Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 373 Haotian visits secretly

The entire courtyard was full of potholes as if it had been bombarded by missiles.

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hands innocently, as if to say: He didn't want to cause trouble, it was Wuhun himself who caused it, and it has nothing to do with him.

I'm afraid Wang Xiaofeng himself is confused and doesn't understand the situation.

The master could only suppress the doubts in his heart for the time being, and pointed at Dai Mubai and the others who were stunned and said: "Let's carry everyone in first and check their physical condition."

"Oh." Wang Xiaofeng nodded quickly. Although it was an unintentional move, it was still him who caused the trouble.

Just as he was about to take action, two figures suddenly appeared above the courtyard.

This elusive and powerful strength reminded them of a certain titled Douluo. The master, Liu Erlong and Flanders subconsciously gathered together and put on the martial soul fusion technique.

"Wait a minute, we are not enemies." A gentle voice came in the air. Only then did the master and the others see the identities of the visitors. They turned out to be Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes blurred, and Bone Douluo appeared in front of him. He stretched out his hand and bent down to hug Ning Rongrong: "What's going on?"

Although Bone Douluo's voice was calm, everyone around him could hear the anger hidden in his words.

The master cupped his hands and said calmly: "We were experimenting with soul skills just now, but a mysterious coercion suddenly appeared. Because it came so suddenly, the little monsters were unprepared for the moment, so they were knocked unconscious."

The master did not reveal that the pressure comparable to that of a titled Douluo was inadvertently leaked by Wang Xiaofeng's martial spirit. After all, this matter was too shocking.

In particular, Ning Fengzhi was a very deep man. In order to protect Wang Xiaofeng, it was better to keep this secret in his stomach.

The soul power circulated in Ning Rongrong's body and found that the situation was indeed as the master said. There was nothing serious. Just rest for a while.

Bone Douluo's serious expression softened a bit, but it was really difficult for others to tell what his mood was at this time from his old, withered face.

Wang Xiaofeng carried everyone into their respective rooms.

Of course, Liu Erlong is in charge of Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, and it is impossible for him to contact them.

After some inspections, Flanders smiled with relief and said: "The children were just knocked unconscious, nothing serious."

Bone Douluo seemed to want to say something, but Ning Fengzhi said first: "Since the children are all fine, I'm relieved. We still have to investigate the unknown titled Douluo who suddenly appeared in Cole City, so we'll leave first."

"Ning Sect Master Bone Douluo, go slowly." Flanders sent the two of them outside the gate. He didn't turn back until Er Zuo's figure disappeared from sight.

Bone Douluo said in confusion: "Fengzhi, the last remaining aura of that pressure is near Shrek, why don't you let me ask."

"Since that aura disappeared near Shrek, it must be related to the master and the others. You said that in addition to the pope, the master also knows the titled Douluo?"

Bone Douluo smacked his lips, "You mean, Hao..."

Ning Fengzhi winked at him quickly and silently made a 'shh' gesture on his lips.

"Since the mysterious strong man refuses to show up, it means that he does not want to be exposed in our sight. Then why should we be hostile to a strong man? Just pretend that we have not found him."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't expect that it was just an accident, but Ning Fengzhi made up all the details out of thin air, and even blamed it on a certain titled Douluo.

All I can say is that he is truly worthy of being a lyb, he just thinks more than others.

At night, the master was using Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer as a template, constantly modifying the data of the seven-in-one soul power fusion technique.

But the data on the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was too sparse. No matter how he modified it, he came to the conclusion that Tang San's body could not bear the burden brought by the Clear Sky Hammer. The moment he summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, his tendons were The end of time.

A black figure quietly appeared behind the master, as if he should have belonged there originally. If he hadn't spoken, the master would not have noticed that someone had come behind him.

"The Clear Sky Sect is very strict about information about the Clear Sky Hammer. Master, it is extremely difficult for you to find this information."

The voice coming from behind startled the master, and he subconsciously raised the sleeve arrow on his wrist.

But after seeing the person coming, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's you, why are you here? By the way, have you seen the mistress? He misses you very much."

"Now is not the time to meet each other. After perfecting this move, don't use it lightly. With Xiaosan's current physical fitness, the enhanced Clear Sky Hammer is still too hard for him..."

"The boy who played the gourd this morning barely passed."

A breeze blew by, and the window opened at some point.

In just a blink of an eye, the man in black completely disappeared from the room.

Only the scrolls left on the table proved his presence.

Although it was unclear why Haotian suddenly mentioned Wang Xiaofeng, the content on the scroll quickly attracted all the master's thoughts.

All changes from level 50 to level 70 of the Clear Sky Hammer are clearly recorded on it, and the data in both form and strength are clearly marked.

With this information, in less than three days, the master will be able to tailor a set of seven-in-one soul power fusion skills for Tang San that can fully utilize the Clear Sky Hammer.

Early the next morning, Shrek and his group left the dormitory.

Half an hour later, a dark figure looked around, then quietly crossed the newly repaired wall and fell into the courtyard.

The black shadow climbed out of the window of Tang San's room very skillfully, then took out a pack of wound ointment from his arms and placed it gently on the window sill.

"That's enough, don't do it again."

The sudden sound in the room startled the black shadow, and he fell down from the second floor due to carelessness.

However, as a pretty strong soul master, this height still couldn't hurt him. The black shadow patted his butt and was about to slip away when he saw a bear-like soul master standing at the window on the second floor. He yelled at him: "Our mistress's injury is almost healed, there is no need for you to secretly send medicine."

Heiying breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was not held accountable, he waved his hand to Zhao Wuji, "Really? That's great, but you'd better take this medicine and say hello to Tang San for me."

Seeing the figure skillfully crossing the fence, Zhao Wuji snorted coldly, "Huh, this kid has a conscience. Otherwise, I have to educate him for their teacher and let him see the consequences of casually trespassing into other people's yards."

Flanders picked up another high-end healing medicine on the table, "However, besides Huo Wushuang, there are other people who deliver medicine to Mistress."

Zhao Wuji looked through it and didn't see any problems, "Who is so generous and gives such a level of healing medicine, and has nothing to spend the money on?"

The master smiled and said, "Look at the formula of this medicine. Does it look like something from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect?"

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