Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 257 The Showdown between Flame and Magma

"Hoho, I'm on fire!"

Ma Hongjun twirled his arms, and a burning pillar of fire rose into the sky. Three yellow, yellow and purple soul rings shone brightly in the flames.

"The phoenix dances for nine days!"

Accompanied by the loud cry of the phoenix, a fire phoenix with a wingspan of five meters emerged from the flames. With a beat of its wings, it directly faced the overwhelming magma.


Flames and magma collided in the sky, and then exploded like gorgeous fireworks, which was extremely spectacular.

However, compared to Fire Lord's Meteor Volcano, Ma Hongjun's Flame Phoenix was still smaller in scope, and 70% of the magma continued to fall towards everyone.

Wang Xiaofeng pinched his wrist and said, "Everyone, let's stop them, otherwise it will be bad if the crested snake is accidentally crushed to death by the lava."

"The first soul skill modification-Blue Silver Giant Net."

Tang San stood up first, the century-old spirit ring on his body now blooming with a very bright yellow light, and five entanglements were released at the same time, aiming at the open space in front.

Thick giant vines suddenly surged out of the ground and intertwined with each other twenty meters in front of Tang San, forming a giant net that covered the sky and the sun.

Since the last time he took Wang Chuan Qiushui Dew, his mental power has become much stronger, and his control of Blue Silver Grass is also much stronger than before.

As the first skill, entanglement can be instantly cast in any corner within the control range of one's own soul power.

The next moment, the hot magma hit the giant web formed by the bluesilver grass.

After being baptized by the Ice and Fire Eyes and the Fire Xingjiao Vegetable Immortal Product, Lan Yincao has initially acquired the ability to avoid fire.

Of course, after Wang Xiaofeng's research, Blue Silver Grass's fire resistance is more focused on energy resistance.

Although the high temperature and flames brought by the magma were immune to the Blue Silver Grass, the impact of the falling magma quickly defeated the giant net. The hot magma continued to hit Wang Xiaofeng and the others, but there were not many left. , it’s just that the thunder is loud and the rain is small.

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower."

White Tiger Protective Barrier White Tiger Shura transformed into two major enhancements to bless himself. Dai Mubai roared angrily, his fourth soul ring flashed, countless white meteors surged out from behind, and countless meteors and magma suddenly collided together.


The violent collision caused the earth to erupt in bursts of mourning, and the surrounding trees were knocked aside due to the strong force of the explosion.

Gold and red divide the sky into two halves, with Weijing clearly visible.

"The second soul skill, Hundred Claws of the Netherworld."

"The seven treasures have names, one is called strength, and the other is called speed."

"Absorb all things purple gourd."

Purple thin films appeared on Wang Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing's bodies. As the colored light from the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower poured into their bodies, their figures flashed, and the sparse magma suddenly exploded like fireworks.

The gravel hit Oscar's open umbrella. He smiled and asked Ning Rongrong for credit, saying that it was all within his expectations.

Flanders, who was behind them, couldn't help it anymore, kicked Oscar on the butt and cursed: "Given your size, hurry up and kill the crested cockscomb to save you a long night of sleep."

"Oh." Oscar nodded sarcastically, and quickly took out the dagger from the soul guide. The crested crested snake not far away had long been suppressed by Zhao Wuji's gravity and was unable to move.

"It's so bloody." Ning Rongrong lowered his head and looked a little pale.

The dark purple soul ring slowly emerged from the body of the phoenix-tailed crested snake. Oscar did not absorb the soul ring immediately, and was led away by Zao Wuji and Flanders.

On the other side, Ma Hongjun also flew above the Fire Lord.

"Phoenix Sunset Strike." Ma Hongjun screamed strangely and controlled the fire phoenix to fall towards the Flame Lord. The Flame Lord was not to be outdone, and red magma flowed from his right arm.

The fire phoenix collided with the magma fist. Ma Hongjun's flames could not withstand the terrifying impact of the magma fist. The burning fire phoenix was immediately dispersed, and the hot magma collided with Ma Hongjun.

"This fat man just likes to show off his strength." Wang Xiaofeng watched Ma Hongjun being thrown away by the Fire Lord's punch, and shook his head helplessly. Why the Fire Lord ranks among the top among high-grade soul beasts is because of his ultimate offense and defense without any shortcomings. , and a high temperature that makes it impossible to get close.

I really don’t know what Ma Hongjun is thinking. How dare he confront his opponent’s strengths with his own shortcomings? Maybe this is the fearlessness of those who don’t know.

"Fat man, I'm here to help you." Dai Mubai laughed. He also saw the scene where Ma Hongjun was knocked out by the flame lord. The tiger's palm opened and with a sharp blade, Dai Mubai hit the flames. lord.

‘This little tiger feels more dangerous to it than that little flamingo. ’

The Fire Lord raised his fists, and his huge body faced him like a whirlwind without showing any signs of weakness.

There was a loud "bang" and Dai Mubai retreated. Under the frontal impact, he was knocked backwards by the Fire Lord and flew seven or eight meters away.

The white tiger's protective barrier was directly shattered by the Fire Lord's punch.

Just as Dai Mubai flew backwards, there was a crisp "ding" sound, and Zhu Zhuqing's figure suddenly appeared behind the Fire Lord, and the Nether Thrust accurately struck the Fire Lord's neck.

It has to be said that the tacit understanding between her and Dai Mubai has already caught up with Tang San Xiaowu.

Unfortunately, this exquisite cooperation did not cause any harm to the Fire Lord. The Fire Lord who was hit by Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Thrust only had a white mark on his neck.

"What a strong defense." Zhu Zhuqing secretly exclaimed, his figure flashed, and he spun and jumped to avoid being caught by the giant flame palm.

The Fire Lord roared, seemingly irritated by them, blazing flames ignited from his body, and the magma on his body became even hotter.

"Stop barking. Are you disturbing the people?" Wang Xiaofeng clasped his ears. "Is the fat man dead? Get up if he is."

"Master, I can fight for another three hundred rounds."

Flames reaching the sky burst out from the ruins, and Ma Hongjun limped out of the ruins.

The third soul ring on his body shone brightly, and with a loud phoenix cry, a huge golden-red phoenix appeared behind Ma Hongjun.

"Anyone can tell lies." Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips, and seven rays of colored light flew out from the gourd and the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower, and injected into Ma Hongjun's body.

Ma Hongjun only felt refreshed, and strength continued to pour out of his body.

"Come on, Fatty! Let that ugly giant see what it means to have a flame that can burn out magma."

Huge golden-red flame wings instantly unfolded from behind Ma Hongjun,

The magma with thousands of temperatures could not escape the fate of being burned under this terrifying golden-red light.

Even if they are both fire attributes, there is still a distinction between superior and inferior. If Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Flame cannot even restrain this small magma, then his Evil Fire Phoenix Spirit is not worthy of being called the best.


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