Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 320 Memories (Part 2)

Seeing the cold expression of the little girl in front of him, the supervisor was not angry, but laughed loudly, "Zhu Zhuqing, right? Xiao Zhao, increase Zhu Zhuqing's resource supply by two levels."

In this way, Zhu Zhuqing, who was from a humble background in the entire Zhu family, suddenly became a young lady only lower than Zhu Zhuyun because of her talent.

Needless to say about eating and drinking, every meal has energy-rich soul beast meat to eat, and after every practice, you can drink a bowl of medicinal soup that has been simmered for two days and two nights. This medicinal soup can greatly relieve fatigue and repair The strain of meridians caused by long-term practice will extend the practice time in disguise.

Every time I go out, there are two maids following me at all times.

Zhu Zhuqing’s mother would always nag, ‘I need to repay the Zhu family and be grateful as a human being’.

Her mother was just a distant sideline. She had always been proud of the fact that she had a good appearance and was favored by the eldest son of the head of the family. The eldest son did not stand out and successfully became the head of the family.

Every time Zhu Zhuqing heard such words, he would remain indifferent and silent.

Because from the moment her martial soul awakened and her innate soul power was revealed, her supervisor had informed her of her future destiny.

"You are engaged to Dai Mubai, the young master of the Dai family. Work hard to succeed, otherwise..."

Thinking that his future destiny has been determined by others, the young Zhu Zhuqing's eyes suddenly became very cold, forgetting that he was still practicing, his aura suddenly became chaotic, and his soul power conflicted in his body.

Fortunately, there wasn't much soul power in his body at this time, so Zhu Zhuqing quickly calmed down the violent soul power.

"Forget it, let's go out for a walk."

Today is already the fifth day of Zhu Zhuqing's hard training. From the time he awakened his martial soul to now, he has not left the house for these five days and has been silently cultivating his soul power.

But even Zhu Zhuqing, who has a young and mature mentality, is a little bit too much after so many days of practice.

So I left the room and went for a walk, wanting to relax.

The two maids saw this and followed closely.

Zhu Zhuqing had no destination and was walking around at will. It was the first time for her to wander around Zhu's mansion at such an old age.

Before she was six years old, she stayed in that small yard. At other times, she could only go shopping and play with her mother during holidays.

Unknowingly, Zhu Zhuqing walked into a garden. Just as the guard in the dark was about to go out and stop him, someone grabbed him and said, "You don't want your life. Didn't you see that this is the second young lady?"

"Second Miss? Do you think I'm face-blind? How come the Second Miss looks like this?"

"She has been engaged to the young master of the Dai family. From now on, she is the second young lady!" A dull voice sounded from beside An Shao.

An whistle suddenly broke out in cold sweat, "Sir."

"Next time you make this mistake again, you will kill yourself."

A breeze blew by, and Anshao, who had cultivated to the Soul Master level, found that he didn't feel that anyone had been around him at all.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the crystal clear stream not far away, happily walked over, lowered his body, and let the water flow on his fingertips.

However, she suddenly discovered that the color of the grass not far away seemed a little wrong. Zhu Zhuqing calmly shouted: "Who is there!"

The two maids behind him decisively blocked the front, and two dazzling soul rings appeared on them.

A figure suddenly jumped out of the grass, half-kneeling not far from Zhu Zhuqing: "I have seen the second young lady. I accidentally disturbed the second young lady. Please punish the second young lady."

"I'm not...forget it, what are you doing secretly there?" Zhu Zhuqing was about to say that he had recognized the wrong person, but judging from his appearance, it was useless to correct him. Standing up, the maid behind him skillfully took out a handkerchief from her arms and silently wiped the water stains on Zhu Zhuqing's fingertips.

"The young master sent me to see if you are beautiful, young lady."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at him with a perverted look, and then said softly: "Beat him into a pig's head."


"Sister-in-law, come to Wohui." (Master, I'm back)

A young man with green skin and swollen face limped to the depths of the garden and reported to the person in front of him.

The young Dai Mubai teased the ducks, puppies and pigeons in his hands and said without looking back: "Have you seen them?"

"I picked up the knife." (I saw it)

"What's your voice..." Dai Mubai turned his head strangely and found that his subordinate looked like he was being bullied miserably, "Why did you do this?"

The young man touched his swollen face and said without tears: "Tawen's house is dry and dry, and it's too big. Uncle Ta's uncle Jueren is playing with it." (She asked me what I was doing. When I told her, she asked someone to beat me. )

Dai Mubai suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, you are indeed an idiot."

Two days later, Zhu Zhuqing, who was reviewing his morning homework in his room, suddenly found a pigeon landing on the window with a small note tied to it.

朱竹清好奇的解开纸条,打开一看,上面写到:“我听别人说你以后会嫁给我,欧辰(被揍的少年)回来说你长的很好看,但我不信他的眼光, because he’s a fool.”

Just as Zhu Zhuqing was politely preparing to reply, she suddenly noticed that a daddy appeared inexplicably on the window.

Suddenly he crumpled the letter into a ball angrily and threw it at the culprit, "Look at the good thing you did!"

The little pigeon was immediately frightened and flew out of the window.

What kind of pet is what kind of owner? Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt that this nominal fiancé was not a good person.

However, she didn't realize that the name Dai Mubai began to sprout in her heart.

A month later, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power successfully increased by one level, and she decided to reward herself with half a day's rest.

She heard people say that this season is a good time to enjoy flowers, so she went to the same garden as last time.

The servant did not lie to her. The flowers in the garden were in full bloom and they were very beautiful. Zhu Zhuqing happily picked the delicate flowers, but a puppy quietly ran up to her, its tail wagging.

Zhu Zhuqing noticed something seemed to be tied to it. When he took it off, he found it was a letter.

‘It’s that idiot Dai Mubai again’

With this thought, Zhu Zhuqing opened the letter in his hand: "This pork knuckle is for you. Ou Chen said that eating pork knuckle can whiten your skin. You need to be more beautiful so that you can be worthy of me, do you understand?"

Looking at the sticky pork knuckle in the puppy's mouth, Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyelids and clenched his fists hard, "Is this for me?"

"Woo!" The puppy nodded very humanely.

"Get out of here!"

Under the terrifying dragon roar of the bipedal ape, the poor puppy was so frightened that he could only run away with the pig knuckle in his mouth.

"Huh, calm down, it's not worth being so angry with this idiot." Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

After a while, other people who came to the garden to enjoy the flowers discovered that there was an area in the corner of the garden where the flowers were extremely messy, like a pot of fresh soup with a *** stuck on it.

This quickly aroused the disgust of many people, but after knowing who did it, they quickly put on a smile and ordered the gardener to restore the garden to its original appearance as soon as possible.


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