Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 225 Tailong’s Family

"Tang San, is Tang San here?" Just as everyone was sitting and listening to the class.

Suddenly, several students from other classes hurried in from outside. They shouted at the classroom door without caring about the teacher who was in class.

Tang San was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't know these students in front of him at all. How could they suddenly come to the classroom to look for him?

Those students had never seen Tang San before, so they could only shout: "Tang San, Tai Long and the others are here again, and this time they are bringing his grandfather with them, and they are looking for you by name."

The teacher who gave the lecture was also impatient. He slapped the book on the table, lifted up his sleeves, and walked out of the classroom angrily.

"This is unreasonable. What do you think of Shrek Academy? How dare you openly seek revenge on the students!"

"Tang San, you can stay in the classroom with peace of mind. I'll go find the dean and the others right away. Today I want to see who dares to act recklessly in the academy!"

"Hey teacher, please wait a moment..." Before Tang San could finish his words, the other party's figure disappeared into the corridor.

Wang Xiaofeng closed his notebook and joked: "I didn't expect that after beating the younger one and the older one, there really was an older one. Xiaosan, you are not as lucky as anyone."

Tang San's heart moved slightly: "Let's go and have a look."

The other party wanted to find him by name, which meant that the trouble would only be directed at him and not the people around him, so there was room for relaxation.

The worst case scenario would be to use Dugu Bo's name when the time comes. After all, there's still a consultant there, so I guess the old poisoner won't mind either.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "If you dare to bully my brother, you must ask my tiger claw first."

Not to be outdone, Ma Hongjun said: "My Phoenix Flame is not a vegetarian either."

Others in the advanced class also stood up one after another. Although they couldn't take action, the crowd made them more powerful, and the free melon was quite delicious.

The eight people left the classroom surrounded by the students in the class and walked quickly towards the gate of the college.

Seeing this formation, many students on the road changed their direction and followed behind to watch the excitement.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was walking on the edge of the team, suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, and a familiar voice sounded: "Hey, idiot, are you going to fight with such a large formation?"

"It's you, Miss." Wang Xiaofeng looked in the opposite direction. Sure enough, it was Nidia. Unexpectedly, she came here again today after not seeing her for two months.

"Didn't you go home? Why are you back again?"

"It's time for exchange students. I'm here to see you for the last time. The next time I see you is at the elite competition." Nitya made a playful face. The boys on the side were stunned and stumbled with their left foot and the right foot. A dog gnawed mud.

Automatically ignoring the exclamations from behind, Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "It's okay to train at Tiandou Royal Academy, but there is really no advantage in cultivating combat literacy. It's better to go home early to train."

Nitya curled her lips and showed a disdainful smile, "I think so too. I've played both the first and second teams of the college. Only Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan are interesting."

"By the way, you haven't said what you are going to do yet."

You still have the face to fight against four rings and three rings. You are worthy of being a master of child abuse.

Wang Xiaofeng came to his senses, shook his head and replied: "It's nothing, I'm just helping my brothers to support the show."

Everyone came to the gate of the college, where a group of students had gathered early to watch. At this time, they saw a group of people approaching menacingly, and their expressions changed and they got out of the way.

Without the crowd blocking it, the situation in the middle of the gate was revealed.

I saw Tai Long standing next to a middle-aged man and an old man respectively. Looking at the miserable and naive expressions, he should also know that he had lost face. The middle-aged man who seemed to be his father was much smarter. He stood aside without saying a word with his head lowered, as if he was trying to make up for the crowd.

The old man standing in the center looks very similar to the two people beside him, as if he was carved from the same mold.

However, his beard and hair are gray, and his short hair stands on top of his head like steel needles. He is not tall, but just standing there gives people a feeling of calmness and authority.

Wang Xiaofeng had only seen the momentum that seemed to be the center of heaven and earth from three old men. He sighed slowly and said: "Contra!"

Oscar whispered: "I didn't expect Tai Lung to be so shameless. He couldn't defeat the mistress and actually brought his grandfather here."

Xiao Wu also said with some worry: "Xiao San, why don't we run away first, leaving the green hills behind, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

Tang San patted Xiao Wu's little hand, "Don't worry, it's okay."

The old man opposite said loudly: "Which one of you is Tang San!"

Tang San walked forward and said, neither humble nor arrogant, "I am Tang San."

The old man named Tai Tan didn't bully anyone either. He first showed off the incense that ignited when rubbed, and then, under Oscar's deception, he set terms for a competition with Tang San.

After hearing this, Wang Xiaofeng laughed and said: "This old man is a bit naive. He wants to use soul power to determine the outcome. I'm afraid he will lose this time."

Nidia asked curiously: "Is there any loophole? This is a method commonly used in the soul master world for high-level soul masters and low-level soul masters to decide the outcome. There should be no problem."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it, but the mistake is using this method to deal with Xiao San." Wang Xiaofeng didn't explain too much, and continued to talk about Tang San's privacy.

The incense stick stuck in the fine iron slowly burned to a third of its intensity, but Tang San obviously couldn't stand it anymore, because all methods were used, even the attached soul bone and blue silver grass were suppressed. He was lying down, unable to support Tang San's body.

Liu Erlong, who had been standing aside for a long time, wanted to interrupt this unfair challenge, but Zhao Wuji stopped her, "Although the old orangutan is shameless, he will not embarrass Xiao San, and Xiao San's child has not yet Give up, we can’t take action now.”


"If we two take action now, the old orangutan will definitely not give up. If we really fight, the academy will be destroyed."

Tai Tan was a little moved by Tang San's willpower, "Tang San, do you want to continue?"

"Of course!" Tang San gave it a try and put away the Bluesilver Grass, and a rich black light gradually formed in his palm.

"That's the Clear Sky Hammer?!"

Tai Tan was shocked, and subconsciously relaxed the pressure of his soul power, giving Tang San a chance to relax. At this moment, a stream of colored light passed through the crowd of onlookers and instantly injected into Tang San's body.

A deep and vigorous voice sounded throughout this area, continuously, "Old orangutan, what's the point of bullying children? If you have the guts, let's show off."

In the blink of an eye, there were two more people in the field.

"Dad, Grandpa Bone." Ning Rongrong exclaimed, happily ran out of the team and hugged the arm of the elegant and handsome middle-aged man on the left.


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