Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 173 The Peeper in the Dark Night

Ma Hongjun wondered: "I can understand the sentient soul beasts, but what the hell are water soul beasts and fire soul beasts?"

Wang Xiaofeng laughed, "Hahaha, don't I feel a little lacking in attack skills? By then we will have graduated and we will be separated. Without Mubai and you to fight in front, my small body cannot withstand it."

Ma Hongjun complained: "You are still small, so I am as brittle as paper."

Ignoring Ma Hongjun's complaints, Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "Time flies so fast. I just entered the college at level 23, and now I'm about to graduate in the blink of an eye."

"I know, you came here specifically to attack me."


It's very close from Tiandou City to Sunset Forest, only about a hundred kilometers.

If the Soul Hunting Forest controlled by Wuhun Palace can be considered a primary dungeon, then the Sunset Forest can be said to be an intermediate dungeon.

The highest-level soul beast known here is a 50,000-year-old Violent Ape King. No one except Contra dares to approach the central area.

Of course, Wang Xiaofeng and the others don't need to get close, after all, it's not the seventh soul ring they lack.

Due to its proximity to Tiandou City, the number of soul beasts here was much smaller than that of the Star Dou Forest. The master led the three of them around the perimeter, but they did not see a few soul beasts that were over a thousand years old.

Liu Erlong's ears twitched. The Fire Dragon Spirit gave her a powerful physical quality, and she could not escape her perception within a hundred meters.

"There is a stream ahead, Xiaogang, take a rest first and look for it later."

Ma Hongjun and Wang Xiaofeng were not tired. After all, their physical fitness was there, but the master was a little unable to hold on.

Usually when he was walking long distances, Flanders would support him with his soul power, but now he didn't want to be supported by Liu Erlong, so he felt a little cramped in his legs after not exercising for a long time.

However, the master's expression did not change, and he showed no sign of exhaustion. He nodded and said: "Hongjun and Xiaofeng should be tired too, so let's rest first. I also need to re-plan the route."

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun snickered on the side, and without saying anything, they quickly cleared an open space around them, then took out the tent from the soul guide and quickly set it up.

The master sprinkled some medicinal powder around to prevent the infestation of mosquitoes, rats, ants, and snakes.

Liu Erlong caught a few fish from the stream and prepared to make a pot of fish soup later.

After Wang Xiaofeng set up the two tents, Ma Hongjun had already lit the bonfire with his Phoenix Flame.

Wang Xiaofeng said in confusion: "Master, isn't it possible to light a fire in the wild?"

The master nodded, "Yes, lighting a flame in the wild can easily attract some light-seeking soul beasts, so we generally don't light a fire."

"But our target this time has several spirit beasts that like flames, so we made a bonfire to attract them."

"And with Erlong here, you don't have to worry about your own safety."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded with sudden realization.

As night gradually approached, Wang Xiaofeng discovered that bonfires had another benefit, which was to keep out the cold.

Tiandou City is located in the north, and the temperature is not as hot as Soto City. The temperature drops sharply at night, making it unbearably cold.

I didn't feel much of it when I was staying in the dormitory before, but now when I stay in the forest, the cold low temperature is very obvious.

Although the dinner was not very sumptuous, there were so many demands in the wild. Wang Xiaofeng was very satisfied with just a sip of hot soup.

After eating and drinking, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun went to patrol the surrounding area and made some simple warning traps.

After Liu Erlong disposed of the remaining food, he went directly into the tent. The master looked at the tent in front of him and was a little afraid to go in.

"Forget it, just go to bed later." The master gritted his teeth and got into the tent.

"Hey, Erlong, don't..."

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun, who were on patrol, naturally didn't know the master's situation at this time, but as they were far away from the two teachers, Ma Hongjun's chat box suddenly opened up.

"Xiao Feng, what do you think is the relationship between Master and Teacher Erlong? Why do they feel like a couple, and something is wrong."

"How do I know? I'm not a master." Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes, "But Xiaosan may know."

Ma Hongjun smacked his lips, "Speaking of Xiao San, why did he suddenly study with Dugu Bo? You know, Dugu Bo severely insulted our Shrek and almost caused you to die. If it were me, I would definitely I won’t forgive him.”

"The Titled Douluo wants to accept you as his disciple, do you still have the ability to resist?" Wang Xiaofeng paused, "Furthermore, Dugu Bo's poisonous skills are unpredictable. Apart from Xiao San, I can't think of anyone in the world who is more suitable. "

"That's right, Xiaosan is also a master of poison." Ma Hongjun said enthusiastically: "One time I accidentally touched Xiaosan's Eight Spider Spear, what a guy..."

The patrol didn't take long, but placing the warning traps was a bit troublesome.

Dai Mubai and Tang San were usually responsible for these things, but suddenly it was Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun's turn to do it, which made them feel a little confused.

By the time the two of them finished patrolling, the bonfire in the camp had already dimmed a lot.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the dry firewood placed aside and filled in some more.

Ma Hongjun had already gone into the tent to rest, but Wang Xiaofeng planned to stay overnight and wake Ma Hongjun up in the middle of the night.

A crescent moon hangs quietly on the southwest horizon. The trees in the sunset forest are not that dense. The cold moonlight shines on the earth, and the shadows of the trees become darker and darker.

A tall figure kept jumping between the trees. Suddenly its ears twitched and it stopped.

It climbed to the highest point of the tree, and its eyes were as bright as light bulbs. It quickly passed through the trees and landed on a burning bonfire.


The black shadow immediately showed an excited smile, found the right direction, and flew towards the bonfire.

Wang Xiaofeng was closing his eyes, feeling every bit of soul power in his body. Every night, his soul power was very active, and he was thinking about whether he could use this characteristic to develop a technique.

While Wang Xiaofeng was thinking silently, a sharp sound broke through the air suddenly from behind his head.

Wang Xiaofeng jumped aside subconsciously.


A stone as big as a washbasin suddenly hit his original position.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly said: "If there is a situation, please be careful."

Ma Hongjun crawled out of the tent sleepily, and a phoenix flame burned the campfire more and more vigorously. However, whether it was his imagination or not, the darkness around him seemed to become more intense.

Another tent.

"Erlong, there is a situation..."

"I don't care, just stay with me."


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