Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 324 Defeat Canghui College

"You're not a bad guy, you can seize the opportunity to do some tricks." The captain of Canghui Academy stared closely at Tang San who slowly appeared with his blood-red eyes like a devil, "But it's right to think about it. If you If you are too weak, how can you defeat Shi Nian?"

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, his golden pupils showing a trace of displeasure, "It seems that Shi Nian is your teacher, you don't seem to respect him very much."

"Haha, teacher? I'm just one of his experiments. But thanks to him, I can feel the supreme power of my Lord."

The captain of Canghui Academy licked his right paw, which was already covered with scales and did not look like a humanoid. "Tang San, don't worry, I will try to make your body as complete as possible. My Lord likes sacrifices like you the most."

As he spoke, huge soul power rose from the seven people, and a huge crossbow arrow made of condensed soul power appeared in mid-air.

"Tang San, go on your way with peace of mind!"

Under the control of the captain of Canghui Academy, the huge crossbow arrow silently struck Tang San.

Mental attack soul skill: Phantom Blade of Killing Sense.

The effect is to destroy the target's spirit and consciousness.

"Since you want to kill us, I won't show any mercy."

Facing the giant arrow coming towards him, Tang San smiled coldly, his purple devil eyes activated his soul power, a huge golden eye appeared behind him, and golden light that was more than a foot long spurted out, in the sky. Under Hui College's disbelieving expression, the giant arrow melted quietly in the golden light.

"You can do evil if God does it, but you can't live if you do evil on your own."

Under the continuous infusion of Tang San's spiritual power, everyone in Canghui Academy was surrounded by a bunch of golden giant eyes.

The captain of Canghui Academy felt something was wrong and quickly shouted: "Tang San, what do you want to do? Aren't you afraid of the punishment in the competition?"

"Isn't this your original purpose? I'm just returning it to you intact!"

The next moment, dozens of giant golden eyes suddenly opened their eyes, and golden light enveloped everyone in Canghui Academy.

Amid their miserable cries of pain, streaks of black energy rose up from their bodies, until the last bit of black energy disappeared, and Tang San closed his Purple Demon Eyes.

Fortunately, most of the black energy was absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing, otherwise the mental impact of the Purple Demon Eyes would not be able to completely eliminate the black energy.

I really don’t know where Canghui Academy got this kind of ominous black energy.

"Ah, the barrier on the field is starting to disappear. It's another exciting and exciting moment."

"After fifteen minutes of fierce battle, who will be the winner, Shrek, who has remained a dark horse all the way? Or Canghui Academy, which had an average record before but suddenly exploded with astonishing fighting power this time."

Amid the excited shouts of the host, the colored mask made by Canghui Academy finally disappeared completely, and the tragic situation on the field was also displayed in the eyes of the audience.

There were originally fourteen people on the ring, but now there was only one standing figure. When everyone took a closer look, that figure was clearly Tang San.

"Sure enough, the one standing at the end is Shrek's Tang San. Shrek once again defeated a strong opponent."

"Shrek wins this game."

‘Shrek, Shrek, Shrek’ The audience shouted Shrek’s name excitedly, expressing their emotions.

Tang San vaguely heard Shrek's victorious voice, and his heartstrings that had been holding on suddenly broke. Unable to hold on any longer, he fell to the ground with a thud.


Xiao Wu's mind was greatly shaken, and regardless of the consumption of soul power, the martial spirit possessed him instantly, and he teleported continuously across a distance of a hundred meters, appearing next to Tang San.

The treatment team off the field quickly took action. The injured players on the field were lifted off one after another. A soul king-level healing soul master immediately used his strongest soul skill and began to heal his injuries.

Liu Erlong, who had inspected the injuries of Tang San and the others, comforted the worried Xiao Wu and said, "It's okay. Xiao San and the others just used up too much mental energy. They should be fine after a few days of sleep."

Flender walked over and said helplessly: "It's fine, but there's a bit of trouble at Canghui College."

The result of Tang San's diagnosis and examination was that their mental energy was excessively exhausted and they fell into a coma.

But the situation at Canghui College was miserable. Not only did his brain become an idiot, but all the soul power in his body disappeared out of thin air.

Even if their brains are healed with luck, these seven people from Canghui College will probably have nothing to do with the profession of soul master in the future.

When the referee announced the final result, his body was shaking a little. This was the first time such a vicious incident had occurred. It was more vicious than killing someone.

Of course, Flender must have disagreed with someone else spraying sewage on Shrek, so he quickly applied for a new ruling.

After evaluation by several senior experts in the soul master world, the conclusion was given that the soul skill had backlash.


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