Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 350: Killing

Under the urging of the referee, the captain of the Botanical College quickly walked onto the ring and stood in front of Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu looked up at her opponent who was a head taller than her, "Oh? It seems like the captain is a big friend."

Nan Zhi pushed up the glasses on her nose and said expressionlessly: "I will defeat you, because we have already seen through your pattern."

Captain of the Botanical College, Nan Zhi.

Wuhun: Giant pitcher plant.

Soul power: level 44.

"Game start!"

Following the referee's announcement, the first spirit ring on Nan Zhi, the captain of the College of Botany, was the first to light up. The giant pitcher plant in front of him expanded in the wind, and in an instant it had grown to a huge plant with a diameter of three meters and a height of five meters.

"The first soul skill, Wind Piercing"

The giant pitcher plant opened its mouth wide, and saw densely packed sharp spikes growing inside. If someone with trypophobia saw it, they would definitely faint immediately, because there are too many spikes inside.

When Nan Zhi drank, the giant pitcher plant's exaggerated mouth suddenly spurted out countless spikes.

‘Damn it, this stupid guy’s soul skills are exactly the same as those of the old aunt. ’

Xiao Wu activated her teleportation and quickly stepped back to dodge.

Nan Zhi saw Xiao Wu hurriedly dodging the attacks, with a sinister smile on her face. "No matter how powerful you are, after fighting Tiantian, how much physical and soul power do you have left?"

Under normal circumstances, the agility attack type soul master's physical strength is indeed not as good, especially under such continuous attacks and high-intensity dodging for five minutes.

But what he didn't expect was that after the master's hellish physical training, Shrek's students had much more physical strength than he imagined.

Nan Zhi actually said this to anger Xiao Wu, because such a large-scale attack, even if it was just the first soul skill, would require a lot of soul power to maintain.

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When faced with such a predicament, most people would definitely get closer, especially Xiao Wu, who according to the data, was only good at close attacks.

Although Xiao Wu was not out of physical strength, he managed to do it erratically.

Because Xiao Wu was already very irritated by the continuous range attacks, what she wanted was a fist to fist fight, not like being led around like this.

Xiao Wu's body instantly shuttled through the giant pitcher plant and arrived in front of Nan Zhi.

Teleportation, charm!

Nan Zhi looked at her subconsciously and saw Xiao Wu's eyes that had turned pink.

Nan Zhi's mind suddenly went blank, but Xiao Wu didn't notice that the moment she appeared in front of Nan Zhi, the giant pitcher plant seemed to have wisdom and decisively stopped the soul skill that was still in progress.

A thick yellow mist was released from the mouth of the giant pitcher plant and shrouded directly towards the surroundings.

At this time, Xiao Wu's scorpion tail had just been wrapped around Nan Zhi's neck, and the jutsu package had not yet been arranged. When he saw the poisonous mist floating around, he thought to himself: "Not good."

In order to avoid inhaling the poisonous mist, Xiao Wu quickly used teleportation to escape from the poisonous mist.

But despite this, I still smelled a faint floral fragrance.

The floral fragrance was very strong, even though it was just a hint, Xiao Wu immediately felt dizzy in her head.

I wanted to use my soul power to expel the toxins from my body, but I didn't expect that my soul power was running very slowly like a ninety-year-old grandmother.

Xiao Wu was secretly surprised, how could this be possible? Even Tang San's poison couldn't be so powerful.

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