Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 313 The unwilling Huo Wu

The surrounding ground began to crystallize under this extremely high ambient temperature. Even Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang had to rely on the extremely high flame resistance of their martial spirits to barely survive in this environment. But even so,

Dark red magma was spreading everywhere, and Tang San stopped when he was only ten meters away from the two of them.

There was no place to stay in front of him, and the rest turned into red magma ground.

Although Ma Hongjun's flames were hot, even if they touched the ground, they had never burned the ground like this.

Of course, there is also a reason why the temperature of Ma Hongjun's phoenix flame is not as high as the fireball condensed by Huo Wu at this time.

But it was also because Ma Hongjun had better control over his flames than Huo Wu at this time.

After Wang Xiaofeng witnessed Ma Hongjun's uncontrollable evil fire outbreaks, which often burned down wooden houses, he continued to train him in the control of his own soul power in the past few years, so that he gradually became able to control the flames with his arms.

Otherwise, Ma Hongjun would not be able to create a soul skill like 'Feng Wu Jiutian', which purely uses soul power to shape flames.

After Huo Wu absorbed Huo Wushuang's dragon flame, although the level and destructive power of her fourth soul skill doubled, it also meant that she could no longer control the fireball in her hand.

Simply condensing the fireball as dazzling as the sun into her hands and controlling it from exploding had consumed most of her energy.

Outside the venue, the host shouted in surprise: "Huo Wu from Blazing Fire Academy used an unknown technique. At this time, her soul power level has exceeded level 58, and this is not the end, it is still rising. .”

"But please don't worry, spectators. Our competition venue is equipped with soul shields released by three soul saints. The soul skills on the field will never affect the audience. Please enjoy this exciting competition."

In the stands, the master looked at the huge fireball in Huo Wu's hand and quickly found a similar technique in his mind, "This is the secret technique of ring fusion."

Liu Erlong was a little confused and said: "Ring Fusion? Hasn't this been lost for a long time?"

The secret skill of ring fusion is not a secret among high-level soul masters, and Liu Erlong has also heard about it. This secret skill can not only fuse the soul power of all one's own soul rings, but also concentrate them all on one soul ring, bursting out with an unimaginable blow. .

Moreover, it can also absorb the soul power of soul masters of the same attribute to enhance its own soul skills.

Although it takes a long time to accumulate power, this ring-melting secret skill is still very practical, but because it is too difficult to learn, and it is an untold secret of the Blazing Fire Sect, the Blazing Fire Sect is too low-key, so I haven't heard of it for a long time. Someone has learned the secret skill of ring fusion. I didn't expect that this elite competition would actually see this secret skill appear again in the soul master world.

Blazing Fire Academy can be ranked as a five-element academy with the Elephant Armor Sect of the lower four sects and the Elephant Armor Academy and Thunder Academy founded by the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect of the upper three sects. You can know how powerful the Blazing Fire Sect is.

"It has been lost for a long time. But Blazing Fire Academy has revealed its trump card at this time. What is its plan?" Although the master does not know much about the whereabouts of the major forces, he always has a feeling in his heart that a storm is coming. a feeling of.

On the field, Huo Wu's four soul rings slowly merged into one, and the lavender thousand-year soul ring emitted a dazzling light like a gem.

It was obvious that Huo Wu's pale face covered with sweat was no longer in so much pain. It seemed that after the soul rings were united, the pressure on her body was relieved a lot.

Huo Wu said with some difficulty: "You are very strong, stronger than I thought."

Her eyes were fixed on Tang San, and her voice trembled as she said, "But victory still belongs to our Blazing Fire Academy."

"Oh my God, the Fire Dancer's soul power level has exceeded level 60." The host exclaimed from the field.

Huo Wu finally couldn't control the fireball in her hand. The soul power of the two of them was compressed by her in this fourth soul skill. She was close to the limit of being able to accumulate power for so long.

"Fire! Dance! Shine! Sun!"

The cyan fireball flew out lightly and slowly slid forward half a meter.

Just when the audience felt that the name was not worthy of the name, the terrifying fireball suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, as bright as the sun, and everyone could not help but cover their eyes.

Tang San activated the Purple Demon Eyes to the extreme. When he saw the 'sun' clearly, the 'sun' had turned into a stream of light and suddenly bombarded him.

This is completely unavoidable, because the moment it was activated, Huo Wu had already controlled this dazzling 'sun' to completely lock Tang San's body. Unless Tang San escaped from the range of Huo Wu's mental lock, he would never be able to escape. .

But Tang San didn't think about escaping. Facing the most powerful soul skill since the start of the elite competition, Tang San silently activated his own soul skill.

The fine black bluesilver grass quietly surrounded Tang San's body, forming a huge black ball.

And it hasn't stopped inside yet, the bluesilver grass formed by the first soul skill quickly fills in to form a second layer of protection.

Because it is the most proficient first soul skill, it can be used much faster than the fourth soul skill.

Before the second layer was completed, his body had been completely swallowed up by the incandescent sunlight.

Everyone only saw the moment when Tang San's fourth spirit ring flashed and the blue silver grass entangled itself. The next moment, a dazzling light occupied the entire field of vision.

A firestorm raged across the entire place.

Xiao Wu screamed and was about to rush towards the sharp high temperature, but Dai Mubai held her back.

"what are you doing!"

"Trust Xiaosan, he won't do anything he's not sure about."

Dai Mubai couldn't stand the high temperature on the field, so he activated all his soul power, and the white tiger protective barrier turned into a white tiger shadow to protect the two of them.

The soul power in Huo Wu's body was empty, and he looked very depressed. Huo Wushuang used his dragon wings to protect the two of them, resisting the green flames that were raging on the field.

As for the Fire Sword Soul Master Huo Chexiang, he had long since realized that the situation was not good and ran out of the field.

After the dazzling light diminished a bit, Huo Wushuang opened his dragon wings and saw a large pit dozens of meters wide appeared in the center of the originally flat fighting spirit field.

"Haha Tang San is not dead now, but he is seriously injured and dying." Huo Wu let out a nervous laugh.

She was already thinking about whether she should weaken the power of her soul skills just now. If Tang San died in the blazing flames, wouldn't Blazing Academy be declared a failure?

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your good mood." A clear and calm voice came from the deep pit that was still radiating heat.

"This is impossible?!" Huo Wu screamed, his voice filled with disbelief.


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