Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 185 Recuperation

"Erlong, did that kid Hongjun make you angry again?" The master limped into the cave along the stairs that Liu Erlong had smashed with his fist.

Sure enough, as soon as he came in, he saw an obvious humanoid mark on the wall. The master shook his head. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Fa Wang Xiaofeng who was held in Liu Erlong's arms and couldn't move.

"Xiao Feng, you kid is finally awake." The master twitched the corner of his mouth without showing a smile, but a little joy could still be seen in his eyes.

Ever since he saw Wang Xiaofeng unconscious, the master felt no less guilty than Liu Erlong. After all, he was responsible for all the actions. At this time, Wang Xiaofeng could be seen waking up, and his guilt had dissipated a lot.

The appearance of the master attracted Liu Erlong's attention, which reduced her strength a lot. Wang Xiaofeng quickly took the opportunity to break away, and Liu Erlong's huge strength almost strangled him to death.

"Ahem, I just woke up not long ago. Master, how are your injuries?" Wang Xiaofeng secretly rubbed his chest.

Liu Erlong is worthy of being the owner of the Fire Dragon Spirit. Not only is she powerful, but her body is as hard as a steel plate. No wonder the master has been avoiding her.

Wang Xiaofeng, who thought he had guessed the truth, couldn't help but smile inexplicably.

When the master heard Wang Xiaofeng asking about his injury, he thought he was happy to see him in good condition, so he said: "With Erlong's medicine, I have recovered well, and I can return to the academy after a few more days of training."

The master's exposed skin was covered with bandages, not to mention the inside of his clothes. It was obvious that the master's injury was not as easy as he said.

Wang Xiaofeng joked: "It's good to practice for a few days, otherwise you will have to face the end-of-month assessment as soon as you return."

"I've only been in class for a few days. I'm afraid it's impossible to pass the exam."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten." The master nodded, "Special circumstances will be handled with special care. You can prepare for the make-up exam with peace of mind when you go back this time."

"No, Master!!"

Ma Hongjun, who had been lying on the ground pretending to be deaf, suddenly let out a cry of grief and indignation.

It was very cold in the Sunset Forest at night. In order not to attract the duel between Yunxi Qingniao and the three of them, the previous tents were all thrown into the camp and confiscated.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng found this cave, which not only provided shelter from the wind and rain, but also maintained the temperature. Otherwise, the master's physical condition would not have lasted long in the cold wind.

"Ah, Teacher Erlong's skills are getting better and better." Wang Xiaofeng took a sip of the soup and suddenly felt that his whole body was warm.

Although Liu Erlong's cooking skills are not as good as the master's, they are still first-class. Now that the master has limited mobility, Liu Erlong has to handle all three meals.

For the sake of your own stomach, you can eat delicious food for free by saying a few nice words for free. Is there anything more profitable than this?

"If it's delicious, please eat more." Liu Erlong smiled and put a spoonful of meat into Wang Xiaofeng's bowl.

"I can also say nice things," Ma Hongjun whispered.

"Teacher Erlong, the soup you made is so delicious that I almost swallowed my tongue."

"Well, it seems that my craftsmanship really can't be advanced, right?" Liu Erlong smiled and filled the master's bowl.

Ma Hongjun's bowl in mid-air suddenly froze. This script is wrong, shouldn't it be full for me?

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Okay, fat man, you should eat less. You can't eat without restraint just because you are thinner because of the martial soul."

Ma Hongjun curled his lips, "Isn't there another soul skill - gluttony? The more you eat, the better your health will be."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, pointed at the cauldron and said: "Overeating only speeds up digestion and improves digestion efficiency. Essentially, your stomach is still so big, so you'd better eat less."

"Okay." Ma Hongjun glanced at the big pot that didn't have much left, and then put the bowl down in a sullen voice.

At this time, Wang Xiaofeng drank the seventh bowl, the master drank the second bowl, and Ma Hongjun had already finished the sixteenth bowl.

He ate most of the food in the pot. Wang Xiaofeng can no longer steal Ma Hongjun, who has learned to eat gluttonously.

After eating and drinking, the master returned to the bottom of the cave to rest, while Liu Erlong went to clean up the food residue.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun started chatting without saying a word.

Wang Xiaofeng threw a piece of wood into the fire and asked curiously: "Fat man, why did you change so much after absorbing the third soul ring? Could it be that the soul beast of the Phoenix bloodline really improved your martial soul so much?" ?”

According to his speculation, Ma Hongjun should have such obvious changes after absorbing the ten thousand year spirit ring. The thousand year spirit ring should not have such an exaggerated effect.

Although the third soul ring is the first threshold in a soul master's practice, to be honest, the fifth and seventh soul rings should be the baptism that can transform a soul master.

Because the limit of the fifth spirit ring is ten thousand years, the spirit rings produced by spirit beasts that are more than ten thousand years old are simply not comparable to the hundred-thousand-year spirit rings.

"Hehe, actually I don't quite understand." Ma Hongjun was stunned for a moment, and then said with a silly smile: "But before absorbing Yunxi Jade Bird's soul ring, Teacher Erlong took out an earthen tile from the soul guide, with something on it. A few drops of red liquid, I drank those few drops before I started to absorb the soul ring."

"By the way, Teacher Erlong seemed to have said something about heavenly materials and earthly treasures. That's all I remember."

"Treasures of Heaven, Materials and Earth, red liquid?" Wang Xiaofeng twisted his head and took out a notebook from the soul guide. There were six simplified Chinese characters written on the cover "Encyclopedia of Treasures of Heaven, Materials and Earth".

Ma Hongjun stretched out his head and came over, and was immediately confused by Wang Xiaofeng's ghost drawing charms. "Xiao Feng, what kind of ghost stuff did you write on it? Why can't I understand it?"

"It would be strange if you could understand it. These are simplified Chinese characters."

Wang Xiaofeng flipped through his notebook. This is a collection of treasures that he has compiled from various miscellaneous notes, customs and culture, biographies and other books over the years. Although it is not so comprehensive, and it is not known whether it is true or false, the famous ones should all be included. He recorded it.

This is his hard work, so Wang Xiaofeng used the words of his previous life to record these contents in this notebook.

"The red liquid can accelerate the transformation of martial souls..." Wang Xiaofeng rummaged quickly, "I found it, here."

Although Ma Hongjun couldn't understand the words in the book, he liked to join in the fun: "Where is it? Let me take a look."

"Hey, don't squeeze, don't squeeze." Wang Xiaofeng slapped Ma Hongjun's hands away, then pointed to two pages in the notebook and said, "There are two things that match what you said."

"One is dragon rock blood. Legend has it that it is the crystallization of the blood of a giant dragon. It is very rare. Someone once dug it in a mine and sold it for a sky-high price of 10,000 gold soul coins. The method of taking it is: Heating the crystals to form a red liquid, and then taking it, will have the effect of evolving the martial soul and giving it dragon-like characteristics."

"The other is lava milk, which is even rarer. Legend has it that it is the essence of the earth. It can only be formed into a drop by chance in a hot environment. The method of taking it is not mentioned. It only says that it can evolve the martial spirit."


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