Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 341: The inheritance begins

Platinum Bishop Salas delivered a speech and opened the award ceremony, "These soul masters represent the youngest and most elite forces in the empire. With them, the empire will be immortal."

Under the host's announcement, the captains of the top five teams stepped onto the podium one after another.

Of course, because Dai Mubai and Wang Xiaofeng fell into a coma, and Tang San needed to boil herbs to suppress Dai Mubai's rapidly decreasing soul power.

So in the end, Xiao Wu, who persuaded Oscar and Ma Hongjun with her fists, went to the podium to receive the award on behalf of all members of Shrek.

"Please allow me to put the honor and future of the empire into their hands."

As Shrek, who had won 27 games in a row and won the championship, Emperor Xue Ye personally put a golden wreath on Xiao Wu's head that symbolized the honor of the championship.

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, "Hey, it's a little loose."

Emperor Xue Ye was very amused by Xiao Wu's rudeness and said with a smile: "You little brat, haha, I also have a smaller silver wreath here, why don't you change it?"

Xiao Wu quickly shook her head, "Then forget it. If you go back wearing silver, you'll probably get scolded."

"I'm very optimistic about you Shrek, keep up the good work." After saying that, he left directly.

Kamikaze, Thunder and Blazing Fire were tied for second with 25 wins and 2 losses, while Tianshui ranked fifth with 24 wins and 3 losses.

Salas, Ning Fengzhi, the prince and the princess presented silver and copper wreaths to the four teams one by one, symbolizing the runner-up and third place.

The top five academies receive the same prize money, after all, this is just a qualifying round.

Each team received a reward of 20,000 gold soul coins issued by the Tiandou Empire.

After awarding the awards, Xue Ye gave a speech, not only giving the winning team of the qualifiers and the other four teams noble titles (the kind with territories).

Contract the next level of soul rings for teams (including substitute members) that perform well in the promotion competition.

It also increased the rewards for winning the elite competition.

During this period, Salas wanted to make Emperor Xueye take back his decision on the grounds that "the reward is too high and unreasonable", but Emperor Xueye said, "This is an internal matter within our Tiandou" and made Salas speechless. In the end, Emperor Xueye was speechless. I can only swallow the stuffy air in my stomach.

As soon as the award ceremony was over, Xiao Wu happily approached Ning Fengzhi who had not had time to leave.

"Uncle Ning, there is a reward of 20,000 gold soul coins for showing up as a team, right?"

Looking at the girl standing in front of him, Ning Fengzhi smiled and shook his head, "Yes, just let your dean go to the podium to collect the money later."

Xiao Wu tilted her head, looking embarrassed, "Ah, I need the dean to pick it up in person..."

Ning Fengzhi said: "It's not necessary for the dean to go in person, but didn't your dean come to see this last game today?"

Xiao Wu tapped her chin with her finger, "He is here, but he is busy with other things now..."

In the daze, I could vaguely hear intermittent sounds.

"...Xiao Feng's situation..."

"...Fortunately, the foundation was not damaged, but I just can't wake up. It's similar to Mubai's situation..."

"...body protection..."

"...I was shocked when I just checked. I really don't know how he cultivates. The quality of his soul power is almost as good as mine..."

In order to hear these sounds clearly, the energy I had just recovered was exhausted again, and my consciousness fell into the silent darkness again.

By the time Wang Xiaofeng woke up from his slumber, it was already the third day of the qualifying round.

"Ah, my whole body hurts...I've been sleeping for a few days." Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, Wang Xiaofeng slowly raised his rusty right hand and pulled away the quilt.

The noise caused by the action finally alerted Oscar, who was left behind.

Oscar shouted excitedly: "Xiao Feng, you finally woke up! You have been in a coma for a whole year!"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at this bitch speechlessly, who always liked to add drama to himself, "...Have I ever told you that every time you brag, you always raise your eyebrows."

Seeing that his prank failed, Oscar shrugged in disappointment, "Okay, you've been sleeping for three whole days. I'm really convinced that you can sleep better than Boss Dai."

"Mubai?" Wang Xiaofeng recalled the situation during the game, "By the way, how is Mubai doing now!"

"I don't know. Anyway, the mistress and the master are trying to find a solution. By the way, it seems that Dugu Bo is here too."

"Hmph, that old man Dugubo will have to settle the old score with him sooner or later." Wang Xiaofeng said disdainfully: "He definitely didn't come here for Mubai. It's probably related to the mistress."

Oscar had just finished making the big recovery sausage, but he didn't expect Wang Xiaofeng to stand up after stuffing it into his mouth, "Hey, where are you going now?"

"Go eat! You sausage is not hungry at all."


"Phew, I feel good. I almost fainted from hunger just now."

Wang Xiaofeng patted his stomach and slumped on the chair, looking like he was stuck in the sage's time.

Oscar looked at the dishes piled up like a mountain, and looked at the shriveled wallet without tears.

After satisfying his stomach's requirements, his brain no longer sounded the hunger alarm, and Wang Xiaofeng had time to check his body.

"Hey, I actually advanced one level, breaking through to level 46. Moreover, the viscosity of the soul power has changed from oil to mercury, and the quality has improved again."

Wang Xiaofeng thought happily: 'I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise. Mubai is such a lucky star. ’

In order to assist Dai Mubai and let him enjoy the last game, Wang Xiaofeng really exhausted his body.

Fortunately, the ending was quite perfect. Not only did he win the qualifiers, but his strength also improved.

I heard that there are also titles and territories. I wonder if I can choose the area around Hulu Village.

But a place like this close to the Star Dou Forest should have been chosen long ago...

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng who was in a state of contentment (daze), Oscar sighed helplessly.

If time went back an hour, he would definitely give him a big mouth at that time. After all, it was still too late to ask Rongrong to support him at this time.

Sunset at the edge of the forest.

Dai Mubai was lying on the ground with an unknown grass in his mouth. Zhu Zhuqing sat aside, watching the beautiful scenery in the distance with him.

Dai Mubai said: "The scenery is nice. It's been a long time since I could enjoy the surrounding scenery so easily."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know how to reply, so he could only respond blankly: "Yes."

"It reminds me of where I used to train when I was a kid. It was so beautiful."

"If I died, it would be nice to be buried there."

Zhu Zhuqing said excitedly: "Idiot, bah bah bah, what are you talking about? You won't die!"

This was the first time Dai Mubai saw Zhu Zhuqing so excited. He was obviously stunned for a moment, and his tone couldn't help but become gentle, "Fool, I didn't say I would die now. It's just that people will always die..."

Hearing Dai Mubai's different tone, Zhu Zhuqing realized that he seemed to be too excited, and quickly turned around and said: "Anyway, you are not allowed to die, and you are not allowed to die while I am alive."

"Haha, you are so young and beautiful, I will not die. I will not die even if you are the Evil-Eyed Saint King or your inheritance."

"Maybe when you get older and become ugly, it will be hard to tell."

"Maybe I'll be disgusted to death by you."

"You are disgusting. You will be uglier than me when you get older!" Zhu Zhuqing kneaded the flowers and plants in his hands angrily.

But after a while, he still didn't hear the familiar voice beside him. Zhu Zhuqing turned around and found that Dai Mubai had fallen into coma again.


Thanks to book friend Dugu Xuanguan for the tip. The protagonist of the next chapter is Dai Mubai, let me tell you in advance

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