Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 259 Phoenix Sunset Strike and Mushroom Sausage (Part 1)

Wang Xiaofeng shouted: "Core, find the core of the Fire Lord quickly, or it will be resurrected again."

Every Fire Lord will hide its most important core in a corner of its body. No one can know where the core is except itself.

"What does the core look like?"

"How do I know? It's not written in the book. But since it is the core, it must be related to the soul power. Pay attention to the changes in the soul power around you."

"Not here." Dai Mubai shook his head. There was no so-called core in the remaining parts of the Fire Lord, just some rubble.

"At this."

The Purple Demon Eye has entered the realm of mustard seeds, and it is almost overkill for finding things.

Tang San's eyes glowed with golden-purple light. With a hook of his right hand, a piece of bluesilver grass quickly tied up an inconspicuous stone. With a flick, it fell into Tang San's palm.

Everyone came over to take a look and found that the stone was absorbing the soul power floating in the air and slowly growing in size. As long as it was given a period of time, the Fire Lord might really be able to return to his original state.

Dai Mubai said: "Is this the core of the Fire Lord? It's really strange."

While they were talking, the fist-sized core had grown to the size of a washbasin, and magma fluid began to flow from the surface.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Ma Hongjun who was still in a daze, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Fat man, go and get your fourth soul ring."

Ma Hongjun was a little confused. This was the first time he encountered such a spirit beast. "What should I do?"

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "How to do it? Of course I smash it with one punch."

"Oh." Ma Hongjun held his breath and gathered his energy, and punched the Fire Lord's core hard. With a crackling sound, a red-purple soul ring slowly rose from the rubble.

Seeing that Ma Hongjun was about to absorb the soul ring on the spot, Flanders slapped his chubby head, "You think we have too many people, right? Go to Oscar's side quickly."

Ma Hongjun touched his head, but he was already immersed in the joy of becoming a soul sect, so he did not complain. He hugged the pile of gravel with a smile and ran to a position about ten meters away from Oscar.

He ate the sausages prepared in advance to regain his strength, then sat down cross-legged, concentrating on absorbing the Fire Lord soul ring that took a lot of effort from Dai Mubai and the others.

The crimson purple color and soul ring were inserted into Ma Hongjun's body, and began to float up and down. From now on, he officially entered the soul ring absorption state.

When the red color in the soul ring disappears and only purple remains, this soul ring is truly successfully absorbed by Ma Hongjun.

It takes at least an hour to absorb a soul ring, and now it's noon, which happens to be meal time, so everyone set up camp on the spot under the master's instructions.

Without Ma Hongjun and Oscar, the manpower suddenly became tense.

Tang San sprinkled medicinal powder around to cover up the smell of blood.

Dai Mubai was about to collect dry materials when he found Wang Xiaofeng squatting aside and fiddling with something.

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing?"

"Ah, I'm looking for something good." Wang Xiaofeng opened his palm, and the reddish-brown gemstone fragments sparkled in his hand.

"This is?"

"These are the core fragments of the Fire Lord. These are good things. When they are sold, everyone will have a share." With that said, Wang Xiaofeng lowered his head and searched carefully in the pile of stones.

All the essence of the Fire Lord is contained in this core. Although it is broken into many fragments, not much of the fire attribute essence contained in it is lost.

Whether it is used to increase the flame intensity of the martial spirit or to assist in improving the cultivation level, it is excellent, and there is no need to worry about not selling it.

Fortunately, it was not night and there was no need to set up a tent. Otherwise, Wang Xiaofeng would not have had time to pick things up there.

After 'giving' the found fragments to Flender, Wang Xiaofeng began to enjoy the snake soup with everyone.

Without Ma Hongjun competing for food, the remaining snake soup went into Wang Xiaofeng's stomach.

Ning Rongrong touched her hot belly and sighed: "It feels so comfortable. I wish I could eat it every day."

The Qibao Glazed Sect has its own place dedicated to breeding soul beasts. Unfortunately, even the extremely wealthy Qibao Glazed Sect can only satisfy the Tiandou royal family and the Qibao Glazed Sect itself.

This is just an ordinary cattle and sheep soul beast whose cultivation level does not exceed ten years.

Soul beast meat that is a hundred years old or even more than a thousand years old must be obtained from mercenary groups at a high price. This is often priceless. After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect is not the only one, and the local powerful families cannot be underestimated.

Wang Xiaofeng took a knife to process the edible part of the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, and then put it into Zhao Wuji's soul guide. Unfortunately, the most valuable cockscomb had completely lost its internal nutrients before Zhu Zhuqing cut it off. .

Time gradually passed by minute by minute, and it was already an hour in the blink of an eye.

As the soul ring absorption progressed, Oscar and Ma Hongjun both experienced changes to varying degrees.

Oscar sat there quietly, a faint white mist emerging from the surface of his skin and undulating around his body. The four soul rings on his body were all dyed white, making it difficult to see clearly.

Ma Hongjun's appearance was the most exaggerated. All the clothes on his body had been reduced to ashes. At this time, layers of fine juice were constantly seeping out from under his skin, and his body was like a cooked shrimp. It seemed that the soul ring of the Fire Lord had been given to him. A lot of pressure.

Two hours later, the sky was gradually getting dark, and Oscar took the lead in completing the absorption of the soul ring.

Oscar took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. In an instant, the white light on his body suddenly changed and turned into a beautiful pink. His whole body was bathed in this pink light.

Four soul rings rose from under his feet. Oscar had been stuck in the soul sect realm for more than half a year, and at this time he finally broke through to the soul sect.

After obtaining the fourth soul ring, Oscar's whole person has undergone some changes. His figure seems to have grown a bit taller, and his peach blossom eyes are actually shining with colorful light. He could have scored ninety points on his face. Two more points were added.

Ning Rongrong stared at Oscar's handsome face, fascinated, her face flushed and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Dai Mubai said: "Oscar, congratulations, you finally broke through to the Soul Sect. It's not easy."

Wang Xiaofeng: "Congratulations, let us see what your fourth soul ring skill is."

Oscar paused and said awkwardly, "Let me tell you first, you won't laugh."

Everyone shook their heads to show that they would not laugh, because everyone was so familiar with him.

"I have a mushroom sausage." Oscar recited the spell. As expected, it didn't arouse laughter, but everyone complained: "Why is this spell still so obscene?"

"Obscene? Huh, when the time comes, you will all beg me to give you mushroom sausage." As he spoke, Oscar raised the mushroom sausage in his hand, and then said loudly in a proud tone: "Mushroom sausage, soul ring Effect, flying.”

"The duration of flight is three minutes." Oscar saw everyone raising their fists, and quickly covered his face and said quickly: "Ahem, don't hit, don't hit, I haven't finished yet, the flying speed is the speed of a crested snake. "

Wang Xiaofeng analyzed: “Although I haven’t seen how fast an uninjured cockscomb is, but even based on the speed of a seriously injured cockscomb, it can fly at least five thousand meters in three minutes. "

Tang San added: "It's equivalent to being able to run five thousand meters regardless of the terrain when in danger. Oscar, this soul skill is too strong."

"Not only that, my fourth soul skill also has a second effect, which is to increase the flying speed by 30%."

The teachers all showed happy smiles. With Oscar's soul skill, there was another trump card in the elite competition.

Zhao Wuji patted Oscar's shoulder carelessly, causing his shoulder to hurt, "Finally, my efforts were not in vain."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "I don't think you should call yourself Sausage Monopoly anymore. From now on, I'll call you the King of Escapes."


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