Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 158: Turning the Tide

The dripping venom was visually as big as a fist, and the black part attached to the outside of the green venom evaporated instantly as soon as it came into contact with the air.

Soon, everyone smelled an extremely strong fishy smell.

Tang San was okay, after all, the Tang Sect's mental skills had a certain degree of poison resistance, and the soul rings he absorbed were all poisonous, so he could still bear it.

But others, especially the girls, couldn't stand it anymore, and their faces turned purple. Seeing that the situation was not good, Oscar quickly chanted a spell to summon the detoxifying sausage and distributed it to everyone.

"Damn it, this old guy Dugu Bo really has no good intentions." Looking at the reactions of others, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but feel a little angry.

This was after taking Oscar's detoxifying sausage and Tang San's special detoxifying pills in advance. If he hadn't eaten them, he might have poured one just from the smell.

Even Shrek's teachers retreated one after another, until they felt better after eating Xin Xin's detoxifying jelly beans.

"What a terrifying poison. Dugu Bo is clearly cheating. How could the children resist it?" Flanders scolded angrily.

"Believe in Xiaosan and Xiaofeng, we can only believe in them now." The master said a little lonely.

As a teacher, he cannot protect his students from the wind and rain. The scene before him is a big blow to the master's bad words.

"Yes, it seems you are qualified to accept my move."

Green and somewhat crystal clear venom floated in front of Dugu Bo, looking so harmless to humans and animals, so beautiful.

"Senior Dugu, please give me some advice." Wang Xiaofeng said loudly.

Dugu Bo snorted coldly, waved his hand slightly, and saw that the fist-sized venom instantly turned into an extremely dense poisonous mist, shrouding the eight people.

"Fat man! Mubai!"


Tang San touched the Twenty-Four Bridge on the Moonlit Night from his waist, and he instantly threw the three water bags into the poisonous mist, followed by the White Tiger Fierce Light Wave empowered by White Tiger Shura's transformation, and the Phoenix Fire Wire that became thicker.


The three water bags containing realgar wine were instantly shattered by the white tiger's fierce light wave, and flew apart with the second explosion of the white tiger's fierce light wave. Then Ma Hongjun's phoenix flame came up.

The extremely dense poisonous mist burned in front of the sudden flames, making a series of popping sounds.

The poisonous fog began to fade.

However, as the realgar wine and phoenix flames gradually disappeared, the remaining poisonous mist began to gather together, and turned into the extremely rich poisonous mist at the beginning. Except that the volume was reduced by one-fifth, it was no different from before.

The poisonous mist had already floated in front of Tang San and the others, and it was too late to use realgar wine again to break the poison.


Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai retreated to the back without hesitation, and Tang San also injected most of his soul power into the first soul ring.

"Self-created soul skills, blue silver city wall."


Crazy blue silver grass sprouted from the ground in a steady stream, entwining each other to form three city walls five meters long, one meter wide and five meters high.

"Well done, Mistress." Xiao Wu shouted happily.

The next second, the poisonous mist made a sizzling sound when it hit the thick bluesilver grass on the city wall, like putting sliced ​​potato strips into a boiling oil pan.

The first blue silver city wall only lasted less than a second before being completely corroded, and even Tang San couldn't help but snorted.

"How is that possible?" Xiao Wu was frightened by the poison.

Even Tang San didn't expect that the Bluesilver Grass, which was fused with the poisons of the Datura Snake, Ghost Vine and Bloodthirsty Demon Spider, couldn't resist even for a few seconds.

The second and third buildings did not last for three seconds in total, and were completely corroded one by one. This shows the intensity of the toxicity.

The only good thing is that the poisonous fog is less visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, there are still so many." Tang San wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, suddenly feeling powerless.

"Xiao San, leave the next step to me." Just when the poisonous mist was about to cover Tang San, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly appeared and threw Tang San backward, while his right hand grasped a green gourd at some point. The gourd's mouth was pointed at the poisonous mist.

"Hey, gourd, suck me hard!" Wang Xiaofeng poured every drop of his soul power into his martial spirit.

A powerful suction force instantly appeared from the mouth of the green gourd. The poisonous mist flying in the sky began to spin inexplicably as if it had met its nemesis, and the other end suddenly turned into a thin long snake, which was swept by Wang Xiaofeng's The gourd sucked it in obediently.

If Tang San was the first layer of protection, then Wang Xiaofeng was the most important and last layer of protection.

The time came to five minutes ago...

"Xiao Feng, are you sure you want to do this?" Tang San looked very serious.

"Hey, what's the big deal? If you exchange it for thirteen, you'll make a profit without losing anything." Wang Xiaofeng said nonchalantly.

"However, the martial spirit and oneself influence each other, this..."

"Don't worry, I have a way to refine it, and isn't this the final insurance? Don't be so pessimistic, maybe the realgar wine will break the phosphorus poison."

"…I hope so."

As the green gourd continued to absorb it, the green poisonous mist became visible to the naked eye.

However, I don't know if it was because he had absorbed too much poisonous mist. The originally green gourd was dyed green, and Wang Xiaofeng also began to shake.

"No, Xiaofeng has been poisoned." What Tang San was most worried about happened. As soon as the live sound fell, Wang Xiaofeng's body tilted and fell to the ground.

As Wang Xiaofeng fell into coma, the Green Gourd Martial Spirit in his hand also disappeared, and the remaining small part that had not been absorbed by the poisonous mist enveloped Chao Wang Xiaofeng with unabated force.

"Don't even think about succeeding, Phoenix FireWire!"

The burning flames immediately isolated the poisonous mist from Wang Xiaofeng.

Tang San took this opportunity to put an antidote pill into Wang Xiaofeng's mouth, but it seemed to have no effect. Wang Xiaofeng's body began to slowly turn green visibly to the naked eye.

"Not good!" Tang San quickly tapped a few acupuncture points, causing Wang Xiaofeng to fall into a state of suspended animation. Otherwise, when the Jade Phosphorus Snake King's poison penetrates deeply into the internal organs, it will really be hopeless.

After temporarily solving Wang Xiaofeng's troubles, the remaining small amount of poisonous mist did not bother everyone. After using realgar wine again to burn away the little poisonous mist, everyone felt like they were surviving a disaster.

"Okay! What a realgar wine to break the poison. Boy, what's your name?" Dugu Bo said, clapped his hands lightly.

"Junior Tang San." Tang San said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Tang San, what a Tang San." Dugu Bo glanced at the unconscious Wang Xiaofeng, "Find a geomantic treasure place and bury your companion properly."

After saying that, he took Dugu Yan and disappeared from everyone's eyes.


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