Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 283: Reverse pressure, the villa is close to the sea

It wasn't until the referee loudly announced Shrek Academy's victory that the silent soul fighting arena erupted into loud exclamations.

Countless spectators instantly showed expressions of disbelief.

The second team of the dignified Tiandou Royal Academy was defeated by an unknown soul master team within ten seconds. It was really shocking.

"Xue Xing, is this a good thing?" Emperor Xue Ye stood up with a livid face, snorted coldly, and walked away.

Ning Fengzhi followed Emperor Xueye away with a smile, while Platinum Bishop Salas squinted his eyes and thought silently.

"The fourth soul ring is actually a ten-thousand-year soul ring. Such a genius must be recruited into the Spirit Hall."

Prince Snow Star sat blankly in his seat. Even now, he still can't believe that in just two years, Shrek Academy, which he personally expelled, has turned around.

Prince Snow Star, who had always been extremely conceited, now felt a trace of regret.

With the current strength of Shrek Academy, it is too easy to get a place in the promotion competition.

Facing the cheers of the audience, Shrek and his group slowly walked down the Soul Fighting Stage.

Tai Lung couldn't help but complain: "Boss, they acted too quickly. I didn't even react. The game was over."

Huang Yuan showed a hearty smile: "It is best to end the game cleanly like this, and slap the faces of those who look down on us."

Xiao Wu excitedly rushed forward and gave Tang San a big hug, "Xiao San, the fight was really good, but you are going to die."

Tang San fondly touched Xiao Wu's ears, "It's a pity that our strength has been exposed a little. In order to preserve our strength, Fatty probably won't have much chance to play in the future."

Ma Hongjun said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. I've already said something bad. It doesn't matter whether I play or not."

Oscar chuckled and said: "In the face of duel strength, all strategies are paper tigers. Even if their clothes are ugly, they will be beaten down."

"Let's go, go out first." Dai Mubai looked at the audience gathering faintly outside the passage, quickly put on his mask, put on his original clothes, and left quietly with everyone.

Shrek Academy, which played such a crushing game today, is now as famous as the participating teams from top academies.

The reputation of Tiandou Royal Academy has plummeted. If there are more losses than wins in future games, then this will have a heavy blow to Tiandou Royal Academy, the ‘First Academy in the Empire’.

And this is just the result of a game. The winner is the king and the loser is nothing more than that.

On the viewing platform specially provided for participating colleges, Flender and Wang Xiaofeng high-fived each other with a smile on their faces.

Liu Erlong asked in confusion: "What did you two do to make you so excited?"

Flanders and Wang Xiaofeng looked at each other and thought it was better not to talk about betting on their own students.

Flender's mind was racing, and he laughed calmly, "I'm so happy. The little monsters performed so well, and our clothing advertisement is now available."

As he said that, Flanders expressed his thoughts: "I have to charge a high price for this advertising fee to make some money for the college. By the way, we can expand it and win the championship. Next year, we don't have to worry about the number of students enrolled in our college."

Wang Xiaofeng silently gave a thumbs up. He was worthy of being a hard-earned man. One game suddenly made Flender three kinds of money: free tickets for the opening ceremony, advertising fees and gambling winnings.

It's a shame that Flanders doesn't become a businessman.

There was only one game today, and there would be no more games after the game, so the audience quickly began to disperse.

Today is just the opening ceremony, and tomorrow is the real round-robin match. Each team will play one game every day, which will last for a whole month.

Such a high-intensity competition is a test for teachers and students in each college.

If you are unlucky, you might have just experienced a tough battle that afternoon and won with difficulty, only to encounter a strong team again the next morning. If you fight, your soul and physical strength will not be restored to the best condition. If you don't fight Well, it has a certain impact on morale. After all, they are all young people and they refuse to admit defeat.

This involves a question of trade-offs.

Shrek, on the other hand, has no such worries at all, not to mention his previous experience of fighting souls in the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena for a month.

Let's just say that the inhumane training camp that lasted for half a year was several times more intense than the round-robin competition.

Only then did Tang San and the others feel the master's good intentions.

Wang Xiaofeng and Flender walked out of the gaming area with smiles on their faces.

Just now, the person in charge of the game area wanted to play some tricks and get Flender and Wang Xiaofeng to voluntarily donate 20% of the gold soul coins.

As a result, Flanders's seventy-nine-level soul power suppressed him, and the person in charge almost urinated. Without saying a word, he immediately settled their money. In order to prevent Flanders from causing trouble, he even handed over their money. Taxes are waived.

"That uncle is really a good man." Wang Xiaofeng put the black card containing five million gold soul coins into the gourd.

Flanders said disdainfully: "Huh, good guy? If it weren't for me, you might even lose all your money."

Anyway, he had already received the money, so Wang Xiaofeng was happy with Flanders and said as if to deal with it: "Yes, dean, you are the strongest."

Afterwards, Flender will go back to the academy. The advertisement has been put out, and the next step is to wait quietly for the money to slip into his pocket.

Wang Xiaofeng naturally wanted to go back, but he was still wearing Shrek's characteristic clothes. He was not like Flanders who could fly freely. To ensure his life safety, he had better change his clothes in the spirit fighting arena first.

As soon as he walked into the big spirit fighting arena, Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment because he saw that Tang San and the others hadn't left yet, and they didn't know what they were doing together.

Wang Xiaofeng said hello: "Hi, you haven't left yet."

"Brother Feng is here, Dad, I don't need to introduce him to you."

Only then did Wang Xiaofeng see Ning Fengzhi standing in the center. It turned out to be Ning Rongrong's father who came to see his daughter.

"This is Wang Xiaofeng, who has the title of Shrek's 'Strongest Auxiliary Soul Master'. Xiaofeng, last time you came to Qibao Glazed Sect as a guest, I was busy with my duties and did not entertain you properly. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't dare to claim to be the strongest assistant in front of Sect Master Ning." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hands quickly, "Besides, Sect Master Ning is a very busy man, so he can't waste his time on an idle person like me. It's already great to have Brother Youtian with you."

"I hope you can still come to Qibao Glazed Sect as a guest. The door of Qibao Glazed Sect will always be open for you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you young heroes today, but now it's time for you to go back to the academy." Seeing more and more spectators leaving the venue, Ning Fengzhi could only end the short meeting with some surprise. Tang San left.


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