Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 152 Test (Part 2) (Revision)

"Okay, okay, everyone is tired from the journey. Let's go back and have a rest." The good old man Xin Xin interrupted the quarrel between the two and drove them back to the room. He felt ashamed that he still looked like a young man even at his age.

It was indeed getting late, so everyone separated one by one, found their own rooms and rested directly.

I have been traveling for the past few days, and my physical strength is not much of a problem, but my energy has been exhausted a lot. After all, running from morning to night has been too boring these days. Wang Xiaofeng washed up hastily, and as soon as he lay down on the soft bed, his eyelids began to tremble, and he fell into a deep sleep after a while.

"Chi chi chi chi."

The sound of birdsong came from the window, and Wang Xiaofeng, who was awakened, yawned sleepily and sat up from the bed, stretching.

After washing up a little, Wang Xiaofeng followed the scent to the kitchen, and happened to meet Tang San and Qin Ming.

"Xiaosan, if only my students were as diligent as you." Qin Ming praised calmly.

"No matter what, I'm just a stupid bird flying first, and my talent is much worse than Xiaofeng and the others." Tang San showed a very honest-looking smile.

Tang San was a little confused as to why Qin Ming kept praising him so early in the morning. After all, it was impossible for Huang Dou to be so big without even a single diligent student. After all, soul power could not be generated out of thin air.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the two chatting awkwardly and smiled. Qin Ming must have heard about what happened yesterday afternoon from Sun Buyu, so in order to save the image of Tiandou Royal Academy, he caught Tang chatting.

After all, Tang San was not only the soul of the Shrek team, but also the master's disciple, so his status was naturally higher.

Everyone in Shrek Wang Academy got up one after another. While everyone was having breakfast, Qin Ming briefly introduced the personnel structure of Tiandou Royal Academy, so that everyone had a certain understanding of the academy.

To put it simply, students in the academy are divided into three levels: Tianwei level below level 25, Tianzhi level between 25th and 30th level, and Tiandou level above level 30.

The teacher also divided them in this way, but the range became level 40 to level 60.

So the group of blind students that Wang Xiaofeng and the others beat up yesterday were all at the highest level.

"Senior Qin Ming, they are 20 years old and are not even at level 30. Tiandou Royal Academy doesn't care. For example, they just drop out of school like us Shrek." Ma Hongjun asked curiously.

Qin Ming shook his head with a wry smile and said: "How can we control it? After all, the academy is just a place for learning, and the teacher cannot force you to practice. Besides, the factional struggle in the royal family in the academy has been very fierce in recent years, and it is beyond our control. ”

After saying that, Qin Ming sighed. Before, he had imagined that he would be able to use his power to rectify the messy academy after being promoted to a Tiandou-level teacher, but until he found out that this was deliberately given to the prince by the royal family. After their test, he put down his power in frustration and concentrated on teaching the Imperial Battle Team, and no longer interfered with the development of the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

"Well, with the fierce internal fighting in Tiandou Royal Academy, it won't affect the little monsters, right?" Flanders asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Dean Flender, Shrek is a team that will win the championship in two years. The senior management will not let these things disturb you."

Hearing what Qin Ming said, Flender was relieved, "That's good."

After eating breakfast, Qin Ming led everyone towards the interior of Tiandou Academy.

When passing the main campus, Wang Xiaofeng, who was walking at the back of the team, suddenly caught sight of a somewhat familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. But when he turned around to look for it, he couldn't find it again.

"Weird, are you hallucinating?" Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his eyes and once again caught up with the team that was lagging behind.

Soon, Qin Ming led a group of people to a very huge building, "This is the Education Committee, the most important place in Tiandou Royal Academy."

"This, why do I feel like I'm in the Wuhun Palace?" Wang Xiaofeng looked at the building that looked like the Wuhun Palace and complained silently.

"Don't say it yet, it's really similar." Oscar nodded.

As soon as everyone entered the Education Committee, they saw three old men standing in the center of the hall, looking at them with burning eyes.

The three of them were wearing black robes. Although they looked very simple, anyone who was involved in the soul master world knew that these were the exclusive robes specially made by the Wuhun Palace for Contra.

Strong pressure unconsciously came from the three old men. As soon as Wang Xiaofeng stepped within fifty meters of the old men, he felt like an ant under the giant dragon, and his body could not stop trembling.

Ma Hongjun, who was second to last in the team, immediately noticed something strange about Wang Xiaofeng and quickly asked: "Xiaofeng, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Hey, this little guy is a bit interesting." One of the old men's eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to completely restrain his aura. The other two also restrained themselves after seeing it.

Wang Xiaofeng felt that the pressure receded like a tide and was no longer suppressed, so he took a few deep breaths and soon returned to normal.

"Did we find a treasure?" The three old men communicated with their eyes and nodded slightly.

You must know that this situation will not occur under normal circumstances, it is like a blind man touching an elephant. If the high-level soul master does not take the initiative to release his momentum, the low-level soul master will not be able to feel the power of the high-level soul master at all. At most, it will be a little stressful.

In this situation, Wang Xiaofeng obviously noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides, and his body reacted unconsciously.

There are only two reasons for this situation, either one has a very strong mental power, or one has a sixth sense. No matter which one it is, it shows that Wang Xiaofeng is extremely talented.

The group of people walking at the front did not notice that the two people were falling behind, and their minds were completely attracted by the three old men.

Seeing this aura and appearance, Flanders didn't know that the three old men were Contras, so he didn't dare to neglect him. He walked over directly, crossed his hands on his shoulders, and said respectfully: "Shrek Academy Flanders, Seven The 19th-level Battle Soul Saint has met three seniors."

Several teachers from Zhao Wuji also stepped forward and respectfully stated their cultivation and names.

This is like self-introduction in a previous life. Wang Xiaofeng has become accustomed to this kind of introduction after staying here for so long.

Seeing this, the three old men smiled. The old man standing in the middle, who was slightly thin and somewhat immortal, helped Flanders up and said with a smile: "Dean Flanders, you're welcome. I am I have admired the name of Shrek Academy for a long time, and I have always wanted to see what kind of academy Shrek is that can teach a genius like Qin Ming, and now it seems that it is indeed extraordinary."


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