Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 365 The Fusion Ring Reappears

Because the organizer will invite powerful and famous soul masters from all walks of life, and people with cultivation levels like the Unparalleled Dragon Snake are also invited, and they may be watching the game from the stands at this time.

So since Wang Xiaofeng and Flender had given special instructions, Tang San put Tai Long and the three of them on the playing list.

The game went very smoothly.

After sending an unknown student to test and being defeated by Tai Long, Meng Yiran was next on the stage.

Meng Yiran was worthy of being the granddaughter of the peerless dragon and snake. As the second soul master to appear, she fully demonstrated her advantages as a weapon soul master.

With the poison on the snake staff and her changeable and fierce attack methods, she actually defeated Tai Long, who was two levels above her, and even fought with Jing Ling for five minutes, until she consumed too much soul power and was defeated. Jing Ling was sent off the field.

However, the strength of the Alien Beast Academy team is only at the middle level among all fifteen participating teams.

It was a very friendly turn-based game at the beginning, but when the three Tailong players came off the field one after another and were replaced by Ma Hongjun, it was immediately torn apart.

Ma Hongjun showed the teachers and students of the Alien Beast Academy what it means to be a champion seed. The violent Fire Phoenix defeated four people in a row, directly shattering the dream of the Alien Beast Academy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shrek Academy's winning streak is unstoppable.

If the fifteen teams in the promotion round were divided into five levels, then Shrek Academy would be the best, occupying the first tier.

The rest building of Chihuo Academy.

Outside the door of a room, two young men stood.

"Sister Xiaowu, you've been staying in your room all day, it's time to come out for dinner."

"Yes, you can't practice without eating or drinking."

The two tool man teammates banged on the door outside, but the fire dance inside blocked the surroundings, concentrating on absorbing the fire poison from the three-meter-high furnace in front of them.

The furnace was burning with a strange purple flame, and the temperature in the room was not high at all, but rather cold.

Under Huo Wu's control, the purple flame wrapped around her hands and slowly merged with the martial spirit behind her.

A small part of the bright red flames on Wuhun's body had been completely replaced by purple flames.

A gust of breeze blew by, and the window that was only half open suddenly opened with a bang, and the curtains were blown loudly.

A figure stood quietly on the window edge.

"Xiao Wu, I'm here to see you."

Huo Wu said indifferently: "Feng Xiaotian, what are you doing here?"

"Xiao Wu, how can you stay in this boring little room on this night of beautiful flowers and full moon? I have prepared a romantic dinner. Let's enjoy the moon while eating."

"Feng Xiaotian, come to me when you are as good as Tang San." Huo Wu was made very impatient by Feng Xiaotian, and the purple flame suddenly became violent, "And you actually broke into the girl's residence!"

The dazzling ring of flames burst out instantly. Feng Xiaotian was careless and was immediately hit by the ring of fire and flew out of the room.

The two tool men outside the door were unable to dodge and immediately acted as Feng Xiaotian's flesh pad.

"Feng Xiaotian?"

"Haha, what a coincidence, Che Xiang." Feng Xiaotian smiled awkwardly, and then quickly jumped out of the window before the two of them could react.

Three days later.

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, the third match of the eighth round of the promotion competition, Shrek Academy versus Blazing Academy."

"Start now!"


On the spacious arena, flames and bluesilver grass suddenly intertwined.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Tang San and Huo Wushuang who were fighting fiercely on the stage, and sighed inwardly, as expected of a master, he actually guessed the order of the people on the opposite side.

On the other side, Huo Wu stared at Tang San with an ugly expression.

"Tsk, Tang San actually appeared first, and I appeared last. Are we going to lose no matter what?!"

Huo Wu clenched her fists tightly. Under her gloves, hidden were purple blisters that looked like toad skin.

On the stage, the flames flying in the sky suddenly began to shrink. Huo Wushuang, dressed in rough clothes, said loudly: "Tang San, you were lucky enough to win the preliminaries. Today I must avenge my shame! Take the move, Explosive Flame Strike."

Under Tang San's surprised gaze, Huo Wushuang's first spirit ring slowly merged into Huo Wushuang's third spirit ring.

A dragon-shaped fire pillar suddenly burst out from Huo Wushuang's fist and bit Tang San fiercely.

Then, Huo Wushuang was tightly tied up by the blue silver grass that suddenly sprang out from the ground.

The dragon-shaped fire pillar slowly turned into sparks and dissipated in front of Tang San.

Ma Hongjun burst out laughing, "Haha, this guy is so funny, he actually gave the mistress time to set up the venue."

Wang Xiaofeng on the side had already taken out a pen and paper, and spread his perception to the ring.

Previously, I thought that ring fusion was a talent after being introduced by the master, but now it seems that it may be a profound skill, like the distraction control of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

It's just that the difficulty of learning is too high, which gives people a special sense of talent.

Without giving Tang San time to rest, Huo Chexiang quickly came on stage, summoned the fire sword, and started a battle with Tang San.

However, under the traces of Tang San Huo Mian and Guiying Mi, Huo Chexiang was tied up as a Muggle and defeated after a while.

"Forget it, we are no match for Shrek. After you take the stage, release all your soul power, and leave it to me in the end."

Huo Wushuang seemed to have thought of something and said urgently: "Xiao Wu, you..."

Huo Wu interrupted Huo Wushuang's unspoken words and shook his head, "Brother, just let me be willful one last time."

Then, starting from the third game, Shrek discovered that something was wrong with Cang Chihuo Academy.

As soon as this soul master came up, he directly lit up his strongest thousand-year soul ring and released a special fire light towards the ground!

The third soul skill, Magma Hell!

Tang San hurriedly stepped on the ghost shadow to escape, but what was strange was that after the opponent released his soul skill, he left the ring without even looking at Tang San, leaving behind a magma lake with a radius of twenty meters. .

The hot magma directly burned through the specially-made ring. Before Tang San could figure out what the opponent had done, the next opponent had already jumped off the ring.

The situation was almost the same as in the previous game. The opponent immediately used his fourth soul skill as soon as he came on the stage, and then walked off the ring to admit defeat.

The scope of the magma has doubled again, the air above the arena is slightly distorted, and the firelight flowing on the arena is even more dazzling.

Just the temperature in the stands below has reached 40 degrees.

Wang Xiaofeng said calmly: "This is changing the terrain and creating opportunities for the last main force."

The master nodded and said: "Yes, if nothing else happens, the girl named Huo Wu should be the last one to appear."

"Ring-melting, this technique is really curious."


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