Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 162 The last piece of the golden iron triangle puzzle

"Since Boss Dai said so, I will reluctantly make a good start." Ma Hongjun pretended to step forward, and as soon as he put his hand on the crystal ball, the crystal ball suddenly shone like a light bulb.

"Fat man, have you reached level 30?" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but say.

"Hey, keep a low profile." Ma Hongjun waved his hand, saying that he actually didn't want to be in the limelight.

"Yes, he is a good youngster." Teacher Xu has been teaching for many years, and it can be seen that Ma Hongjun is not more than fifteen years old at all.

Soon, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward to measure their soul power.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine. Not bad, not bad. It seems that our Lanba Academy has the hope of winning the next elite competition." Seeing that the others did not move, Teacher Xu said doubtfully: "Don't stop, the next one .”

"Teacher Xu, I don't think we need that anymore." As soon as Dai Mubai finished speaking, there was an astonishing wave of soul power not far away.

"How about we just look at the soul rings like them."

"Could it be that you..." Teacher Xu seemed to have thought of something and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Dai Mubai chuckled and said: "Brothers, open the soul ring and show Teacher Xu our Shrek's strength."

"Drink, the martial spirit will take possession of you."

Except for Wang Xiaofeng, the other four people showed their impressive talents in an instant.

As the martial spirit was summoned, eight hundred-year-old yellow soul rings and four thousand-year-old purple soul rings appeared in front of Teacher Xu.

"Teacher Xu, did we pass?" Dai Mubai's voice woke up Teacher Xu.

Teacher Xu took a deep breath, "Of course, if none of you can pass, then no one at Lanba Academy can pass."

Teacher Xu was so frightened by the scene before him that he subconsciously ignored Wang Xiaofeng behind Dai Mubai.

The teacher's assessment seemed to be faster. After Teacher Xu briefly explained some things that new students need to pay attention to, Flanders and the others were waiting aside.

"Teacher, luckily you have lived up to your mission." Ma Hongjun said with a smile.

"You really gave me a surprise." Flanders pinched Ma Hongjun's fat face. He didn't expect that his disciple would break through to level 30 without making a move. It was really a shame.

"Teacher Xu, what are the test results?" asked the middle-aged man at the head.

"Very good, even if we let them directly participate in the elite competition, there will be no problem." Teacher Xu nodded and said, "Where are you here?"

"We can't make an assessment, it needs to be decided by the dean."

Teacher Xu glanced at Shrek and his group who were taking the test in surprise. She knew that the only condition for the dean to make a decision was to be over level 60.

Unexpectedly, Mo's humble assessment would result in a deep-water giant crocodile exploding.

"Everyone, please come with me."

The three teachers from Lanba Academy walked in front, leading Shrek and his group out of this rough-style building, and then walked directly along a side path to the back of the academy.

Soon, everyone entered the forest outside the main campus.

"Hey, where's Director Ma?" Ma Hongjun asked belatedly.

"Director Ma has completed his recruitment task. Next, I will lead you to meet the dean of our Lanba College." The leading middle-aged man said.

The forest area was obviously better than the main campus. At least Tang San and Xiao Wu were obviously smiling happily.

"It's pretty good to practice here." Xiao Wu said happily.

"Yes." Tang San nodded, the soul power in his body obviously becoming more active.

Oscar touched his stomach and suddenly said: "Hey, are you hungry? Why don't you eat a few Oscar brand dense sausages."

Although everyone had breakfast, they had been on the road today. It was almost time to sit down and rest, so it was no wonder that Oscar felt hungry.

"When you say that, I'm a little hungry too." Ning Rongrong touched her soft belly.

Oscar couldn't wait to summon the sausage, and also took out a small jar from the soul guide, opened it gently, and a strong smell began to come out.

"It smells so good, what is it?" Xiao Wu twitched her bunny nose and pulled Tang San to the back of the team.

"Come and try my special big sausage, paired with Xiaofeng's secret sauce, it's absolutely delicious."

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up. Wang Xiaofeng's secret sauce was a very rare thing. They had already finished the sauce in their hands, and only Oscar had a little left.

"Hey, you guys are holding my things and still tempting me. Isn't that a little too much? I'm still a wounded person." Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but cursed.

But that weak tone didn't sound intimidating at all.

The other people looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Soon, under Wang Xiaofeng's sad and angry eyes, everyone quickly finished the small jar of sauce.

"It's delicious. I didn't expect Brother Feng to be quite good at making sauces." Ning Rongrong licked her pink lips, expressing that she couldn't eat enough.

"Brother Feng, next time you make sauce, please make more sauce." Xiao Wu shook Wang Xiaofeng's arm and said hopefully.

"Go to sleep, you will have everything in your dreams." As soon as Wang Xiaofeng finished speaking, he felt a pain in his arm.

"What, I didn't seem to hear clearly."

"No problem, I'll give you a can next time."

"That's pretty much it."

While everyone was playing around, time passed quickly and inadvertently.

Unknowingly, they had gone deep into the dense forest. Suddenly, a faint singing voice came from the front.

Everyone couldn't help but stop when they heard the singing. Although the singing was not good, it contained such lingering resentment that even Wang Xiaofeng felt a little numb. What a miserable experience it was to have such rich emotions.

Tang San and Ma Hongjun saw the master standing in front of him trembling. Flanders also burst into tears, and asked in unison: "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." The master finally calmed down and looked at Flanders angrily, "Flanders, it turns out you made arrangements a long time ago."

"The advertisement has been hanging for more than a month, Lanba Academy! Okay, it's really good." Suddenly, the master turned around and was about to run away, but Flanders grabbed his arm.

"Xiao Gang, you have been running away for twenty years, how long will you continue to run away!"

"Flanders, let me go." The master struggled desperately.

"Okay, you have decided, then you go." Flanders suddenly let go of his hand, "Even the children dare to face the titled Douluo, Yu Xiaogang, as their teacher, you are afraid of a woman, Shrek doesn’t have a useless teacher like you!”


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