Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 232 Rapid Progress (Part 2)

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Wang Xiaofeng sensed the danger and quickly concentrated on improving his hearing, when he heard a burst of sound coming from the front.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly used Shunpo and stepped heavily on the air to the side with his right foot.

At the same time, the danger sensed by Wang Xiaofeng also appeared, and a three-meter-long crescent-like energy split the smoke and dust and slashed towards Wang Xiaofeng.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng noticed the attack in advance and evaded it first.

The powerful force flew past Wang Xiaofeng's body, directly cutting a five-meter-long ditch on the ground, and then landed on the wasteland five meters away.

"Boom!" The strong shock wave was even worse than Li Yusong's previous stick to the sky, and Wang Xiaofeng was directly blown away.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Li Yusong not far away, smiled and cursed: "Old man, do you want to kill me? This is not a move that Soul Lord can use."

Li Yusong took a sip of wine happily and said calmly: "I said you can, and you have nothing to do."

"Me! # %^"

"Hey, you still dare to scold me, take it!"

For the next forty minutes, Wang Xiaofeng struggled through the beatings.

"Hahaha, Xiaofeng, your face is swollen like a pig's head." Oscar pointed at Wang Xiaofeng's bruised and fat face and couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xiaofeng was furious, but thinking that he had to rely on him to treat his injuries, he held back his anger and said coldly: "You're just laughing, why don't you give me a sausage?"

"I have roots..." Oscar suppressed his laughter and recited the spell intermittently. A sausage as thick as a thumb appeared in his palm, and then he quickly handed it to Wang Xiaofeng.

After eating Oscar's big sausage, Wang Xiaofeng's face suddenly looked much better. He took out water and washed away the dust and blood on his face. Then he heard Li Yusong's voice: "Oscar, what are you laughing at? Why don't you come here quickly?" .”

Oscar's expression suddenly changed, and he cried sadly: "Ah, Teacher Li, my little arms and legs can't stand the torture."

"Let's keep this sentence for the dean." Li Yusong waved the dragon stick and hit Oscar on the butt.

Oscar immediately ran away with his head in his arms, "Help, I'm killing someone."

Wang Xiaofeng's gloom suddenly turned bright, and he sat down cross-legged with peace of mind, regaining his soul power. During the forty minutes of being beaten, the constant use of Shunpo had consumed only a trace of his soul power. Except for the first soul skill that has been continuously blessed on the body, the other increases have long stopped.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Xiaofeng, who had finished the unilateral beating training, carried Oscar on his back and walked back to the dormitory under the guidance of Li Yusong. The master had already cooked a medicinal bath and was waiting for them.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Hey, you still laughed at me, now you have turned into a pig head."

Oscar said disdainfully: "At least I would be more handsome than you if I turned into a pig head."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "It's so shameless. How about we compete? Now go catch a school girl and ask her who is more handsome."

Oscar said: "That must be me."


Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar were beaten by Li Yusong for two weeks, and then they were beaten by Zhao Wuji again.

It went on like this for two months, and every time the teachers were beaten until their whole bodies became weak. Only after communicating with others in private did he find out that they were the only two who were beaten so badly.

If it weren't for the fact that Oscar, the nanny, was here and his training speed was a little faster than usual after the beating, Wang Xiaofeng would have wanted to go on strike.

Two months later, the master looked at the four substitutes who had almost completely changed and nodded. After two months of cooperating with Tang San, the four of them had initially integrated, but it was not enough to seamlessly replace the rest of the original Shrek team.

After Dai Mubai and the others have trained for the past two months, they have almost refined the medicinal power that their bodies can refine. Now they only need to improve their cultivation level step by step.

The one with the most exaggerated improvement is Oscar. His soul power is now at the peak of level 39, and he is waiting to break through the bottleneck and break through to level 40.

I don’t know when it will be, it may be next month, or it may be tonight, no one can tell.

The master said calmly: "Tang San."

Tang San took a step forward and walked out of the team, "Here we come."

"You pick two people from the team and put them into your current team, and then go to Teacher Liu Erlong. She will teach you how to do it."

"Two people?" Tang San was stunned for a moment, and then began to think about the master's intentions. It was not easy to choose these two people, and they couldn't conflict with them.

"I choose Mubai and Xiaowu."

The master nodded and said nothing more: "Okay."

"Zhu Zhuqing, you join Wang Xiaofeng's team, the rest will remain unchanged."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Welcome Zhuqing."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly.

Oscar whispered excitedly: "That's great. You Zhuqing shouldn't have to be beaten anymore now."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the expressionless master and said, "I think you are happy too early."


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