Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 169 Preparations before Obtaining the Soul Ring

After eating and drinking, everyone walked back to Lanba Academy and went back to their dormitories, ready to start practicing at night.

However, Wang Xiaofeng did not leave and stopped Flanders who was about to leave.

"What tricks are you trying to do?" Flanders said with a bad look on his face, "Let's talk about it first. If you don't need money, you need your life."

"Look what you said, I'm the kind of person who likes to trick people." Wang Xiaofeng chuckled, as if he wasn't the one who tricked Flanders just now.

Seeing Flanders getting more and more angry, Wang Xiaofeng didn't dare to be shy and said quickly: "Dean, I have broken through to level 40."

"What!" Flanders was shocked, "Weren't you only level 39 before?"

"Dean, I'm not joking. If you don't believe me, look at it." Wang Xiaofeng exploded the soul power in his body, "I was lucky, I accidentally broke through."

"Okay, I finally have some good news these days." Flanders was very happy, "Your kid still has two months to go before he turns fifteen."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded and said: "To be precise, it should be two months and five days before I turn fifteen."

"Hey, you should be the fastest in Shrek's history to break through level 40. It's hard to say that there will never be anyone else, but it's probably very difficult for anyone to break through this record."

"Don't be impatient. We have just come to Tiandou City and are not very familiar with the surrounding area. We will wait until the master figures out the surrounding spirit beasts before helping you obtain the spirit ring." Although Flender knew that Wang Xiaofeng was not the impatient type. People, but still warned.

Wang Xiaofeng said: "Don't worry, Dean, I understand."

In the next few days, Wang Xiaofeng was familiar with the environment of Lanba Academy.

Liu Erlong was worthy of possessing the Fire Dragon Martial Spirit, and he acted very decisively. He quickly took down the Lanba Academy plaque at the gate and replaced it with Shrek's old and broken plaque.

I heard that new plaques are being made, so I took the old ones first in case of emergency.

Seeing the familiar plaque hanging, veteran students Wang Xiaofeng, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar suddenly felt a sense of confusion in time and space, and unknowingly began to feel a sense of belonging to this unfamiliar new college.

However, Wang Xiaofeng and the others felt comfortable, but others were unhappy.

Shrek Academy, advanced class.

"Boss Tailong, Dean Liu Erlong must have been bewitched, otherwise why would he suddenly do such a thing." A young man said irritably. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with the fact that Lanba Academy was renamed Shrek Academy. .

"Yes, Boss Tailong, and I heard that Dean Liu Erlong wants those people to infiltrate our advanced class." Others said one after another.

The person everyone calls Boss Tai Lung is a young man who looks to be about twenty-four years old. He is about one meter eight tall and has a build as strong as a copper wall. His short red hair makes him look very energetic.

Tai Long said calmly: "What else can we do? You know that is the order from Dean Liu Erlong. Do you dare to oppose her opinion?"

Everyone shook their heads quickly and joked, that was Dean Liu Erlong. If they dared to raise objections, they would have to stay in the hospital for the next month.

"Hey, Boss Tailong, I suddenly have a good idea." A thin young man suddenly said, "If we defeat those transfer students, will it prove that they are not strong enough to enter the advanced class?"

"Then what?"

The thin young man said confidently: "Then we not only proved the strength of Lanba Academy, but also allowed Dean Liu Erlong to see their true colors, killing two birds with one stone."

"Well, that makes sense." Tai Long slapped his hand on the table, "Okay, let's find a suitable time and let these transfer students see who is the boss of Lanba Academy."

"Boss Tailong, this is Shrek Academy. If Dean Liu Erlong hears this, you will be in trouble." A sturdy young man reminded from the side.

"Ahem, I'm talking about Shrek Academy." Tai Lung said calmly.


A few days later, Flender and Grandmaster finally figured out the situation at Lanba Academy.

Grandmaster and Flender looked at the terrible financial statements in front of them with a headache. If it weren't for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Blue Tyrant Academy would have collapsed long ago.

Flanders looked at the bright red deficit and said helplessly: "Sister Long, it's really a big thank you to you that Lanba Academy has been able to last so long in your hands."

Liu Erlong looked at the master and said affectionately: "As long as I can help Xiaogang, it won't be hard for me at all."

The master said with a headache: "Flender, even if you invest the money you won before into the academy, it will only last for a year or two at most, so we must find a way to make money."

Shrek Academy must cut off contact with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, otherwise Shrek's lifeline will still be in the hands of others, which is detrimental to Shrek who wants long-term development.

"There are many ways to make money, but it's very troublesome to turn Shrek from red to green." Flanders pinched his brows to relieve his fatigue.

"By the way, I've been so busy these days that I forgot to tell you that Xiaofeng's soul power has been raised to level 40." Flanders seemed to have just remembered and clapped his hands and said.

"I'm having a headache. Where can I get a soul ring for him?"

Liu Erlong said: "Students in our academy usually go to the Soul Hunting Forest in Wuhun Palace to obtain soul rings. It is not far from our Shrek Academy, only more than fifty kilometers away."

"Forget about the Soul Hunting Forest, there are very few thousand-level soul beasts there." The master thought for a while, "How about going to the Sunset Forest, there are quite a few high-level soul beasts there."

"But, if you meet Dugu Bo..."

"Xiao San has obviously made some kind of deal with Dugu Bo. Before the deal is completed, Dugu Bo will not do anything to us." The master said lightly, "Moreover, Hong Jun's child's martial spirit needs to be carefully planned and cannot be let go." He's wasting his talent."

Wang Xiaofeng and others stayed in the dormitory for several days. Apart from practicing in the mimetic training environment and wandering around the campus, they were almost impatient. Finally, one bright morning, Flanders knocked on everyone's door.

Flanders looked at the seven people in front of him and said: "Your situation has been arranged. You will enter the advanced class to study together."

"But unlike others, you only need to take classes in the morning and make your own arrangements in the afternoon. Of course, you can spend your time eating, drinking and having fun. I will never remind you that the master will be there every month At the end of the month, you will be assessed accordingly.”

Flanders ignored everyone's ugly expressions and reminded: "It's less than half an hour before class. Remember to have breakfast before going to class. Also, don't get lost."

"I knew the dean had no good intentions."

As soon as Flanders dismissed the team, everyone dispersed.


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