Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 228 The final sprint training before the elite competition (Part 1)

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When the master and Tang San walked out of the grove, the confused look was no longer in Tang San's eyes, and the confident look returned to him.

Xiao Wu jumped into Tang San's arms, "Third brother!"

Tang San said gently: "Xiao Wu, I made you worried."

He secretly swore that he would not let Xiao Wuzai shed tears because of him.

Everyone saw that Tang San had recovered, and they were happy for him in their hearts. However, before they could congratulate him, the master's serious eyes swept over him, and everyone quickly lined up and stood up.

"Now that you are all familiar with your own powers, the next step is to speed up your training, especially Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Ning Rongrong. The five of you must at least raise your level to forty before the start of the Elite Tournament. class."

Everyone looked at each other with a little worry in their eyes, because it was impossible for the master to set such a simple goal.

Sure enough, the master continued: "Of course, just practicing is not enough, the body will get rusty, so every day from three to four in the afternoon, we train our body. From four to five, we do battle training."

"Your opponents will be the teachers in the academy."

"Oh, by the way, because we Shrek need to start from the lowest qualifiers, so in order not to expose our strength too early, I found four substitute players for you. You can see them during training in the afternoon."

Ma Hongjun whispered: "I feel that in the next period of time, I will be played to death by the master."

Wang Xiaofeng said softly: "Don't be afraid. With Oscar's sausages and the master's medicinal bath here, it will be difficult for you to die."

"Ah, let me die."

The master concluded: "I have nothing more to say, let's start disbanding now. By the way, you don't have to go to class from tomorrow on, I will tutor you alone."

When Ma Hongjun heard that he could skip class, he jumped up happily, but after hearing the master's last words, he immediately turned into a stiff stone sculpture.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "Oh, poor child." There is a high probability that Tang San and him will not be included in this make-up lesson.

After constantly taking classes, Wang Xiaofeng has already learned almost all the knowledge taught in the college. The reason why he still goes to the classroom now is firstly to relax and secondly because the teacher often jumps out of the textbook and talks about some of his own experiences. These are very valuable Experience is something that textbooks don’t have.

Everyone walked into the wooden house, found a spot and sat down cross-legged to start practicing.

Different auras slowly leaked out from their respective bodies, but strangely they did not compete with each other. Instead, they began to complement each other, merge, and then feed back into their respective bodies.

Only the auras of Xiao Wu and Wang Xiaofeng beside Tang San did not merge.

But after she practiced, the 'lovesick red' in Xiao Wu's arms began to emit a delicate fragrance and float around Xiao Wu, unknowingly speeding up her practice.

Wang Xiaofeng sat by the window, a small green gourd floating silently on his head. The sun shines on him through the window, but it cannot cover up the cyan light on his body.

In an invisible place, traces of golden brilliance were filtered by the gourd, constantly burning Wang Xiaofeng's muscles and bones.

Three hours later, the college cafeteria opened the food window.

"Gurgugu." Wang Xiaofeng covered his stomach in embarrassment.

Oscar, who was standing in front, joked: "Xiao Feng, you got hungry too quickly. Didn't you just eat ten sausages to fill your stomach before coming here?"

Wang Xiaofeng said: "The more you practice, the faster you get hungry. You just eat too little, so you practice slowly."

Oscar pointed at himself and boasted: "Hmph, I have taken the magic medicine. I am no longer the Oscar who was holding me back."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "That's hard to say. If you can be promoted to the Soul Sect, I will believe you. Oh, it's your turn to do the cooking."

Oscar was eating his food, but his mouth was not full, "Humph, we will see what happens when the time comes."

Since being alone with Ning Rongrong for a period of time that day, Oscar has been practicing much more diligently than before. Although Wang Xiaofeng guessed this, this amount of effort was still not enough for his goal.

So Wang Xiaofeng would stimulate Oscar from time to time to make him practice harder.

After quickly finishing lunch, everyone returned to the wooden house and entered a state of cultivation.

One day later, the start time of the elite competition will come one day, and everyone will seize the time to practice hard.

"Okay kids, it's time for activities now." Flender's voice contained a little soul power, waking everyone up from their cultivation state.

"Ah, how come time passes so fast, I feel like I have just entered the state of cultivation." Ma Hongjun's wailing voice sounded.

"You're the only one with a lot of problems." Flanders slapped Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, making him shrink back in fear.

"Boss." Just as everyone was standing in line, a voice suddenly came from next to them.


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