Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 425 The missing person returns

Wang Xiaofeng wanted to say something more to delay time, but a chill suddenly surged into his heart. When he turned around, a black shadow appeared behind him like a ghost.

Wang Xiaofeng frowned slightly. With his own perception, he didn't notice anything coming from his back at all.

Holding the gourd tightly in his hand, the cyan soul power surged out. Under the surprised eyes of the audience, the gourd came first and hit the black shadow hard.

Bang! !

When the two came into contact, a ferocious soul power explosion sounded in the void, and the exploding green light made some viewers unable to help but close their eyes.

The hasty attack made Wang Xiaofeng a little powerless, but it also allowed him to see clearly what was attacking him.

It turned out to be a rapidly rotating moon blade, but its length was much longer than that of Xie Yue.

The constantly rotating moon blade made a "sizzling" sound when cutting on the gourd. The constant impact from the gourd made Wang Xiaofeng's hands numb, and he had to step back a few steps to relieve the pressure.

Wang Xiaofeng managed to stabilize his body by continuously transferring the power of the moon blade to the ground with his retreating steps, crushing several bluestone slabs in succession.

However, this also gave him an opportunity. Wang Xiaofeng used the smooth surface of the gourd to deflect the moon blade attack by a few centimeters. Then, using the impact, he flung his body back and kicked his right leg like the wind. He hit the side of the moon blade and kicked it away.

But the full moon that was knocked out drew a graceful arc in mid-air, and then hung beside a tall figure.

Where Hu Liena and Xie Yue were originally standing, now stood a man with long hair, who looked like he couldn't tell the difference between male and female.

"You are worthy of being chosen by Shrek to buy time. I, the demon, would like to call you the strongest." The self-proclaimed demon waved his hand gently, and the moon blade doubled in size beside him was under his control. Started to spin quickly.

"But, can you still take the next blow?"

A light flashed in the demon's eyes, and the moon dance was activated. The two moon blades directly strangled the air and sent out bursts of energy. The strong oppressive wind sound made people's eardrums hurt.

When Youmei took action, other people in Wuhun Hall also began to use their soul skills, targeting the six people behind Wang Xiaofeng.

Although the golden scepter spirit of the auxiliary spirit master in the Spirit Hall does not have the growth potential of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, it can also increase the spirit power of the spirit master who far exceeds his own.

With the increase of auxiliary soul masters, Yao Mei's strength has already exceeded the limit of level 70.

However, compared to Zhu Zhuyun and Davis's Netherworld White Tiger, the sense of oppression given by the demon to Wang Xiaofeng is far inferior.

After all, Zhu Zhuyun and Davis are only at the soul sect level, but their fusion has reached level 70, comparable to that of demons. This shows that the Star Luo Empire has done a deep research on the fusion of the Netherworld White Tiger.

Facing the demon's attack, Wang Xiaofeng's expression remained unchanged, his soul power surged in his body, he compressed his soul power in the gourd, and used Meteor Flash to shoot directly at one of the moon blades.

On the other hand, Wang Xiaofeng was going to rely on his superhuman speed and use a misplaced method to let the Moon Blade hit his own people.


However, after using the self-created soul skill, the sharpness of the moon blade was far beyond Wang Xiaofeng's imagination. When the gourd and Gang collided with the moon blade, they were cut in half and split into two halves.

Wang Xiaofeng's face changed slightly, and he suppressed the qi and blood boiling in his body, and suddenly hit the ground with his left foot. With the sound of an explosion, his body turned into a black shadow, and instantly retreated nearly twenty meters as if gliding.

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But the two moon blades followed closely, biting Wang Xiaofeng's figure and not letting go.

The fierce soul power spurted out from the blade, directly dragging two long cracks on the hard bluestone.

The four soul rings on Wang Xiaofeng's body suddenly glowed with gleaming light. Except for the first soul skill, the other soul rings were just pretending and were not used before, but now it seems that they can no longer do without the soul skill.

He turned around and suddenly ran towards the other members of the Wuhun Hall.

If you can't defeat such a monster, you should ask Tang San to deal with it.


The demon didn't know what Wang Xiaofeng was thinking. He tapped his toes on the ground, and his whole body was like a ghost, attacking Wang Xiaofeng.

On the other side, Yan didn't notice a capital word DANGER appearing on his forehead. After passing Wang Xiaofeng, Shrek appeared in front of them without any hindrance.

At this time, he was controlling his fourth soul skill, and working with others, he created a super powerful combination soul skill.

The flames on the fire blade were absorbed by Yan's Flame Lord, and the range of his fourth soul skill suddenly increased by half. Coupled with the increase of the auxiliary soul master behind him, the color of the flames on the surface of the huge red magma fireball suddenly changed. , like a silver sun.

Even through the protective shield, everyone could feel the astonishing temperature in the air, and there was an uproar in the audience.

But at this time, Shrek, who had been silent for a long time, finally made some movement.

As the core linking the six people, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower in Ning Rongrong's hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling light that even the two suns in the sky could not cover up. Five thick beams of light suddenly flew towards Tang San.

Thirty-two soul rings shone with light, and Tang San, who was standing at the front, was suddenly enveloped in light. There was so much soul power in his body that his meridians swelled and hurt, and he couldn't help but let out a loud roar!

"Blue silver grass, entangled!"

Under the crazy influx of spirit rings and spirit power, the bluesilver grass in Tang San's right palm grew violently, as if on steroids, forming a huge vine with a diameter of two meters and a height of ten meters.

Under Tang San's control, the vines filled with vitality and brilliance volleyed into the air.

Directly blasting the silver sun in mid-air.

Behind him, the shrill sound of wind and countless thunderstorm-like blasts of wind sounded simultaneously.

Boom! ! !

It was only then that a huge thunder-like explosion of air came.

The rolling air waves shook together with the exploding flame molten ball, exploding in all directions.


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