Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 329 Doubts

The prescription Tang San gave was still useful. Half an hour later, Dai Mubai slowly opened his eyes and saw the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Where am I...?" Dai Mubai covered his head with his left hand and propped up his body with his right hand. Wang Xiaofeng quickly supported him and saw familiar things. Dai Mubai then remembered what happened before and asked quickly : "Where's Zhuqing, how is she?"

"It's okay, maybe it's a blessing in disguise."

Wang Xiaofeng pursed his lips to the side, and Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhu Zhuqing lying on the hospital bed without any serious problems.

Then, Wang Xiaofeng began to feed him porridge, and Oscar used his gab and began to tell what happened after they fell into coma.

In the end, Oscar concluded: "Canghui Academy really doesn't care about martial ethics, and they actually wanted to use this method to sneak attack us. Fortunately, the mistress reacted quickly, so they didn't succeed. In the end, with the dean's many tricks, Canghui Academy was defeated It’s such a relief after suffering such a boring loss.”

Dai Mubai smiled and said, "That's it. It seems like you guys have had a wonderful couple of days."

Ma Hongjun curled his lips and said, "Don't listen to Uncle Sausage's bragging. Like us, he has just woken up from a coma."

"You kid, how dare you fool me, watch your moves!"

The quiet hospital room suddenly became agitated.

Dai Mubai's sobriety was a boost for everyone in Shrek. Early the next morning, Flender changed the previously determined playing list to the competition organizing committee.

In addition to Oscar and Ma Hongjun who need to rest, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai appear again with Tai Long.

Facing the recovered dark horse Shrek, although Xianyin Academy did not admit defeat and wanted to struggle, the group control Blue Silver Cage and the devastating White Tiger Meteor Shower, the defensive formation was defeated just ten seconds into the game. Dispersed.

The Xianyin Academy, which was dismantled and unable to organize an effective defense, had no choice but to be defeated one by one by Xiao Wu, Tai Long, Huang Yuan and Jing Ling.

"The winner is, Shrek Academy!"

The winner enjoys flowers and applause, while the loser can only lick his wounds and leave helplessly.

However, Flanders was inspired to approach Xianyin Academy and proposed the idea of ​​exchange between the two schools. Xianyin Academy would not refuse, so he happily agreed.

Of course, such an important decision still has to be left to the dean. Now it is only preliminary confirmation that both parties have this intention.

Both Shrek Academy, which won the competition, and Xianyin Academy, which lost the competition but got an opportunity to communicate, showed a satisfied smile. Only Wang Xiaofeng, who was at the end of the crowd, touched his chin in confusion.

‘Is it my imagination? The power of Mu Bai’s White Tiger Meteor Shower just now seems to have weakened a bit. ’

Shrek's invincible record has still not been broken, and the main players have recovered, which has made many advertisers come to Shrek again.

Even Tiandou Daily began to report, hailing Shrek as the only dark horse in twenty years, who had already locked up a place in the promotion competition in advance. Such a sudden rise in fame kept Flanders from closing his mouth all day long. .

The next day, Shrek's opponent was Thunder Academy, which currently had the same points as them and was tied for first place.

In order not to expose too much, the master replaced Xiao Wu with Ma Hongjun, leaving the other personnel unchanged.

Unexpectedly, Thunder Academy had the same idea. The players on the roster were still the same players as before. Except for the captain Yu Tianxin and the vice-captain Lei Xin, the others were all soul masters around level 37.

The master frowned. It seemed that nothing could be accomplished in this game.

"Welcome to the audience to the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition Qualifiers. The first round today is a head-to-head match. Haha, I have heard the cheers of many viewers. So now, let us have Invite the veteran overlord - Thunder Academy, and our undefeated dark horse - Shrek Academy!"

Amid the host's passionate opening and the enthusiastic cheers from the audience, Shrek's group and the Thunder Academy group quickly stood on both sides of the Soul Fighting Stage and got ready.

"Contestants on both sides please release your martial spirits...the competition begins!"

Dai Mubai and Yu Tianxin, the captain of Thunder Academy, staged a wonderful battle from the beginning. Unfortunately, the other team members obviously dragged him down. Not long after the game started, Tang San caught the flaw, and one after another he was killed. Lan Yincao was thrown out of the field.

Finally, with more than a dozen opponents, Yu Tianxin, who had been guarding for a long time, accidentally showed a flaw, and was directly blasted out of the ring by Dai Mubai's White Tiger Fierce Light Wave, narrowly losing to Shrek.

Zhao Wuji and Flender waved their fists happily, and the master couldn't help but smile with joy. Only Wang Xiaofeng bit his lip and looked serious.

‘Sure enough, it was not an illusion before, Mubai’s body really had some kind of problem. ’

According to normal conditions, Dai Mubai, who took the strange velvet Tongtianju, has all eight meridians, and his body has extremely high resistance to thunder and lightning. In addition, the evil-eyed white tiger is a top beast at the same level as the blue electric tyrant rex spirit. It is impossible for Wuhun to fight against Yu Tianxin of the same level in a 50-50 situation.

Dai Mubai's inner desire for victory also made it impossible for him to let go of his opponents, so there was only one reason for this situation, and that was that something happened to his body, which caused his strength to begin to decline.

Having won the Thunder Academy, one of the two major obstacles (the second was Kamikaze), and Zhu Zhuqing had woken up in the morning, good things came in pairs, and everyone decided to have a big meal tonight after a long absence.

In the evening, private room in Juxia Building.

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"Ah, I'm so envious of Zhuqing. It's a blessing in disguise. His soul power has been upgraded to level 43. I really want to upgrade." Ning Rongrong held her chin with both hands and exclaimed.

"You have just reached the forty-level level, and the soul power in the soul ring has just stabilized. It is impossible to upgrade within a month." Oscar shook his head, "And Zhuqing was able to upgrade only with his own life. We are still old Just practice honestly."

Ma Hongjun touched his stomach and shouted, "Ah ah ah, I'm so annoyed. Why haven't Dai LaoDa and Xiao Feng come yet? I'm so hungry."

Tang San glanced at everyone, "Didn't you call them when you came out?"

Oscar shook his head, "I haven't seen either of them since today's game."

Zhu Zhuqing looked thoughtfully at the dark night outside the window. After waking up today, she felt that something was wrong with Dai Mubai. She always felt that there was something on his mind.

After breaking the illusion of Canghui College, Zhu Zhuqing discovered that Dai Mubai had a spiritual connection with her.

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