Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 415 Question: How to coax a girl after she is knocked unconscious?

As soon as the two Thorn Horned Lizard Soul Masters standing at the front made a move, countless blue silver grasses had already emerged from the ground, overwhelmingly covering the two of them.

Although the two attack-type soul masters at the back wanted to help their companions, their attack was interrupted by the sudden rise of the blue silver cage.

The secret skill of the Qibao Glazed Sect? The Heart of the Three Apertures.



The blood-red blue silver grass of the soul ring pierced the weak point, causing the two thorn-horned lizard soul masters to wail in pain.

Although the Thorn Horned Lizard had strong defense, it didn't mean that all its parts were hard. Tang San only needed to find the weak points to easily defeat these two spirit masters.

What the Purple Demon Eye is best at is finding the enemy's weaknesses.

The three soul rings on Tang San's body shone brightly, and sweat appeared on his forehead. Controlling three soul skills at the same time was quite a challenge to his soul and mental power.

With Tang San restraining the two gate gods, the rest couldn't keep up with Wang Xiaofeng's pace, and easily broke into the back row of Xingyue Academy.

And the two attack-type soul masters had just broken through the blue silver cage.

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng who had arrived in front of him, it was too late to release his soul skills at this time. The two attack-type soul masters could only use melee attack skills that were barely proficient.

But this move caused them to step into the abyss.

Seeing the fists swung at him from the left and right, Wang Xiaofeng struck out like lightning, grabbing a person's wrist with one hand, pulling them to spin half a circle in the air, and then smashed them to the ground.


The powerful force stirred up a large amount of dust, and billowing smoke surged from the center of the arena to all sides.


Wang Xiaofeng's power was so terrifying that the two soul masters were thrown so weak that they couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. Before they could adjust their state, the feeling of flying into the air came again.

Boom boom boom! !

The sound of the gun colliding with the ground kept coming from the smoke, and every sound seemed to hit the hearts of everyone at Xingyue Academy.

Wang Xiaofeng's move was not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Which attack-type soul master is not a thick-skinned master? It is impossible to seriously injure them in a short period of time just by beating them.

But on a stage like this, being grabbed and smashed around without any resistance was simply embarrassing.

He simply gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

They could see that Wang Xiaofeng's strength was no longer on the same level as theirs. Even if they could use soul skills at a distance, they couldn't touch him at all in front of his ghostly speed.

"It's boring." Wang Xiaofeng knew how many shots he would take. He couldn't tell that these two were pretending to be dead. He complained in his heart and threw them out.

The two slipped more than ten meters in the air and landed accurately in front of Nidia.

Nitya gritted her silver teeth, her pale face without a trace of blood. She looked around at her teammates who had fallen to the ground, as well as the Thorn Horned Lizard Soul Master struggling in the vines.

"Let's admit defeat."

These words seemed to drain away all her strength. Nidia's body swayed, and then she suddenly fell backwards.

But instead of feeling the hard and cold ground as imagined, I fell into an embrace that was neither soft nor warm.

"If you lose, you lose. Go back and practice hard. I'm looking forward to your challenge."

"I, I don't want to be abused by you again." Nidia finished speaking slowly word by word while breathing heavily, and then fell into a deep sleep in Wang Xiaofeng's arms.

It seemed that the soul power in her body was consumed more than he imagined.

This game did not surprise everyone. Although there were some twists and turns in the process, it ended with Shrek winning.

Although Nidia used Oscar's flying soul skill to forcibly replace the five Shreks with herself and two auxiliary soul masters, forming a favorable situation in which there were more and fewer.

But the strength of her teammates could not defeat the remaining Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San.

Especially when they were facing off against soul masters like Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San who were a step above the same level and could even fight across levels.

Even if it's four against two, it's a bit difficult for them.

Powerful energy fluctuations reacted violently in the air. Wang Xiaofeng looked up and saw a Soul Saint with seven rings shining on his body, suppressing it with his soul power, while Oscar and the others took the opportunity to quickly fall back to the ground.

It turned out that after Nitya fainted, the energy ball in the air lost control, causing a huge explosion.

However, the moment it exploded, Soul Saint took action and controlled it.

The huge black energy ball wrapped in huge soul power shrank visibly to the naked eye until it finally disappeared.

Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes, Wuhun Palace was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, at least Flanders couldn't do it with such ease.

The next game was the (new) Kamikaze vs. Shura Academy, but Wang Xiaofeng stopped watching because at this time he had shamelessly followed Crescent Academy to their lounge.

The old man had black lines on his head. He looked at Wang Xiaofeng who was smiling, suppressed his anger, and said expressionlessly: "Please leave here, this is the lounge of Xingyue Academy, not Shrek's."

"Friendship comes first, competition comes second. We live in Douluo Village and we are all a family, so don't be so outspoken."

"Who told you we were a family!" Powerful soul pressure surged out of the old man. Wang Xiaofeng's body suddenly shrank: "You kid, stop talking nonsense and get out of here."

‘Is the soul pressure between level sixty-five and level sixty-eight? It's okay, within the tolerance range. ’

At this time, Wang Xiaofeng was not wearing weights because of the competition, so this level of soul pressure was nothing to him.

Wang Xiaofeng pulled his feet out of the soil. Still smiling and smiling: "Hey, a gentleman talks but doesn't do anything, and I didn't say I wanted to go in, so I just stayed outside and waited for her to wake up."

"You can't even stay outside!"

"Grandpa Feng, let him in." A weak voice suddenly came from the cubicle.

The old man's right hand hidden behind his back suddenly stagnated, and then he slowly put away his soul power. A glimmer of light flashed in his somewhat cloudy eyes: "You kid, please calm down."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand nonchalantly, past the old man blocking the door, and walked into the small compartment.

The compartment was about ten square meters, with only a wooden bed and a table.

There was a vase on the wooden table with a bouquet of elegant flowers in it. The sunlight filtered through the window and shone on the fair cheeks of the fairy lying on the hospital bed.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and her rosy cheeks made her exquisite appearance look like a bud ready to bloom. There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and she looked calm.

Nitya herself was not seriously injured, but her soul power was overdrawn a bit seriously, so she woke up from her coma after taking a short rest.

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