Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 327 The decision to reverse the reform

"What? Give up the next two games!"

Xiao Wu's surprised voice sounded in the hospital room.

Although Wang Xiaofeng gave the information in advance and everyone was mentally prepared, everyone felt a little uncomfortable when they heard the master's decision.

Even though Tang San knew that Canghui Academy had prepared a trick to deal with them, he was still willing to move forward in order not to interrupt the winning streak.

All of them secretly discussed and made an agreement to give one last gift to this impoverished academy before leaving Shrek Academy.

That is an astonishing winning streak that is unprecedented and unprecedented.

They are ready to start from the qualifiers until the elite finals without losing a single game.

On the surface, everyone joked about hiding their strength, but secretly, as long as they stood on the soul-fighting stage, they would exert one hundred and twenty percent of their strength.

The master stared at Xiao Wu with dissatisfied eyes, "Keep your voice down, Xiao San and the others are still resting inside."

"Oh." Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, shrank her head and secretly made a face behind Master's back.

The master said calmly: "So you guys have a good rest these two days. Of course, I suggest you digest the experience of playing against different colleges in the past ten days. This will be of great benefit to your future development."

The master's decision was expected by Wang Xiaofeng. He also knew that this decision was the best choice at this point in time, but it was a pity that everyone's agreement was ruined here.

After discussing the arrangements for the next two days, the master prepared to leave the hospital. Suddenly, a troublesome voice sounded behind him, forcing him to stop.

"Master, I want to continue the game tomorrow."

The master turned around and looked at Xiao Wu with a headache: "You kid, what do you want to do? Didn't you agree to rest for the next two days?"

"If Xiao San sees this, he won't want to see us surrender without fighting."

Wang Xiaofeng complained in his heart that if the mistress was here, he would definitely listen to the master.

"The colleges we will fight with tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are Tiandou Emperor** Academy and Xianyin Academy. According to the information I collected, the average level of their participating students is around level 34, and they are among the colleges ranked at the bottom of the strength rankings."

Although Wang Xiaofeng did not expressly support Xiao Wu, this introduction was undoubtedly contrary to the master.

The master glared at Wang Xiaofeng, his eyes undoubtedly saying: You are such a young boy, you didn’t expect to backstab me at this time.

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged, saying that he was just a child and didn't understand anything.

For the master, the suspension not only took care of the face of the Tiandou Royal Family and Wuhun Palace, but also gave Shrek two days of rest in vain. This was undoubtedly a win-win situation.

But the interests of adults have nothing to do with them. At this time, they just want to abide by each other's agreement, protect Shrek's glory, and ensure that the winning streak is not ended by other colleges before Tang San and the others wake up.

"Yes, Master, let us go on the field. Even if we lose, Shrek will lose in a dignified manner on the playing field." This is a passionate lone wolf.

"Master, how about asking my dad to open the back door for Shrek and secretly send a few participating students." This was a little witch who didn't mind the excitement.

"Quiet, quiet." The master looked at the doctor's room where the demons were dancing with a headache, knowing that today's matter could not be solved. "Do you know the consequences of continuing to compete? Even if you win, it is actually not a good thing."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded silently. The master was right. If Shrek really won, it would not necessarily be a good thing for the development of the academy.

Although Shrek Academy has made a lot of money in this elite competition, this way of development is definitely unhealthy.

This year's class attracted so much investment because of the presence of Wang Xiaofeng and the other monsters. The next class will definitely not have such crushing strength. In fact, every teacher can see it clearly.

Therefore, compared to Flanders who was unwilling to accept capital injections from forces and wanted to solve the financial problem alone and was busy making money, the master had already found an ideal backer, which was the Tiandou Empire.

As long as he shows his unparalleled strength in the qualifying rounds, the Tiandou royal family will never let go of this delicious piece of fat.

And I heard that the Crown Prince was also optimistic about Tang San, and Tang San had a good relationship with Ning Fengzhi, who was the Crown Prince's teacher. In addition, Ning Rongrong was also in Shrek and had a romantic relationship, so it would be good for Shrek to get one. The contract is not difficult.

Tiandou Emperor** Academy and Xianyin Academy are colleges funded by the Tiandou Empire.

If we rely on the Tiandou Empire to develop in the future, we will definitely not avoid exchanges with brother schools. If Shrek surrenders tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, then these two colleges will definitely have to accept this. After all, Shrek's only two defeats It was defeated by them.

No matter how it came about, there is a good excuse for the outside world anyway.

In this way, when this elite competition is over, Flanders will vigorously develop Shrek Academy, and he will have reason to go to these two academies to learn from it.

It's not like his eyes are completely dark, and he doesn't even have any connections.

The relationship is constantly deepening in this way, you help me and I help you.

"Master, I want to play, okay?" Xiao Wu shook Master's arm with tears in her eyes.


At this moment, the door to the hospital room was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

"Xiao Gang, Boss Fu is looking for you..." Liu Erlong broke in and saw Xiao Wu's big eyes blurred with tears. The words he had not finished speaking suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Before the master could explain, there was a sudden pain in his ears, and Liu Erlong's cold voice sounded, "Yu Xiaogang, your wings are so stiff, how dare you bully my daughter."

Seeing that Liu Erlong was about to commit domestic violence, Wang Xiaofeng hurriedly pushed Ning Rongrong and others toward the door: "Uh, I suddenly remembered that my clothes were confiscated. I'm going back first, and you guys can chat." With that, he pushed everyone Left the hospital room.

But even with soundproof walls, you can still hear the master's cry of pain, "It hurts, Erlong, you misunderstood."

"What's the misunderstanding? Don't you just think that Xiao Wu and I are lonely and easy to bully?"

"I don't mean that, can you let it go first?"

"Hang on, if you don't give me an explanation, I won't have your ears today."

Looking at the bustling medical room, Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "Master will indeed have to be treated by Teacher Erlong. If nothing else happens, we will be able to play in tomorrow's game."

Xiao Wu pulled Wang Xiaofeng's sleeve with some embarrassment, "Xiao Feng, did I ruin the master's plan?"

Seeing Xiao Wu's timid appearance, Wang Xiaofeng said amusedly: "Sister Xiao Wu, who is not afraid of anything, will she regret it?"

Xiao Wu couldn't hear the ridicule in Wang Xiaofeng's words. She frowned, gritted her teeth, and said viciously: "Wang, Xiao, Feng!"

Wang Xiaofeng raised his hands decisively and admitted defeat. He didn't want to reason with the girl.

After fighting for a while, Wang Xiaofeng finally explained: "It's definitely going to mess up the plan, but it's not as serious as you think. All you have to do is win the game."

Ning Rongrong asked: "Brother Feng, are you going to play tomorrow?"

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Ning Rongrong angrily, "What do you think!"

It was necessary to play. Since Ning Rongrong was not allowed to play in the qualifiers, he had no choice but to do so.


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