she could only watch the bear's paw fall.

"Netherworld...White Tiger!"

Meng Li sensed the danger behind him, turned his body subconsciously, and used the power of rotation to slap his left palm backwards.


The powerful soul power continued to wreak havoc on the field. After the two sides were in a stalemate for a second, Meng Li couldn't hold on anymore, and his whole body was slammed into the floor tiles by the Netherworld White Tiger.

However, the Netherworld White Tiger disappeared instantly after launching this attack. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing appeared on the soul fighting stage at the same time. Both of them were in very bad condition at this time. They both exhausted their soul power and passed out.

"Blood, blood!" A crooked figure stood up from the pit again.

"No, you're not dead yet!" Ma Hongjun dragged the unconscious Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing away quickly.

Meng Li looked very miserable, his left arm showed irregular twists, and blood was constantly coming out of his body. The blood-red soul power also disappeared, but he still stood up and faced Tang San, who was severely injured and unable to move. Go.


A burst of blood mist exploded from Meng Li's eyes, and four shadows flew out of his brain. Meng Li, a monster who could not die in the eyes of everyone, fell down in such a dramatic way.


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