Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 394 Drawing Lots

Soon, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun found Shrek's location.

Faced with the master's reproachful gaze, Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar shrank their heads in unison.

The master wanted to say something, but the sudden music interrupted his thoughts.

The master gave them both a hard look and said, "Go back and train twice as hard."

As the music progressed, twelve cardinals walked out of the side door of the auditorium one by one, and then stood on both sides of the passage like guards.

It’s strange. It’s just a platinum bishop. Is it so grand? After all, today is just the opening ceremony and the lottery ceremony.

This doubt had just appeared in the minds of all the colleges when it was interrupted by the leading cardinal.

He shouted: "His Majesty the Pope is here!"

"Long live, long live, long live." The soldiers on the outer layer knelt down neatly, and then the guards on the second layer...the sound waves were layered one after another, which was shocking.

Until the end, only teachers and students from thirty colleges in Tiandou and Xingluo were left standing.

The figure of the Pope slowly appeared at the door of the auditorium.

She is not tall, but her luxurious robes and purple gold crown on her head make her look extremely noble.

Especially the invisible noble temperament that is inadvertently revealed on his body, which makes people unable to help but feel the emotion of worshiping him.


As one student took the lead in bending down and half-kneeling on the ground, it seemed as if Pandora's box had been opened, and everyone knelt down like dominoes.

Oscar's face was dull, and his legs were slightly bent as if he wanted to kneel down.

But Ning Rongrong on the side suddenly pinched the soft flesh of Oscar's waist and turned it around hard.

Oscar's dull eyes suddenly regained their brightness. He groaned, then tightly grasped Ning Rongrong's dishonest little hand, "Oh, it hurts. Rongrong, what are you doing?"

Ning Rongrong smiled and said, "Isn't the Pope very beautiful?"

Although his brain was short-circuited just now and he had no memory, a strong desire to survive surged into his heart. Oscar denied it without thinking: "I'm not, I didn't, I just saw the Pope for the first time, and I was shocked by her powerful strength. "

The heartless Ma Hongjun asked in confusion: "Didn't it mean that the Pope only appeared during the finals?"

Dai Mubai nodded. He also thought that a powerful person like the Pope would only appear at the end of the elite competition of the entire continent's advanced soul master academies.

The strong ones always appear last, because there is no early preparation, and the style is low.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the Pope thoughtfully.

They didn't notice it, but Wang Xiaofeng spent three days and three nights studying the bankrupt version of the Power of Faith, and the Pope's aura faintly exuded a similar power.

It's just that the power in the Pope is purer.

If the golden light balls refined by Wang Xiaofeng are small water droplets, then the Pope is the bottomless sea.

"It's really interesting." Wang Xiaofeng's eyes flashed.

The cardinals were a little dissatisfied with Shrek Academy for not kneeling, but there was no rule that they had to kneel, so they didn't say anything in the end.

"Tap tap tap..."

Slight footsteps echoed over the empty auditorium. The red carpet was not long. The Pope quickly walked to the throne at the end and sat down on it.

All the light condensed at this moment, only on her.

At this moment, she was the center of the world.

The scepter inlaid with gems in his hand fell to the ground, making a soft ding sound.

"Young soul masters, on behalf of Wuhun Palace, I welcome you." Bibi Dong's red lips parted slightly, and her beady voice clearly reached everyone's minds.

Bibi Dong's eyes fell on the master, and Liu Erlong beside him held the master's arm in a demonstration.

Facing Liu Erlong's provocation, Bibi Dong looked very calm. She turned her gaze to Tang San, as if she had confirmed something, and then continued: "The reward for this finals is three thousand-year soul bones. As the most elite Soul Master, go and fight, then stand in front of me and enjoy the fruits of victory."

Bibi Dong did not give a long speech. He just briefly mentioned the reward, showed his face in front of everyone, and then left directly.

But even so, everyone felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, wishing they could die bravely for Bibi Dong.

It's like being brainwashed by religion.

Of course, it's unclear how many of them are really brainwashed, or just covet Bibi Dong's beauty and soul bones.

After Bibi Dong left, a cardinal came forward with a sealed box and said: "Please invite the heads of each college to draw lots here."

Flanders smiled slightly and walked over confidently.

For Shrek, no matter what he draws, it is always a good draw. After all, where is the strength, the one who should be afraid the most is his opponent.

But two minutes later, Flanders came back crying.

Ma Hongjun said with a smile: "Teacher, your change of attitude is too fast. You can't really win a very powerful team for us."

"Yes, your opponent in the first round is the Shadow Academy of the Star Luo Empire."

"Shadow Academy?!" Dai Mubai said in surprise: "It seems that the dean is quite lucky. In the first round, he picked the top three academies in Star Luo."

The master glanced around, "Go back and analyze it in detail."

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng walked out of the auditorium, he saw Nidia squatting on the side, teasing the ants with grass.

Facing everyone's joking gazes, Wang Xiaofeng waved his hands helplessly: "You go ahead, I'll go back later."

The master nodded lightly: "There's no need to rush back. After all, it's Rongrong's turn to play."

This simply implies that Wang Xiaofeng doesn’t need to go back tonight.

Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and chuckled: "That's right, Brother Feng, just enjoy the date."

"Wait, it's not what you think..."

Everyone didn't listen to Wang Xiaofeng's explanation and left with a smile.

"Alas." Wang Xiaofeng sighed, Oscar and the others just let it go. Why did the master's painting style become so improper?

"Xiao Fengzi, you finally came out." Nidia threw away the grass roots in her hand, stood up happily, and ran a few steps forward. Then she seemed to remember something, and her expression became visibly gloomy.

She pouted and walked over with an unhappy look on her face and said, "Tell me, who is more beautiful, the Pope or me."

Come, come, the world has unsolved problems.

But, hum, how could this possibly trouble him.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at her in surprise and said slowly: "Who gave you the confidence to dare to compare with the Pope? Where's your face?"

"Xiao Fengzi, I think your skin is itchy!" A pair of pink fists suddenly hit Wang Xiaofeng's chest, "I'll beat you to death!"

As Nidia came closer, a special fragrance penetrated Wang Xiaofeng's nose, making him want to sneeze.

Sometimes, having a too sensitive sense of smell is not a good thing.

It's a bit embarrassing. I originally thought that I could get off work on time during the Lantern Festival and then go home to code, but I didn't expect that the boss would do something cool. In the name of the Lantern Festival, we were treated to a meal, and then we were asked to go back and work overtime to collect materials.

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