Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 458: Thunder Overlord Spear

Huge power exploded, and the air within a few hundred feet suddenly exploded like thunder.

Countless electric snakes flew around, and the dark night suddenly shone like daylight.

Wang Xiaofeng stood firmly on the spot, most of the huge impact was absorbed by the gourd, and the remaining bit could not shake him at all.

Dots of sparks flickered on the surface of the gourd. Mr. Zhou felt that the tiger's palm was numb, and he almost couldn't hold the Overlord Gun in his hand.

Wang Xiaofeng, who blocked the blow, was not as relaxed as he imagined.

He didn't feel it when he was far away, but as soon as Mr. Tuesday came closer, Wang Xiaofeng felt the pressure coming towards his face, like the earth was shattering.

When your cultivation level reaches level 50, you can truly have the power to fight against the enemy through soul pressure. This is why the higher the level of the soul master, the less afraid of the human sea tactic.

Once the soul power is suppressed, ordinary people cannot withstand it at all. Let alone picking up a weapon, standing up straight is a problem. Soul masters with lower cultivation levels can only use half of their strength.

However, what Wang Xiaofeng was facing now was not ordinary soul power oppression, but a very special kind of oppression mixed with the murderous aura accumulated from killing enemies for a long time on the battlefield.

This special sense of oppression is simply the nemesis of a soul master with low mental power.

Unfortunately, what Young Master met on Tuesday was not the same rotten fish and shrimps as before.

The blood-red momentum was like the sharpest spear piercing Wang Xiaofeng's sea of ​​consciousness, but at the critical moment, a blue spiritual shield suddenly wrapped the sea of ​​consciousness, turning the attack into nothingness.

Young Master Zhou only made one move openly on Tuesday, but actually he made two moves. One was overt and the other was covert, which made people unable to guard against him. However, in the end, Wang Xiaofeng was able to resolve it easily.

The move was resisted by Wang Xiaofeng, but Young Master Zhou's eyes lit up, and he raised his head to the sky and roared excitedly.

Ever since he was promoted to Soul King, he hadn't met anyone he could fight with for a long time. At this moment, he was so happy that he decided not to hold back anymore.

"Okay, come again!"

The soul power oppression also shrank to the extreme at this moment. The two-meter range could only cover him. The gray semicircle could even be seen by the naked eye. It was the expression of the soul power oppression being compressed to the extreme.

Doing this consumes a lot of soul power and mental power. Generally, no soul master would do this. The cost-effectiveness is too low. If you have the strength, wouldn't it be nice to use two more soul skills?

Mr. Tuesday said that although the soul skills are very good, the battle at this time is not a life and death fight. It is a better choice to use the soul power that has nowhere to place to strengthen the soul power oppression.

The flickering lights on the roadside illuminated his eyes as fierce as a liger.

The fourth style of the Zhou family's marksmanship, the tiger pounces on its food!

A flash of lightning flashed in the darkness, and everyone felt their eyes dazzled. Mr. Tuesday crossed a distance of several meters, and a gun shadow streaked across the sky. In Wang Xiaofeng's eyes, the Overlord Spear in Mr. Tuesday's hand was like an evil tiger. He opened his sharp claws and pounced at him.

Spearmanship and magic! This is the realm that many gunners pursue throughout their lives.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh, the geniuses in this world are really as countless as the stars in the sky.

But can you pierce this gourd, which is harder than steel?

Wang Xiaofeng seized the moment when his vision brightened and took action, doing it in one go and moving very quickly.

In the darkness, the gourd and the Overlord Gun collided, and a bright light suddenly appeared.

Wang Xiaofeng and Mr. Tuesday were already close together. They attacked almost at the same time, but when they got close to a certain distance, they blocked each other's attack at the same time. The force of the shock on the weapons made Mr. Tuesday's jaw numb again, but his eyes became stronger. Shine brightly.

The attack was blocked. Young Master Tuesday didn't stop for a moment, using the rebound of the shock to make a circle with his hem. His body was like an arrow leaving the string, and the Overlord Spear in his hand was raised high with both hands, and he suddenly slashed downwards.

The power is transferred from the entire gun barrel to the gun head, and the power is fierce and unwavering.

boom! ! !

The Overlord Spear and the Gourd collided again, and Wang Xiaofeng's expression immediately changed.

One relay was used to exert force, and the other was confidently resisting on the spot (deliberately letting go), Wang Xiaofeng suffered a direct loss, and the whole person stepped back to release his strength.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Every time he took a step back, a deep footprint suddenly appeared on the ground paved with bluestone bricks, and the surrounding ground cracked. Wang Xiaofeng took more than ten steps back before he completely lost his strength.

"it's over!"

After the angry slash, Mr. Tuesday immediately rushed forward, and the Overlord Spear in his hand changed from an angry slash to a straight thrust!

The rapid lightning made a harsh sound and stabbed directly into Wang Xiaofeng's shoulder.

This part was chosen by Mr. Zhou after careful consideration. It would not hurt anyone's life. The soul master could easily cure it, but it would only cause physical pain.

Secondly, this will not completely make Nitya angry, and it will kill two birds with one stone.

"Things can only be done in threes. According to the plot of the previous TV series, it should be the time to admit defeat now that you are injured."

"However, we can't lose too ugly. We have to show off our momentum." Wang Xiaofeng had an idea and silently forced out a trace of blood. At that moment, the body left in place suddenly blurred, and the main body directly avoided it.

To others, it looks like some special technique was used.

"call out."

The Overlord Spear passed by Wang Xiaofeng and missed the target. The penetrating force of the spear tip struck the wall in the distance through the afterimage. With an explosion, a deep pit appeared on the wall.

"The Invincible Bastard Fist!"

Wang Xiaofeng, who was getting out of the way, immediately rushed from the side, made a fist with his right hand, and hit Young Master Zhou fiercely.

"Excessive strength, insufficient skills!" Young Master Tuesday stabbed the air with his spear, but he turned his body to rotate his waist and abdomen to exert force.

The Overlord Spear suddenly swept across!

The power of one shot is enough to sweep away thousands of armies!


Wang Xiaofeng didn't seem to expect that he would react so quickly. He only had time to pick up the gourd to block it. The barrel of the Overlord gun was directly swept on the gourd. With a terrifying loud noise, the invisible air pressure impacted in all directions.

"Wow!" Wang Xiaofeng forced out a mouthful of blood, looking extremely miserable.

The eyes of the black-armored army watching the battle shine with admiration. This is admiration for the strong!

"The Thunder Ming Overlord Spear led by Commander Zhou is too powerful! I wish I had such a martial spirit."

"Wake up, the Thunder Overlord Spear is so powerful only in the hands of the commander. In your hands, it is just a small bamboo pole."

"Final blow!"

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes widened and he watched with dull eyes as Young Master Zhou dropped the Overlord Gun in his hand. A burst of sparks and lightning flashed across his body, and he came into the air with a flash.

"No!" Wang Xiaofeng shouted with a broken heart.

Unfortunately, Young Master Zhou ignored Wang Xiaofeng, drew a semicircle with his right palm, and then slapped Wang Xiaofeng hard on the chest!

when! !

The sound of metal echoed in the air, perfectly hiding the sound of bone cracking.


Wang Xiaofeng fell to the ground like a pile of mud.

Mr. Tuesday, on the other hand, floated to the ground gracefully. Of course, it would be perfect if his expression wasn't so twitchy.

"You are very good!"

Mr. Tuesday squeezed out a few words through his teeth, then flicked his cloak, mounted the four-legged horse beast, and left without looking back.

"Close the team!"

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