Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 191 Meeting the eldest lady again

The waiter responsible for receiving Wang Xiaofeng was a girl dressed very coolly.

Wang Xiaofeng controlled his inner desires with great willpower. No matter what the girl said, Wang Xiaofeng would not respond.

It wasn't until he sat down and the girl left with a disappointed look on her face that Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief. "How come this auction house is just like going to the auction house? It's simply inviting people to commit crimes."

Only when Wang Xiaofeng calmed down did he have time to observe the surrounding environment.

The general layout is similar to the main fighting center of the big spirit fighting arena, but it is more low-key and luxurious.

In the center of the auction room is a circular podium with a circle of seats arranged around it.

The innermost circle is red seats, with special security personnel standing aside to protect them. Wang Xiaofeng felt it carefully and found that they at least had the cultivation level of a soul master.

Soul Lord, you can get one hundred gold soul coins every month just from the Spirit Hall allowance, but at this time you can only work as security here. It seems that the power behind the auction house is no less than that of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, and maybe it is still Founded by the same group of forces.

The red seats are the least, with only about twenty, and the rest are black, purple, yellow and white seats.

Wang Xiaofeng was sitting on the purple seat. There were not many bidders around, and only about one-tenth of the bidders were seated.

At this time, the host was holding a loudspeaker soul guide and excitedly introduced the auction item in his hand: "This is a very rare storage soul guide, with a built-in storage space of one square meter. It is very convenient to place treasures or weapons. The starting price is two thousand gold soul coins, and each increase must not be less than one hundred gold soul coins. Dear guests, you can bid."

"Bid?" Wang Xiaofeng looked around and found that there was a special bid button on the seat on his right, with four different buttons for one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand.

By the time he found the increase button, the price of the auction item had soared to four thousand gold soul coins, and occasionally someone pressed the increase button, so it seemed there was room for improvement.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. This storage soul guidance device only costs three thousand gold soul coins at most. Now it is obviously worth a premium. I don't know if the person who took the photo of this thing in the end will regret it.

"Four thousand eight hundred gold soul coins, the first time...the third time, the deal is done. This rare storage soul guide belongs to the VIPs in the white VIP area." The host shouted a few times, but no one came back. Increase the price and seal the deal with a hammer.

There will be no good auction items next. Whether it is an antique vase from hundreds of years ago or a fine iron sword that was forged two hundred years ago, Wang Xiaofeng cannot lift his spirits at all.

Wang Xiaofeng finally understood why the girl told him to come at night, because good things that are useful to soul masters generally do not appear during the day.

After looking at a few more useless auction items, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly felt thirsty, so he summoned a gourd and drank some water. The water in the soul guide had been used up long ago in the Sunset Forest.

"The next auction is a very rare treasure, please pay attention to the female distinguished guests."

As the host of the auction house, his words successfully attracted the attention of the bidders, and many female bidders sat up straight unconsciously.

"Next, please take a closer look." The host suddenly opened the red cloth, and with a flash of blue light, a fist-sized blue gem showed its charming color under the light.

With a pop, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but spit out the water in his mouth, because at this time, the gourd in his right hand actually vibrated slightly.

This is obviously a reaction that occurs only when there is strong energy around. The last time something like this happened was when he faced Dugu Bo's Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor poisonous mist.

"This is a very rare sapphire, produced in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. No need for me to introduce it, all the distinguished guests have heard the name of the Gem Kingdom."

"This sapphire from Sri Lanka is the best of its kind in terms of purity, saturation and hue. Our appraisers believe that this is the best sapphire in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka in the first half of the year."

The host paused briefly to give everyone time to think. "In order to give back to all distinguished guests, the starting price of this lot is only five thousand gold soul coins, and each increase in price must not be less than one thousand gold soul coins. This is the best of the best sapphires, so please don't miss it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bidding price of sapphire rose rapidly.

Seven thousand...nine thousand... Within a few minutes, the price of sapphire rose to 10,000 gold soul coins.

But after all, sapphires are rare even if they are said to be rare, and they are indeed not rare even if they are not rare. Therefore, the price stopped after it reached 10,000 gold soul coins, and no one raised the price for a long time.

Ten thousand gold soul coins can already be used to open several shops in Tiandou City, where every inch of land is precious. Moreover, few of the people sitting in the auction house are rich nouveau riche. Ten thousand gold soul coins are about the same. It's the value of this sapphire. Naturally, they won't hype the price of this sapphire too much.

On the purple seat not far from Wang Xiaofeng, a girl wearing a black mask showed a disdainful smile and said: "It's only 10,000 gold soul coins. It's really cheap. Let me buy it."

The next moment, the price of the entire gem doubled.

The host knocked the wooden hammer in his hand in surprise, "Two, twenty thousand gold soul coins. The VIPs in the purple area bid 20,000 gold soul coins. Is there any VIP who offers a higher price?"

Wang Xiaofeng patted his head speechlessly. This was some prodigal son who came to cause trouble because he was too rich.

After a while, the host saw that no one raised the price and was ready to close the deal. Wang Xiaofeng then pressed the one thousand button slowly.

"...Twenty thousand gold soul coins for the third time,...there is another VIP bidding in the purple area, and the current price is 21,000 gold soul coins."

"On purpose? On behalf of the auction house?" The girl wearing a black mask suddenly frowned. No one had raised the price before, but now someone suddenly appeared who raised the price. It wasn't a delay. However, a good education did not make her curse. She silently pressed the button next to her seat.

The host shouted excitedly: "Thirty-one thousand gold soul coins, and there are VIPs in the purple area who have increased the price."

This gem only costs fifteen thousand gold soul coins at most, which has doubled at this time.

Wang Xiaofeng had already greeted the prodigal ancestor in his heart. Thirty-one thousand gold soul coins. He really thought that his money was blown by the strong wind. If he hadn't suspected that this sapphire might be a natural treasure, he would not Being slaughtered.

"The price for VIPs in the purple area has increased again. It is now 32,000 gold soul coins."

"Damn it, who is causing trouble!" A girl sitting not far to Wang Xiaofeng's left stood up suddenly.

Although there was a mask on her face, when this person stood up, Wang Xiaofeng immediately recognized her identity. Wasn't she the eldest lady from the Moonlight Hotel more than two years ago.


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