Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 265: Poison Borrowing Formation

At night, Shrek and his group were walking while looking for a suitable place to camp.

"Ah, it's all Oscar and Fatty's fault. I could have had a good night's sleep." Ning Rongrong stepped over a tree root blocking the road and couldn't help complaining to Xiao Wu beside her.

Xiao Wu agreed: "That's right, isn't this just looking for trouble?"

Listening to the complaints of the girls in the team, Oscar, who was accompanying Wang Xiaofeng at the back, couldn't help but smile bitterly. Sometimes he really envied the carefree Ma Hongjun. Only a fool wouldn't care about this.

Wang Xiaofeng hugged Oscar with his right hand, "What, the lives of four bad guys are making you suffer and blame yourself?"

Oscar shook his head with a wry smile, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

"Xiao Feng, do you think I did this right?" Oscar looked at his hands, which seemed to be stained with blood in his eyes.

Wang Xiaofeng was a little speechless, but he was not killing innocent people indiscriminately: "What's wrong? Please, they wanted to kill you two first, okay? This is over-defense at best."

"A mercenary group like them has already had countless ordinary people's blood on their hands."

"Overly defensive?" Oscar carefully tried to figure out the meaning of the words, "Xiao Feng, sometimes I really wonder what is going on in your head. All kinds of strange words always come out of your mouth, but they are quite interesting. of."

Wang Xiaofeng knocked his head: "This is a world treasure."

Wang Xiaofeng gradually used other interesting topics to lead Oscar to other places, so that he would no longer think about those things that were not there.

regret? It was too late to regret at this point. That invincible spirit beast should have already come to the door. I really don’t know how those desperate mercenary group members got into it.

Under Zhu Zhuqing's exploration, everyone quickly found an open space that was suitable for sleeping outdoors.

Everyone cleaned up a little, didn't light a fire, sprinkled some powder to repel mosquitoes, snakes and ants and then fell into a deep sleep.

Wang Xiaofeng yawned loudly. Instead of hiding in a sleeping bag like the others, he casually found a tree and rested against it.

"Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group? Flanders, do you want me to teach them a lesson?" Zhao Wuji clenched his fists and whispered.

"No, just keep it as a stepping stone for Hongjun in the future." Flanders took off his glasses and closed his eyes to rest.

Young people always have to go through some hardships before they can grow.

Seeing that Flanders didn't take any action, Zhao Wuji curled his lips and said, "It's up to you."

Nothing happened to affect everyone again. The night was uneventful. The sun was high in the sky. It was already eight o'clock in the morning. After three hours of rest, everyone's energy was restored to its best state.

"Ah, I slept so comfortably. It's great that nothing happened." Wang Xiaofeng stretched and moved his somewhat stiff body.

Of course, Ma Hongjun and Oscar took turns attending the vigil in the second half of the night. Whoever got them into trouble couldn't be solved. This was considered the master's punishment for the two of them.

After breakfast, Shrek and his group continued to search for the soul beast, but this time the people who needed to obtain the soul beast became Tang San, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

In this way, they can specifically keep an eye on some suitable groups of soul beasts. Because the three of them do not have high requirements for soul beasts, they will be relatively easy to find.

But what went against their expectations was that Shrek and his team searched for two full days, but still could not find a suitable soul beast for the three of them. Either the age was too young or the type was not suitable, which dampened everyone's enthusiasm. .

Fortunately, they slept relatively peacefully these two nights and did not encounter anything like the situation they had just entered the Sunset Forest two days ago, otherwise everyone would have suffered a nervous breakdown.

As night falls, it's time to rest again. Everyone is skillfully lighting the fire and cooking. This should be the happiest time of their day.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the smoking volcano in the distance and sighed: "This should be the territory of the Fire Lord. No wonder I encountered such a rare soul beast. I just discovered that there is a volcano here."

Oscar took out the map and looked at it carefully: "This should be the volcano that falls into the west side of the forest. Unexpectedly, we walked to the edge without knowing it."

Ma Hongjun stretched his head and looked at it and said, "If we keep going like this, we will be out of the core area of ​​Sunset Forest."

Oscar nodded, "Yes, so we have to go east."

"To the east, isn't this the volcano where I obtained the Yunxi Blue Bird Soul Ring?" Ma Hongjun stretched out his hand and found that they had almost circled half a circle in the Sunset Forest.

Wang Xiaofeng murmured: "I still remember that there was a ten-thousand-year-old griffon and a tribe of Yunxi bluebirds, but unfortunately they are not suitable for us."

Oscar closed the map and said, "Oh, just look for it slowly, you will always find it."

Finding a suitable soul beast is inherently a matter of luck, and you will always find it if you look slowly.

After dinner, the master asked everyone else to get into their sleeping bags to rest, but he called Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong to him.

"How are you? Have you been a little anxious these past two days?" The master's stiff face forced a smile and looked at the boys and girls in front of him, seemingly wanting to comfort them.

Tang San shook his head and said: "Looking for spirit beasts is a matter of luck, so there is no point in rushing. Teacher, don't worry, I am patient."

"Yes, Master." Ning Rongrong stuck out his tongue and said playfully: "There are still two months until the start of the Elite Tournament. We are not in a hurry."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded coldly in agreement.

The master shook his head and said, "The Sunset Forest is not the Star Forest after all. There are still too few senior soul beasts."

Tang San thought for a moment, then suddenly said: "Teacher, actually I have a way, but it's a bit dangerous."

The master was a little curious: "Xiaosan, do you have any idea?"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also looked over with wide eyes.

Tang San said: "You still remember the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal I used to resist the poisonous mist two days ago. As an Immortal Herb, it is a natural treasure. If I keep putting it outside, it will definitely attract some powerful people. The spirit beast is coming."

"This is indeed a bit dangerous." The master shook his head. Although this could attract the soul beast, it was uncontrollable. He could not ignore the safety of his students.

After all, although the soul beasts in Sunset Forest are no more than 50,000 years old, who knows if some hidden powerful soul beasts will be attracted by the immortal products.

Tang San said confidently: "So, we need a barrier that can withstand the spirit beast."

The master was really smart, and he said clearly, "Xiao San, you mean the place where Dugu Bo lives alone?"

"That's right, there is a poisonous formation protecting it. We can borrow it secretly. Anyway, he is also our Shrek's advisor."


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