Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 462 Elopement


Ma Hongjun rode on the powerful horse that the hotel attendant had prepared. He gently clamped his legs, and the powerful horse under his butt suddenly rushed forward.

"Slow down, slow down!"

The streets of Nuoda suddenly echoed with Ma Hongjun's nervous voice.

Nidiya opened the curtain and looked at the figure who was about to walk away. She turned to look at Wang Xiaofeng who was still chewing slowly: "Aren't you going to send him off? That little fat guy turned back three times every step of the way. He didn't understand. I asked you to persuade him to stay."

"The fat man should have gone out on his own a long time ago. In the end, he still has to walk this long road of life on his own."

With Ma Hongjun at level 44, a top-notch Phoenix martial spirit, and a hidden weapon with Tang San's friendly support, as long as he didn't encounter an agility attack spirit master above the Soul Emperor level, there would be no problem in escaping.

Wang Xiaofeng wiped his mouth gently with a handkerchief. The dishes in front of him were completely eaten without even realizing it, not even a drop of juice was left.

"Come here, bring five more plates of beef..."

When Nitya saw this, she thought that Wang Xiaofeng was not full yet, so she clapped her hands and wanted to ask the waiter to serve the food. Wang Xiaofeng quickly stopped her and said, "No, no, no, no, I'm already full, I just eat so as not to waste it." So clean.”

Although he can efficiently convert the food in his stomach into energy to strengthen his body, constant eating can easily make him feel bored.

In order to prevent something as beautiful as enjoying food from turning into a disgusting job, Wang Xiaofeng will not force himself to continuously eat energy-rich foods in order to become stronger.

Moreover, with Wang Xiaofeng's current physical fitness, the energy provided by current food is no longer enough for him to make significant progress.

Unless it is a medicinal soup made from century-old herbs to assist cultivation, or a dish made from soul beast meat that is more than a thousand years old, Wang Xiaofeng will feel a slight improvement.

It's almost an increase of 0.000001%.

However, whether it is hundred-year-old herbs or thousand-year-old soul beast meat, they are rare items that are monopolized by major forces. They are usually snatched up within a few minutes of appearing on the market.

Although the auction house also has it, because there are many parties competing for power, the premium is too high, and it is not cost-effective to buy it.

Wang Xiaofeng stretched, and his bulging belly shrunk visibly to the naked eye: "Now that we have eaten and drank enough, it's time for us to leave."


Nidia was stunned for a moment, and then in a daze, she was hugged by Wang Xiaofeng in the form of a princess hug.

"I, I, I haven't packed my clothes yet." Although she said this, Nidia's eyes were shining, and she hugged Wang Xiaofeng tightly with her hands, showing no intention of getting off him.

This iron knot finally came to light.

Wang Xiaofeng said softly: "I have kept all the clothes I bought yesterday."

Wang Xiaofeng held Nitya in his arms, his body like a feather, and gently landed on the edge of the window. He smiled at the several soul masters who had sensed something was wrong and started to rush towards him: "I will take you ladies away first." La."

"Miss Protection!"

Although he knew that Wang Xiaofeng would not harm Nidiya, if his young lady was abducted in front of his eyes like this, she would definitely be punished when she returned. When they thought of their master's methods, several of Nidiya's bodyguards suddenly trembled and subconsciously He used his martial spirit.

However, Wang Xiaofeng's reaction was obviously faster than theirs.

Green, purple, and yellow soul power had just emerged from several people, but Wang Xiaofeng's left wrist moved slightly, and three black shadows shot out silently, and the finished glyphs were shot at several people.

The attack speed of Innuendo is the fastest among the hidden weapons owned by Wang Xiaofeng.

The defense-type soul master responsible for protecting Nidiya let out a low roar, and a tortoise shell made of soul power was immediately caught in his hand and he threw it fiercely.

Along with the clanging sound of metal, three sleeve arrows suddenly fell to the ground.

And the tortoise shell that was hastily condensed with soul power also shattered and disappeared in mid-air.

However, this also gave others a chance, and they transformed into wolves, apes, martens, and snakes, and their speeds skyrocketed.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled slightly. When they showed his flaws, he was delaying time.

With Nitya in their arms, it was impossible and they did not dare to use powerful and destructive soul skills.

"Hold tight."


Wang Xiaofeng's legs were slightly bent, and the next second, the two people disappeared instantly.

An instant later, the window and the surrounding walls instantly collapsed, turning into a large amount of debris and rubble that enveloped the bodyguards.

"The third soul skill, Black Turtle Shield Wall."

A huge black shield rose from behind, turning into black turtle shields to protect everyone at 180 degrees.

The gravel with huge impact hit the shield wall, causing ripples. They raised their eyebrows. They knew clearly how hard the third soul skill of the defensive soul master in the team was, and ordinary stones could Isn't it a bit exaggerated to have such destructive power?

The bodyguard captain casually waved away the smoke and dust that filled the room, looked at the huge gourd-shaped hole in the wall in front of him, and said coldly: "It seems that I haven't moved my muscles for a long time, and I dare to provoke even a little kid." Let's go and call Li Mastian, we have a mission."

The powerful jumping power allowed Wang Xiaofeng to fly Nidiya into the mid-air a hundred meters away. The howling wind made it difficult to open one's eyes.

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