Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 471 The death scene

Wang Xiaofeng opened his arms and walked over. He was about to give He Li a long-awaited hug, but He Li turned sideways and hid without leaving a trace.

Wang Xiaofeng had a "black question mark" on his face. He turned around and saw He Li coming to Nitya with bright eyes. She gently grabbed the panicked little hands and said with a smile: "Oh, you are the one mentioned in the letter. You’re Nitya, you’re so tall, it doesn’t matter if I call you Xiaoya.”

Nitya didn't expect Wang Xiaofeng's mother to suddenly come over to talk to her, and felt a little shy. She quickly shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter, my family calls me that too."

He Li took Nidiya, who was a little dizzy, and sat on a bench nearby, and said with a smile: "Xiao Feng is like a piece of wood, except for practicing, he just tinkers with weird things by himself.

I originally thought it would be difficult for him to find a wife in his life, but I didn’t expect that he would find such a beautiful daughter-in-law for me after not seeing him for several years..."

"Mom." Wang Xiaofeng shouted helplessly.

That's almost it. It's getting late and they haven't eaten yet.

And although Nitya is not an outsider, is it really okay to keep belittling him like this?

What does it mean to be like a piece of wood in normal times? It is obviously a normal academic research.

He Li seemed to have just discovered Wang Xiaofeng, and turned to look at him after realizing it: "Hey, why are you still here?!

Hurry and go to the market next door to buy some food. Also, we don’t have enough salt and soy sauce at home. You can buy more.

You suddenly brought Xiaoya back today, so I didn't even buy any food. "

Sure enough, love will disappear, right?

Looking at Nidia who was snickering at the side, Wang Xiaofeng nodded helplessly: "I know~"

Wang Xiaofeng understood that his mother had something to say to Nidiya alone.

Nitya blinked and told him to go calmly, she would be fine.

After Wang Xiaofeng went out, He Qiming also found an excuse to go out, and the room fell into silence.

Looking at the smiling He Li, Nidia always felt like a little white rabbit falling into the hands of the big devil.

Wang Xiaofeng walked out and saw that Wang Daniu had almost repaired the courtyard gate in a short period of time.

More than a dozen gourd vines were intertwined to fix each wooden board. Wang Daniu skillfully drove nails into the overlapping positions of the wooden boards.

Bang bang bang! !

After nailing one nail, Wang Daniu stretched out his hand, and a gourd vine would hand the nail to him in time.

The process is orderly and fast.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that his father would actually reach the state of multitasking without any teacher.

It seems that Dad has not had an easy life over the years. He must have been beaten out.

Looking at Wang Daniu's still swollen face, Wang Xiaofeng held back a smile and walked over: "Do you want my help?"

"The wooden plank is over there." Wang Daniu pointed to the corner casually: "You can just come out the whole door, it won't last a few days anyway."

"By the way, hammer..."

Wang Daniu knocked for a while before he realized that he had not given the spare hammer to Wang Xiaofeng. He turned around and saw his usually thin son driving the nail into the board easily with his bare hands.

Although the wood used is cheap poplar wood with average hardness, to be able to do this, his physical fitness should not be much better than that of the old man.

He can't even beat his son now.

Thinking of this, Wang Daniu silently put down the hammer in his hand.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was using wooden boards to piece together the shape of the door, suddenly felt a pair of big hands covering his head, and then began to rub it wildly.

A few seconds later, Wang Xiaofeng, with his hair that had been chewed by a dog, said speechlessly: "Dad, what are you doing?"

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng's wretched appearance, Wang Dada Newton felt refreshed.

No matter how awesome he is, he's still not his own son? Rub it if you want.

"It's been a long time since I've been close to you. How are you? Do you feel the deep father's love?"

Wang Xiaofeng squinted his eyes: "Dad, I have seen someone as arrogant as you. Now the grass on his grave is more than three meters high."

"What a boy, how dare you curse me!"

"You didn't do it first!"

Amidst the noise, the sense of strangeness between father and son quietly disappeared.

With the help of Wang Xiaofeng, the repair work that was not much left was completed in a short time.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng was going to buy groceries, Wang Daniu shamelessly followed him.

She said she was afraid that she would get lost, but in fact it was because my mother was usually too strict and she wanted to eat secretly when she was greedy.

Also, are you serious about following me so swaggeringly?

Wang Xiaofeng ignored the old man who was following behind secretly, and pretended that he had not noticed him.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Wang Daniu who kept looking into the nearby wine shop, sighed, and took out a cloth bag from the soul guide, "Okay, dad, here are five hundred gold soul coins, go buy whatever you want. "

"Isn't this good?" Wang Daniu looked happy and rubbed his hands, looking embarrassed.

"If you don't want it..." Before Wang Xiaofeng could take his hand back, Wang Daniu asked for the money bag and said with a smile: "I'm just being polite, why don't you want it!"

Seeing that Wang Daniu had received the start-up capital, the old man hiding behind the corner stopped pretending and rushed directly into the store, shouting to the waiter: "Hurry up and get the money from your store!"

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head speechlessly, hoping that they both drank too much. If they went back smelling like alcohol...

May God bless them.

Without Wang Daniu as a dragster, Wang Xiaofeng quickly bought all the vegetables on the market.

The main thing is that there are only a few types of vegetables here.

After buying some local but never-before-seen animal meat, Wang Xiaofeng went back carrying hundreds of kilograms of meat and dozens of kilograms of vegetables.

Hmm, I seem to have forgotten something... Never mind, it shouldn't be anything important.

After returning home, Wang Xiaofeng opened the door and saw He Li and Nitya talking and laughing. He was disappointed not to see the so-called mother-in-law and daughter-in-law battle.

"Why, you seem to be disappointed." He Li glanced at him.

The disappointed look on this brat's face really deserves a beating.

"Where are the dishes? In the kitchen?" Wang Xiaofeng didn't dare to be embarrassed. He didn't want to be beaten in front of Nidia.

Mom's love should be left to dad later, he can't bear it.

As soon as He Li walked into the kitchen, she turned around and cursed: "Do you want to tire me out by buying so many vegetables?"

"It's okay. I have used my soul power to seal the temperature in advance. It will be no problem if I leave it for two days." Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile.

Use soul power to seal the temperature? He Li smacked her lips. It seemed that this kid had grown up in the past few years to the point where it was incomprehensible.

After a meal and a full drink, He Li took Wang Xiaofeng up to the second floor.

"Come in, this is the room your father specially reserved for you."

"This...are you sure this is my room?" Wang Xiaofeng's eyes twitched.

The room of less than ten square meters is covered with photos and posters of Wang Xiaofeng's various battles when he participated in the elite competition.

There are various figurines showing cool poses on the desks and wardrobes, as well as quilts, sheets and pillowcases.

At that time, I just wanted to make money and continued to increase production capacity with Flender. Unexpectedly, I actually sold it from Tiandou to Xingluo.

The most embarrassing thing is not only being seen by parents, but also being bought and displayed in the room.

Really? A large social death scene!

"Where are you, I want to see it too." Nitya squeezed in from behind, no longer nervous about coming to the door for the first time.

I really don’t know what her mother said to her when he went to buy groceries, and he completely returned to his true nature.

"Don't look!"

Wang Xiaofeng reacted and was about to close the door, but Nidia found a loophole and got in under his arm.

"Pfft hahaha!"

Nitya was lying on the bed with Wang Xiaofeng's photo on it, sulking and sulking. She didn't look like a beautiful fairy at all.

Wang Xiaofeng covered his face.

It's over, his whole life's reputation is over.

That night, everyone except Wang Xiaofeng, Wang Daniu and He Qiming were very happy.

The former is a social death, the latter is self-inflicted.

They had not drank for so long that they became addicted to drinking and missed their meal time.

He Li forced her to stand outside in the cold wind blowing in the middle of the night so she could wake up. She froze for half an hour before entering the house.

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