Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 359

Although Ma Hongjun looked handsome at this time, he still failed to achieve the achievement of one wear and six in the end.

After the second game, Ma Hongjun once again defeated two opponents in a row, and then lost due to a large consumption of soul power.

It is true that Ma Hongjun's Fire Phoenix Spirit is very powerful, but it also causes each of his spirit skills to consume more spirit power than the average person.

Coupled with this, Barak Royal Academy has obviously changed its tactics.

The two students who came on stage were mainly engaged in procrastination. They would not confront you head-on and kept running away.

"Barack Royal Academy wins this game, please ask Shrek Academy to send out the next contestant."

Dai Mubai said happily: "Hey, it's my turn!"

Wang Xiaofeng, who had just helped Ma Hongjun off the stage, said quickly: "Boss Dai, don't forget to leave one for me."

Dai Mubai waved his hand: "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten."

Looking at Dai Mubai's leaving figure, Ma Hongjun gloated: "I think you may not have a chance to play."

Wang Xiaofeng angrily stuffed the sausage into his mouth, "I can't stop your mouth even if you have something to eat!"

"Well, well..."

Seeing Dai Mubai, who was exuding a domineering aura, walking twenty meters away from him, the male student from Barak Royal Academy had a very ugly look on his face. It was obvious that he had recognized Dai Mubai's identity.

"It's you, Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger! I didn't expect Shrek to send you to play."

Although Tang San set a record for being the fastest to advance to the Gold Badge in Soto City's Great Spirit Arena, in terms of fame, Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger, was Shrek Academy's signature.

It can be said that in the past few years, there was no soul master from each academy who had not been beaten by Dai Mubai as long as he went to the Soto City Great Soul Fighting Arena.

It can be said that in the eyes of the Barak Academy, Dai Mubai is the great devil at the level of Suppressor Soul Lord.

Some people even privately called him "the most ferocious tiger of the empire" and "the strongest demon king".

Dai Mubai covered his face with his right hand in embarrassment, "Stop, stop, stop, I'm not Dai Mubai, you got the wrong person."

He is now super afraid that the other party will say his embarrassing nickname in public.

Fortunately, the male student from Barak Royal Academy recognized Dai Mubai and did not continue talking, which made Dai Mubai feel relieved.

‘The other person is so understanding, so I’ll be gentler with you later’

"Game start!"

At the referee's order, Dai Mubai instantly entered a state of possession.

With a tiger roar, Dai Mubai rushed towards his opponent.

Twenty seconds later, the male student from Barak Royal Academy was lying outside the court, looking at the sky with dull eyes.

who I am? where am I? What am I doing?

On the stage, Platinum Bishop Salas narrowed his eyes slightly, "The boy from the Dai family has become stronger... No, we must report to His Majesty, and that plan must be put on the agenda."

Dai Mubai has indeed become stronger. Although it has only been a month, the pressure on him has become significantly stronger, and his explosive power is even more amazing.

Many academies that had fought against Shrek couldn't help but get headaches. Having Tang San was already a headache, but they didn't expect that now there was another person who had to be targeted.

God, this finals is really a fight between gods.

As if seeing that there was nothing he could do against Dai Mubai, the next student from Barak Royal Academy was only a level 35 soul master.

Dai Mubai didn't even use his soul skills. He caught the opponent's flaw in a few seconds and threw his opponent out of the field with a clever move.

Looking at the opponent's dejected back, Dai Mubai curled his lips, suddenly stretched out his hand to signal to the referee: "Oh, it's boring. Referee, I admit defeat."

"Shrek Academy admits defeat, please send the next contestant from both sides."

Seeing Dai Mubai jump off the ring decisively, Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows at Ma Hongjun, "If you lose, remember you still owe me three roast chicken legs."

"Xiao Feng, it's your turn."

As soon as Dai Mubai returned to the team, Ma Hongjun said with a bitter face: "Boss Dai, why did you just give up? It's my chicken legs."

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng who was leaving in a hurry, Dai Mubai smiled maliciously and clenched his fists: "You actually bet on me?!"

Only then did Ma Hongjun react. He quickly covered his mouth and said in a depressed voice, "Ah, I spilled the beans..."

Wang Xiaofeng ran to the ring as fast as he could, and Wang Xiaofeng, who thought he had escaped, breathed a sigh of relief.

After sizing up his opponent, he found that the thin young man opposite him had no impression of himself.

Interesting, is there a hidden trump card? Let me see if it is stronger than the powerful rock bear Abner.

"Game start!"

The moment the referee made the announcement, the thin young man had already released his martial spirit.

A small flower with a red center and orange petals quickly appeared in his hand.

Looking at the four soul rings rising from the opponent's feet, Wang Xiaofeng almost laughed out loud, "The soul sect is cultivated, and the martial soul is also a sunflower?"

Wild sunflowers can release a peculiar smell that can make enemies incapacitated. It is a strange mental toxin.

The sunflower is as hard as iron, and using it as a martial spirit can be used as a weapon itself. Poison and attack are equally important.

But this method of using smell as the main attack method was exactly restrained by Wang Xiaofeng's gourd.

The first and second soul rings of the thin young man shone brightly, and the sunflower in his hand quickly grew larger and longer. With a wave of his hand, a thick yellow mist was released from the sunflower.

Looking at the yellow mist that enveloped him, Wang Xiaofeng calmly raised his gourd above his head and shouted in his heart, "Gourd, suck!"

Then, a scene that shocked the audience appeared.

I saw a huge suction suddenly coming from the mouth of the gourd, just like a dragon sucking water. Within a few seconds, a large piece of yellow mist was sucked clean.

The thin young man looked at the gourd in Wang Xiaofeng's hand in disbelief, "How is this possible..."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "If you have any other means, let's use them together."

Even though Wang Xiaofeng seemed to be giving in to his opponent, in fact, this kid was very dark in his heart. This was the first time for the thin young man to play in the promotion competition, and the major colleges had no information about him at all.

But as long as the opponent uses all the soul skills on him, then Barak Royal Academy's trump card will be its trump card, and all the major colleges can come up with a plan for the thin young man in one night.

Barak Royal Academy is probably going to have the worst results ever.

The thin young man didn't think too much at all. He thought Wang Xiaofeng was looking down on him. He felt angry and his third soul ring shone brightly on his body.

"The third soul skill, the deadly flywheel."

He picked up the three-meter-high sunflower and spun it around a few times. When he had almost gathered enough strength, the head of the sunflower suddenly fell off from the stem, spinning like a sharp cutting knife and flying towards Wang Xiaofeng.


With a disdainful smile on his face, Wang Xiaofeng raised the gourd, made a gesture like throwing a Frisbee, and then threw it hard.

The gourd suddenly turned into a black shadow and disappeared in Wang Xiaofeng's hand.

The next second, there was only a loud bang, a burst of sparks flashed in the air, and the gourd and the sunflower heads hit each other accurately.

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