Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 384 Trap


The bandits who were lying in ambush on both sides of the road and asked for money to buy the road before they could say "I drive this road" were immediately defeated by a wave of charges from the knights.

Looking at the knights outside the carriage who were heroically chasing down the bandits, Oscar sighed: "I also want to fight side by side with them."

"Oscar, sausage."

"Here you go." Wang Xiaofeng's voice came from the side, and Oscar skillfully summoned the sausage and handed it over.

Oscar watched Wang Xiaofeng eat the sausage and treat the injuries caused by the ring fusion experiment. After he was fine, he lay on the small wooden table in front of him and made corrections. He fell into deep thought: "What if I had a head like Xiaofeng?" Well, at least I won’t feel bored.”

Ning Rongrong was indeed the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and she could tell at a glance that Oscar was distracted: "Oscar, you think playing games with me is boring, right?"

Oscar's body trembled subconsciously, and then he said with a charming smile: "How is that possible? I just wanted to go to the toilet suddenly."

The distance is quite long, and bandits appear from time to time, which affects the speed of progress.

Except for the need to camp and rest at night, he spent the rest of his time in the carriage. No wonder Oscar felt bored.

Ma Hongjun bit the apple in his hand hard: "I still feel bored when I have someone to accompany me. I really don't know how lucky I am when I am surrounded by blessings."

Looking around, Tang San was whispering to Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were telling cold jokes that could freeze people to ice, and Oscar was trying his best to please Ning Rongrong.

"Oh, it's so difficult for me. In the future, I will also find two...no, three girlfriends to make them jealous." Thinking like this, Ma Hongjun took another bite of the apple.

Xiao Wu lay in Tang San's arms and whispered: "Oh, my godmother has been so angry recently. It's all my fault, Master. She left without saying a word. I don't even know where she went."

"Teacher, he must have something important, otherwise he wouldn't leave quietly like this."

Tang San smiled bitterly in his heart: Teacher, teacher, you felt relaxed when you left, but you left behind a lot of mess.

When he thought of Liu Erlong's violent character, Tang San couldn't help but clasping his hands in his heart, hoping that his teacher could survive this difficulty.

Dai Mubai suddenly said: "By the way, have you collected any information about the teams participating in the Spirit Hall this time?"

"No." Wang Xiaofeng stopped his research at some point, and made strange movements with his hands around his eyes: "None of the intelligence dealers in Jujian Mountain have relevant information. I guess Wuhun Palace took action."

"Old Poison did give me some useful information."

Tang San sat up straight: "The cultivation level of all members of Wuhundian Academy is above level 45, especially the three people known as the golden generation. The highest cultivation level has reached level 53, and their age The youngest is only twenty-three years old.”

"Twenty-three years old? Tsk tsk." Oscar sighed: "I can break through to the Soul King at the age of twenty-three and I am already satisfied."

Dai Mubai, who currently has the highest soul power in Shrek, is only level 48, and the level gap is clear at a glance.

Just when the atmosphere was a little quiet, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the carriage.


Seeing the royal knights in armor and stern faces gathering together quickly, everyone couldn't help but smacked their lips.

I have to say that the army and squads like them obviously have two different fighting styles.

It can be felt from the fluctuations emanating from their bodies that these knights, who are generally at level 30, are not generally strong in combat.

Wang Xiaofeng casually mentioned: "Speaking of which, we have encountered a dozen bandits in total these days. Are there so many bandits on the border?"

Dai Mubai was a little unsure and said, "There shouldn't be that many. After all, the troops stationed at the border will clean up bandits around them from time to time."

At this time, their entire team happened to be on a remote official road, surrounded by dense woods.

Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly: "I hope so. Also, don't you think the surroundings are a bit too quiet?"

Ma Hongjun swallowed the food and said, "What's strange about this? The surrounding animals have long been scared away by the battle between the knights and the bandits."

Zhao Wuji, Flender and Liu Erlong in the carriage didn't think so anymore. After hearing Wang Xiaofeng's words, they subconsciously released their mental power to scan around, and were suddenly shocked.

As Wang Xiaofeng said, except for some insects and ants, there were no animals around.

The commander of the Royal Knights was sending the knights to bury the bodies, when countless birds suddenly flew out of the surrounding forest.

Although the legion commander did not have as powerful a perception as a high-level soul master, his rich experience allowed him to react quickly and calmly shouted loudly: "Enemy attack! Everyone on alert!"

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