Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 441 Black Hand

It seemed that he realized that he had said too much. No matter how Wang Xiaofeng asked, the old man was unwilling to say more.

After drinking two more bottles of wine, Wang Xiaofeng realized that he was at a loss for words and couldn't ask anything, so he could only send the person away.

"Hey, I can leave on my own... You guys are too rude, why don't I drink you two more jugs of wine." The old man cursed and walked out, not forgetting to take away the finished wine gourd before leaving.

Returning to the simple 'house', Ma Hongjun couldn't help complaining to Wang Xiaofeng: "I really want to warm myself by the fire."

Although this kind of underground space has ventilation holes, it is obviously not enough to satisfy Ma Hongjun's desire to warm up by the fire.

Therefore, the two of them could only use their soul power to cover the surface of their bodies, and then with a sudden shock, a burst of water vapor spurted out from their bodies.

This is a small technique for using soul power, but most people don't know how to use it because they have never thought about using soul power in this way.

Most people would only add soul power to their fists, feet and body to increase attack and defense.

Only Wang Xiaofeng's ideas, which are completely different from those of people of this era, could develop such 'practical' techniques.

It was already approaching evening. Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun ate some dry food to fill their stomachs, and then prepared to rest.

The heavy rain outside will not stop for a while, and there are so-called monsters watching.

If you go out, you will definitely fight monsters.

In order to prepare for the upcoming battle, they had already traveled all day and needed to return to their peak state.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

An hour later.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were awakened by the increasingly fierce dispute.

"What's going on?" Ma Hongjun climbed out of the sleeping bag in a daze.

"It seems that something happened to the young men who went out to collect water resources."

Although Wang Xiaofeng had just woken up, his hearing, which was different from ordinary people, allowed him to collect a lot of useful information in a short period of time.

To put it simply, those people were originally tasked with guarding the passage today, but under the arrangement of the old man, they were forced to go out to collect rainwater. As a result, they have not returned yet.

You don't need to think about it to know that those people are probably in danger.

Especially when this group of people got the news from nowhere. This mission did not exist in the first place. The old man used his seniority to force them to go. The family members of these young people were immediately unhappy and went to the old man one after another to ask for help. statement.

"Sure enough, trouble will always come to your door in time." Wang Xiaofeng always felt like he was being manipulated.

Mainly because it was such a coincidence that something like this happened to them just after they arrived. No wonder he thought about it too much.

"Let's go, it's our turn." Ma Hongjun put away his sleeping bag and patted his plump face, "Heroes will appear when people need them!"

"Fat man, you are really good at it."

The two passed through the dense crowd, and almost everyone in the underground space was here.

In the center of the crowd, several old women were speaking harshly to the old man with their hands on their hips.

The old man said one thing, and several old women could reply dozens of times. He was holding back his face and turned red. He didn't know whether it was from drinking or from anger.

Although Wang Xiaofeng wanted to continue watching the fun, saving people was more important now.

Even if it's just a few unrelated people, if you meet someone, you can still help if you can.

Wang Xiaofeng does not hope that the more he practices, the less glorious parts of his humanity will become.

Even if this is just a self-movement.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

Wang Xiaofeng poured soul power into his voice and increased the volume, but he didn't expect that even though he was much more restrained, he still caused some trouble.

The majestic sound waves continued to echo in this dark space.

The crowd that was as lively as a market just now suddenly became quiet, and everyone's head was buzzing.

Several of them were weak and even fainted. Fortunately, Ma Hongjun had quick eyes and quick hands and pulled them away. Otherwise, these people would have fallen to the ground and probably would have received scars.

Wang Xiaofeng patted his head helplessly. After staying in Shrek for a long time, he had forgotten that these people were just ordinary people.

After a while, people barely recovered, and for a while they stayed away from Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun, their eyes filled with surprise and horror.

"We brothers have learned a little bit about everyone's affairs. When we happened to be passing by, this old gentleman did us a small favor. If you don't mind, we two brothers will go out to look for these people. If they are alive, we will definitely find them." Help you bring them back."

As he spoke, Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows, and Ma Hongjun took a step forward, and a great spirit master level aura suddenly spurted out.

Everyone felt their bodies sinking, and the desire to escape continued to arise in their hearts.

Ma Hongjun only exploded with momentum and did not reveal his soul ring. He still knew the truth behind hiding his clumsiness.

"Everyone has seen that my brother still has some strength."

The old women suddenly felt a sense of hope: "You two are soul masters! Please save my child."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "It's easy to talk, but we are not very familiar with the surrounding environment, so I hope someone can volunteer to show us the way."

No one noticed that a figure quietly left at the outermost edge of the crowd.

I still worked overtime today, but luckily I got off work before 10:30. I coded a little bit yesterday, and I barely had enough words to publish the chapter.

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