Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 197 Qingshan Town

Dai Mubai chatted with the master for a while, and after confirming the route, he slowly disappeared at the end of the path under the latter's gaze.

Looking at the seven people leaving, Flanders felt extremely sad, but he knew that only the wonderful world outside was the stage for these little monsters to perform.

If the young eagle only grows weakly in the nest, it will never become the master of the sky.

When this class graduates next year, he probably won't meet such outstanding students in the future.

"Flanders, why are you feeling sad? Why don't you catch up quickly?" The master looked at Flanders speechlessly, why does this guy have so many dramas?

"Coming, coming." Flanders quickly put his handkerchief into his pocket, and disappeared in front of the gate with Liu Erlong and the master.

"Flanders, Master, the safety of the little monsters will be left to you." Zhao Wuji, who was responsible for staying at the academy, looked through the office and into the distance.


In the dark night sky, a crescent moon hangs lonely in it, and the cries of lone crows sound from time to time, making this world seem even more lonely.

Next to the small dark forest, there was a light red bonfire beating lightly. There was a boiling iron pot on the bonfire, and a hint of fragrance came out from it, making people twitch.

Beside the bonfire, Ma Hongjun waved the fire stick in his hand with some boredom, and the faint fragrance continued to seduce the glutton in his stomach.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help but said: "It should be almost done. I can smell it."

Wang Xiaofeng came over, picked up the lid of the pot, and as the water vapor rose, a strong fragrance spewed out.

"Let me take a look to see if it's cooked."

Wang Xiaofeng pushed Ma Hongjun's fat face away and said helplessly: "Okay, fat man, quickly collect your saliva. If your saliva drips in, don't blame me for doing anything."

This guy finally lost weight because of the soul ring, but only a month later, his slightly pointed chin immediately became rounder again. I really don’t know how he ate to gain weight so quickly.

Wang Xiaofeng placed the last portion of soup on the table, and the others had already quickly taken their seats.

Dai Mubai looked at the roasted potatoes, kebabs, braised pork cubes, wild vegetable soup and other dishes in front of him, and couldn't help but praise: "I didn't expect you, Xiaofeng, to be so secretive. It seems that you will be responsible for the team's logistics in the future. "

After hearing this, Oscar quickly put down the meat skewers in his hand and said, "Boss Dai, didn't you agree that I would be in charge of logistics? Why did Xiaofeng become the responsible one in the blink of an eye?"

Ma Hongjun swallowed the meat in his mouth and said speechlessly: "Oscar, I didn't tell you that except for the fact that you made this plate of grilled sausages, everything else has nothing to do with you. How dare you be responsible for the logistics?"

"Xiao Feng and I built the tent, the branches and water were collected by Rongrong and the others, and the insect repellent powder was collected by Dai Boss..."

"Okay! Why don't I just admit defeat?" Oscar covered his face and cried.

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they saw this, and then laughed out loud.

Counting today, it has been three days since they left. Tomorrow morning, they will step into the borders of the Tiandou Empire.

No one knows what is waiting for them ahead. Now they just want to have a good meal and be energetic to face new challenges.

A night of silence. Everyone tidied up a bit and set out on their journey again.

The weather in the Star Luo Empire was indeed much hotter than that in the Tiandou Empire. Before they even stepped into the area, the scorching heat made the group sweat profusely.

The sparse trees could not stop the high temperature, and the monotony of the journey made Wang Xiaofeng a little drowsy.

"It's so hot... You must choose a fire-attributed soul beast for your fifth soul ring."

Dai Mubai's voice suddenly sounded, "There is a small town ahead. Let's go there to rest for a while. We will continue our journey after the weather is not so hot."

Wang Xiaofeng woke up subconsciously and looked up. Sure enough, there was a small town in the distance.

Oscar couldn't wait to run over, and the others couldn't help but quicken their pace and catch up.

The town is called Qingshan Town. Although it is not a big place, it is well-equipped with all the necessary shops.

Walking on the street paved with bluestone, the good looks of Shrek and his group naturally attracted a lot of attention, but they ignored it and walked slowly along the street.

A three-story teahouse suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Dai Mubai and Wang Xiaofeng gathered together and asked everyone to go to the teahouse to wait.

One of them is responsible for replenishing the few remaining supplies, and the other is responsible for inquiring about information.

Naturally, the task of inquiring about information could only be left to Wang Xiaofeng. He turned around and quickly found the target group at a herbal tea stall under a big tree.

There were many old people of grandparents and grandparents chatting here. Wang Xiaofeng quickly melted in after a while because they were handsome and spoke nicely.

With Wang Xiaofeng's help, a lot of useful information was quickly gleaned from these grandparents.

Wang Xiaofeng was not stingy and helped these grandparents pay for herbal tea for the next month.

As soon as I stepped into the teahouse, a warm smell hit my face. Many people gathered here to drink tea, which was very lively.

After declining the enthusiastic waiter, Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the lobby and saw a group of people sitting in the corner. Wang Xiaofeng walked straight over.

Before taking a sip of tea, Oscar couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Feng, have you found out any news?"

He had had enough of this damn weather, and now he just wanted to help Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing get their happy soul rings, and then go back to the academy.

Wang Xiaofeng took a leisurely sip of tea, moistened his throat, then took out the map from the soul guide, spread it out and said: "The Qingshan Town where we are now is at this location, and the border is three kilometers away.

"Fifty kilometers west along the border is one of the destinations of our trip."

Oscar said eagerly: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's set off quickly."

Dai Mubai held down Oscar and said, "Don't be anxious, Oscar. There's no point in hurrying. The Streaming Tiger and the Shadow Cat Demon are both nocturnal animals. Finding them now will only make it more difficult."

"Let's replenish our energy at the teahouse and set off again in the evening."

Oscar rubbed his face and managed to calm down his irritable mood due to the weather, "Okay, then we'll set off in the evening."

When the scorching sun in the sky gradually set and the temperature was no longer hot, Shrek and his group also walked out of the teahouse and prepared to set off.

After an afternoon's rest, the fatigue that radiated from the bones in everyone's body has been completely annihilated, replaced by the vitality full of vigor.

Dai Mubai checked the direction for a moment, and then said: "Let's go."


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