Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 421 Transition

These people were injured too seriously, and their superficial injuries were unbearable to look at. Next, they could only pray that Wuhun Palace's exclusive healing soul master's soul skills would be more effective.

The gourd in front of Wang Xiaofeng turned into soul power and disappeared. Looking at the five people from Shura Academy being carried on stretchers by the medical staff, he shook his head: "Isn't it just a game? Why are you so desperate?"

Dai Mubai patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder and said with some emotion: "Xiaofeng, for you, this competition is just a place to broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge. But for them, it is a heavy responsibility."

Ma Hongjun hugged the two of them and said with a smile: "Don't discuss such heavy things. We won anyway, so everyone should be happy."

Tang San nodded in agreement: "That's right, there will be a tough battle waiting for us tomorrow. Don't get too happy too early."

Ma Hongjun curled his lips: "Third brother, you must be the legendary topic terminator."

Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands: "Okay, let's leave quickly. The master is waiting for us in the lounge."

Tang San walked up to Xiao Wu and bent down naturally. The corners of Xiao Wu's mouth raised slightly, and she happily jumped on Tang San's back.

Tang San shook his head subconsciously: "Xiao Wu, you seem to have gained a lot of weight."

"Nonsense, I'm obviously two pounds lighter than a month ago."

Tang San ignored Xiao Wu's harsh words, his hands were more accurate than instruments.

Ma Hongjun looked at Oscar and Ning Rongrong who were feeding each other sausages, then at Tang San and Xiao Wu, and said angrily: "Can you please stop showing off? I am a lonely old man who also needs care."

Tang San ignored Ma Hongjun's antics and followed the team closely.

He didn't notice that there were three eyes in the audience staring at his leaving back.

Wuhundian never expected that a battle between more than a dozen soul sects would actually destroy the arena like this.

After all, they had tested it with a soul master of the same level before, and a full blow didn't even leave a scratch.

But now, looking at the arena in tatters and with no intact piece, the staff of the logistics support department of the Elite Tournament are on the verge of tears.

The bullshit I boasted before was slapped in the face within half a month.

Even if we work overtime, we will not be able to build an arena that is no less solid than the previous one before tomorrow morning in a short period of time.

Therefore, the person responsible for repairs naturally reported the problem.

After a three-minute long discussion by the competition jury, it was unanimously decided that in order to ensure the quality of the last game, tomorrow's finals game time will be moved to 3 p.m.

As soon as this announcement came out, Shrek was naturally the happiest. After all, it was more beneficial to them and gave them more time to adjust the situation to its best.

Xiao Wu had almost drained his soul power today. The abnormal effect of the Invincible Golden Body was based on the high consumption of soul power. With Xiao Wu's current forty-level soul power, he could use the Invincible Golden Body three times in a row to directly drain it. Ninety-five percent of her soul power was emptied.

If it weren't for Oscar's sausages that continuously replenished his soul power, Xiao Wu wouldn't even be able to get the third invincible golden body.

There are also Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun. Today, they have tried their best. The extraordinary explosion represents an extreme squeeze on the body. The meridians in their bodies have been damaged a lot.

It must be treated internally and externally at the same time to ensure that no hidden wounds are left in the body and that it does not affect the breakthrough of high-level bottlenecks in the future.

Nidia looked at Wang Xiaofeng's leaving figure and said quickly: "Grandpa, I won't tell you anymore. I have something urgent to do, so I will leave first."

After saying that, he walked briskly and ran towards Shrek's rest area.

"Hey, I haven't...Oh, this girl really forgot about grandpa when she had a lover."

The old man scratched his snow-white beard helplessly, "Xiao Fengzi, tell me, is my charm declining?"

A breeze blew by, and a tall and thin old man suddenly appeared next to the old man. It was the man who blocked Wang Xiaofeng from the door before.

But in comparison, his appearance is much older than Nitya's grandfather.

He bowed his hands to the old man respectfully: "Sir, how could you have such an idea? You must know that you are still in the top ten on the charm list."

"Haha, that's right." The old man happily touched his beard, "Let's go, Old Chrysanthemum, to go find a drink."

Seeing the old man leaving happily, the tall and thin old man silently wiped his cold sweat. Fortunately, the purchase of the list had been done secretly, and the old man had not discovered it until now.

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