Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 275 Double Happiness

However, I don't know if it was due to the influence of Ghost Tiger, but the cold temperament on Zhu Zhuqing's body became even colder.

When everyone asked about the effects of Zhu Zhuqing's soul skills, Zhu Zhuqing didn't hide anything.

"My fourth soul skill, Ghost Shadow Clone: ​​can instantly create four physical clones to attack at the same time, and these four physical clones have 30% of my attack power in a short period of time."

After saying that, Zhu Zhuqing also used the Nether Shadow Clone once.

Immediately, five indistinguishable real Zhu Zhuqings appeared in front of everyone, and even Dai Mubai couldn't tell which one he was.

"Zhuqing, show them what to do. Let's have a good time tonight..."

Before Dai Mubai could finish speaking, he was pulled aside by five Zhu Zhuqings and gave him a beating.

Wang Xiaofeng could only say silently to such a person who behaved after getting an advantage, "Well done."

Just when everyone was celebrating Zhu Zhuqing happily, Ma Hongjun suddenly ran over covered in blood, raising his right hand high as if he was holding something.

"Everyone, come and take a look, let me see what I found!"

As soon as Ma Hongjun shouted so loudly, everyone's eyes fell on him. Although the fat man was often out of tune, it seemed that he had really discovered something good based on his tone.

Seeing everyone gathered around, Ma Hongjun straightened his chest and stretched out his right hand mysteriously, only to see a red bone appear in the palm of his hand.

It turned out to be a soul bone and a left arm bone. The faint red light contained a rather sinister aura.

"What do you think this is?"

Everyone looked at each other, the horror in each other's eyes difficult to conceal.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin: "Fat man, you are so lucky. This should be a soul bone. Looking at it, it should be a left arm bone. Where did you dig it out?"

Ma Hongjun wiped his nose with his bloody right hand without hesitation, "Didn't you ask me to dispose of the body of the bloodthirsty spider? I dug it out from there."

The bloodthirsty demon spider was killed by Tang San, so the soul bone will naturally belong to him. If we insist on calculating, Flanders and Xiao Wu also have a share, but with our relationship, we will naturally not do anything shameless.

The master looked at the small section of soul bone with admiration, as if he wanted to study it carefully. However, he also understood the environment clearly and pressed down, "Then you are really lucky. The chance of a thousand-year soul beast producing a soul bone is It’s less than one ten thousandth, I have to thank you mistress.”

Ma Hongjun waved his hand, saying that it was nothing, and that Tang San would just ask him to go back to the banquet hall for a meal. (Back to Yanlou, a high-end restaurant that only serves customized soul beast dishes. A meal costs at least 5,000 gold soul coins)

As the sky gradually darkened, everyone gathered around Youxiang Qiluo and began to eat dry food.

Tang San had already entered the Eye of Ice and Fire for two hours, and Xiao Wu looked at the towering cliff with worry.

Liu Erlong came over with hot sesame cakes and said, "Xiao Wu, eat some. You haven't eaten anything for a day."

Xiao Wu took the sesame cake and thanked her, but did not eat it, "Teacher Erlong, do you think he will come back safely?"

"Yes." Looking at Xiao Wu's hopeful eyes, Liu Erlong seemed to see his past self, and gently held Xiao Wu in his arms, "What a silly child. As long as I am here, he will never do it again." Let anyone or anything bully you.”

Xiao Wu looked at Liu Erlong's warm gaze and couldn't bear it anymore. She threw herself directly into Liu Erlong's arms: "Mom!"

When Liu Erlong came back with Xiao Wu in hand, and after some explanation, everyone knew that Xiao Wu had recognized Liu Erlong as his godmother.

The master opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing and could only look at her lonely.

Ma Hongjun twirled his fingers: "I helped Xiao San dig up the soul bone, and Xiao Wu happened to recognize the master. This should be a double happiness."

"Since it's double happiness, it's not too much to have a midnight snack." Everyone looked along Ma Hongjun's line of sight. Good guy, it turned out that they had been eyeing the corpses of the group of thousand-year-old soul beasts early in the morning.

Those thousand-year-old soul beasts were accidentally injured by Zhao Wuji's powerful Vajra Roar and died outside the poisonous formation. Because everyone was not in good condition before and there was a short distance away from the poison array, so everyone ignored it. If Ma Hongjun hadn't reminded them, they might not have seen it until they left.

Wang Xiaofeng pretended to be angry and patted his big belly, "You fat guy, you just know how to eat, and you're hungry just after dinner? What will you do if you can't find a wife in the future?"

Ma Hongjun didn't care: "Oh, it's a blessing to be able to eat. And I'm only fifteen years old. It won't be too late to wait until I'm thirty to find some."

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "Fat man, one day you stop being a soul master and become a cook, I will definitely support you."

"It's impossible to be a cook, not even in this life. I can only survive by flattering the bosses."

Flender thought for a while, it was really boring to just wait, and he was very happy that Liu Erlong had adopted a daughter.

Regardless of the master's objections, he and Ma Hongjun started organizing.

After Ning Rongrong finished absorbing the soul ring, she opened her eyes refreshed and saw a scene of demons dancing wildly.

"You guys, this is..."

Oscar was bragging with Wang Xiaofeng when he heard a familiar voice and turned around to realize that Ning Rongrong had completed absorbing the soul ring. He quickly put down the wine gourd in his right hand and handed over the meat skewers in his left hand with a flattering look on his face: "Rongrong , you must be hungry after absorbing the soul ring for so long, come and try the meat skewers I grilled for you."

Ning Rongrong didn't dislike it and bit into the meat skewers, "Hmm, it's delicious."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips. Obviously all the meat skewers were grilled by himself, so Oscar just became the tool man and was responsible for providing sausages.

Ma Hongjun, who was sitting on the ground spitting fire and taking a bite of meat from time to time, scolded with a smile: "Fat man, stop eating, there isn't much meat left, go see Mubai when he will send another batch of meat. "

"I know." Ma Hongjun reluctantly put down the meat skewers in his hands, patted his butt and walked out of the poisonous array.

The soul beasts outside the poison array were almost crying, but unfortunately they did not dare to step into the poison array. The corpses of the soul beasts who died in the battle today were still outside.

Ning Rongrong took the wine she snatched from Oscar and happily introduced her soul skills to everyone.

Ning Rongrong's fourth soul skill, in addition to providing additional defense for teammates, also has a powerful rebound effect. Although it can only rebound physical attacks, and only 10% of them, no one would think that this is not a magical skill.

Xiao Wu seemed to feel the lively atmosphere and recognized her godmother, so she no longer panicked and was finally willing to eat some food. Although it was just some radishes, it was a good start.

In this way, everyone kept eating and waiting until dawn and the rising sun, until a figure stood on the cliff.


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