Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 267 The beasts dancing wildly (1/7)

Although Tang San's Blue Silver Grass couldn't stop Ghost Tiger, it still stopped his unstoppable speed for just a moment.

And this gave Zhu Zhuqing a chance.

The purple-gold claw shadow merged into one, as if it had become a purple-gold sharp blade, cutting a wound on the ghost tiger's flank with visible internal organs.

However, Guihu seemed not to notice such a serious injury and rushed towards Ning Rongrong and Oscar with a roar.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

Wang Xiaofeng realized that Oscar and Ning Rongrong were standing between Guihu and Youxiang Qiluo. They would definitely be attacked by Guihu if they stayed there any longer. He quickly shouted: "Use mushroom sausage to get out of there quickly."

Ning Rongrong and Oscar were also startled, and immediately drank the mushroom intestines and flew into the air.

Tang San glanced at it with his Purple Demonic Eyes, and immediately noticed something strange, "This ghost tiger seems to have a wound on its abdomen, it has gone crazy!"

Zhu Zhuqing bit his lip and said unwillingly: "No, the ghost tiger is too fast and can't be stopped."

"It depends on the place where it gets mad, and it can't be allowed to run wild here. Baji-Shun."

Wang Xiaofeng's black hair was flying, and his body suddenly rushed out, almost like a flash of lightning, approaching the already violent Ghost Tiger.

The ghost tiger was slightly startled by the sudden rush of Wang Xiaofeng. The sharp claws on the tiger's palms surged, and the bloody mouth bit the figure in front of him unceremoniously.

"Creak." The claws of the ghost tiger passed through Wang Xiaofeng, and the bloody mouth was chewed out. That Wang Xiaofeng turned out to be a phantom.

Oscar raised his hands and cheered: "Haha, you must have been fooled by my phantom intestine."

Wang Xiaofeng raised his arm high, made a fist seal, and swung it down violently!

"Boom!" Like a giant pile driver hitting a steel column, a dull and concussive sound sounded!

Ghost Tiger's bloody eyes protruded, and blood oozed from his pores. His muscles, bones, and bone marrow were trembling violently under the load. A large sunken hole clearly appeared between the cervical vertebrae, and blood flowed out uncontrollably.

Large tracts of soil beneath him suddenly turned up and splashed as if being bombarded by artillery shells, roaring in all directions.

The ghost tiger roared in despair and disbelief. At this moment, no matter how it lost its mind, it felt the fear of death.

"Zhuqing, I leave it to you."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar flying in the air angrily and said: "Don't be stunned, please give me a sausage."

Baji-Shun's current pressure on the muscles and meridians of his legs is still too great, and his legs are now beginning to ache.

"Coming, coming." Oscar fell down and began to recite a spell to summon the sausage.

Zhu Zhuqing ended the ghost tiger's life with one claw. Under Tang San's command, Dai Mubai dragged the ghost tiger into the poison formation. It's not over yet. When the smell of Youxiang Qiluo spreads farther, it will attract more If the spirit beast comes over, the ghost tiger might be eaten if left outside.

Oscar was a little confused: "But how could this ghost tiger suddenly become violent? Even if it was injured, it would be impossible."

"This is not an ordinary wound." The master pointed to the wound on Guihu's abdomen and said: "Nature selects the fittest to survive. Ordinary wounds cannot move Guihu, but if you take a closer look, you will I found a strange smell on it.”

The wound was three scratches, and it looked like it was caused by some kind of sharp weapon. It seemed that it was because of these three scratches that the ghost tiger was so violent.

Even if several people are close now, they can feel that this wound contains an extremely terrifying and vicious blood!

Tang San touched his chin, feeling like he had seen this kind of injury before, "What's this feeling of déjà vu?"

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Although this ghost tiger is close to the absorption limit, Zhuqing shouldn't have any difficulty absorbing it. Thinking about it this way, we actually made a profit."

Tang San said: "Yes, this is the best result, because the ghost tiger was injured by this wound, which put him in extreme pain. Being able to kill it is a kind of relief for it."

Although Zhu Zhuqing has been training his body tirelessly over the years, and his body has also experienced the baptism of fairy grass, it is still dangerous to absorb such a soul ring that is close to the limit.

After all, unlike Dai Mubai, Tang San and Wang Xiaofeng, her physique has surpassed that of ordinary soul masters.

When everyone heard this, they nodded in realization and thought that they had indeed made a profit.

Flanders encouraged: "Children, you have done a great job. If the ghost tiger hadn't gone berserk for unknown reasons, you would have solved it long ago."

"But the real test comes next." Flanders said meaningfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were sudden earthquake-like sounds in the distance.

Wang Xiaofeng complained: "The dean is really a crow's mouth."

Liu Erlong drove everyone into the poison formation, "You go inside first, I'm afraid there will be a lot of soul beasts."

"There are at least thirty soul beasts." Zhao Wuji listened to the voice and said in a deep voice, "And, I'm afraid there are more than 10,000-year-old soul beasts among them..."

"Just a little more."

Flanders had already observed it from the air. If he looked down from a high altitude at this time, he could see that with Youxiang Qiluo as the center, there were soul beasts rushing towards him from all around.

"So exaggerated?" Dai Mubai took a deep breath and said, "This fairy grass is quite powerful."

Ning Rongrong suggested: "Third brother, why don't you put it away first?"

Tang San also felt that something was wrong and quickly put Youxiang Qiluo into his treasure bag.

At this time, dozens of soul beasts were already surrounding the poisonous formation.

And all of them are over a thousand years old. Soul beasts with cultivation levels of less than a thousand years are not even qualified to approach the poison array.

The aroma of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product is rich and long-lasting. Even after Tang San has taken it back into the treasure bag, there is still lingering fragrance in the air.

Some soul beasts that could not get close to the poison array kept launching some long-range attacks into the poison array, and all kinds of wind blades, fire bombs and gravel kept attacking everyone.

Unfortunately, everyone had retreated far enough away that they couldn't attack at all. Even if there were scattered attacks, they were blocked by Flanders and the others.


Just when everyone was relieved, a dragon roar came from outside the poisonous formation.

A powerful dragon power pressed towards the surrounding soul beasts, and even Flanders and the others in the poison array changed their expressions.

"No, there are dragon spirit beasts that are over 30,000 years old." Flanders said seriously, "Xiao San, can Dugu Bo's poison array stop a spirit beast of this strength?"

"Um, that should be okay."

Tang San didn't have much confidence. After all, Dugu Bo had arranged this poisonous formation, not him, so it wasn't clear whether this poisonous formation could stop him. After all, the Dragon Clan was known for their powerful physiques, so they might be able to resist head-on.


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