Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 486 Military Region

Those who can come to this restaurant to eat are either rich or expensive, so the gossip they chat has some credibility.

After all, there is no smoke without fire.

While Wang Xiaofeng was eating fennel beans, he eavesdropped on the gossip around him for entertainment.

Suddenly, the whispers around him seemed to have pressed the pause button, and they were silent for a while.

Wang Xiaofeng seemed to feel something, and subconsciously raised his head, and saw a beautiful figure slowly walking down the stairs.

Dressed in black, she showed off her unparalleled elegance, her movements were graceful, and her world-famous appearance was gradually revealed.

Da da da…

The sound of his high-top shoes hitting the wooden board was like the sound of his heart raging, as if it was about to burst out of his body.

Everyone looked at the girl intently, some felt ashamed, some were jealous, some looked greedy...

But it is undeniable that the focus of the audience at this time is focused on one person.

The sunlight crossed the window sill and shone lightly on her cheeks. It was as beautiful as spring flowers and as beautiful as morning glow.

A ridiculous idea suddenly popped up in Wang Xiaofeng's mind.

No wonder they didn't hide and no one chased them later.

The portrait on the wanted poster didn't even show one percent of Nitya's appearance. It's strange that those people could recognize her based on the portrait.

"What, are you stunned?"

Nitya came to Wang Xiaofeng with brisk steps, and twirled the fennel beans in his hand with her lush green fingers. Her pink lips were shining with a crystal color and curved into a beautiful curve.

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned, and slightly avoided the teasing gaze.

"Ahem, waiter, it's time to serve."

"Hey, you're so shy."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at her angrily, but Nitya stopped and sat across the table with a smile.

Dishes such as eight-treasure rice, braised beef shank, mutton soup, braised soft-shell turtle, cannon lamb, vinegar-cooked goose, roast chicken and other dishes were served one after another.

As soon as these expensive dishes are served, many people will be put off.

But it doesn't stop them from seeing beautiful women.

Because of Nitya's relationship, they temporarily became the focus of the entire floor, but such "pressure" was not enough to affect their appetite.

The meal ended in this quiet and eerie atmosphere.

It wasn't until Nidia covered herself with a scarf and the two of them checked out and left the hotel that the atmosphere slowly returned to its original state.

According to incomplete statistics, during this hour, a total of 11 dishes, nine plates, and 23 wine glasses were broken in the hotel. Seven people were slightly injured in a fight, and six couples broke up.

Southwest Military Region, command building.

Warm sunlight shines in the room, but it cannot dispel the oppressive air around it.

The floor was covered with documents and pen and ink.

A group of people sat around a long table, not daring to raise a voice, and watched the figure on the main seat walking around with trepidation.

Han Guang has been very irritable recently.

Originally, he was leading the army to conduct a confrontation drill with the Northern Military Region, but just halfway through the confrontation, he was pulled over by the boss and scolded.

Said that a prince disappeared in his jurisdiction.

How could you blame him? He was still two hundred miles away at that time, but the blame fell on his head out of nowhere.

The boss gave him half a month. If he can't find anyone, don't do it. Just go and raise pigs.

Thinking of this, Han Guang became more and more irritable. Damn, when you have merit, you are more active than anyone else in grabbing it, and when there is a problem, you run faster than anyone else.

The atmosphere in the room was very dull.

The generals looked at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, for fear of touching the back scale and getting scolded.

"What do the Imperial Capital say?"

The few people below communicated with each other with their eyes, and finally the person with the lowest official position was forced to stand up and said cautiously: "Tiantian sent someone to the imperial capital three days ago, but because of the long distance, it will take seven days at the fastest to get news. "

Han Guang roared: "Seven days, seven days to go, come here to collect the body after seven days??!"

Damn it, why is it the second prince who is missing, and at this point in time.

If Dai Mubai fails to show up on time at the coming-of-age ceremony in two months, his position as a general will really be wiped out.

"Send another thousand elite soldiers in to search." General Han said with a dark face.

‘Still sending people? ! The last time I filled in, a thousand people didn't even pop up. ’ The generals below muttered to themselves that they didn’t want their men to die, but unfortunately military orders are military orders.

"No matter what, if you want to see people alive, you want to die..."

There was a sudden commotion outside the tent.

"Report!! General, there are two young men holding imperial orders, saying they are friends of the second prince."

A young general rushed in, and then he saw a crowd of pitiful eyes.

"Count him among the thousand quotas this time." Han Guang casually clicked with his finger.

Outside the military area, Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia stood in front of the gate bored.

The three soldiers on duty would glance at Wang Xiaofeng intentionally or unintentionally, holding the spear tightly in their hands, and drops of sweat quietly flowing down their cheeks.

The main reason is that his eyes are so intense that it can easily lead to wild imaginations.

Nitya on the side was a little angry.

Why don't you look at me, a beautiful woman next to you, instead of looking at those ugly guys? !

This simply calls into question her appearance.

Well, the girl's thoughts are not something that a straight man like Wang Xiaofeng can guess.

At this time, he didn't notice the thoughts of the beautiful woman beside him. She was looking for something to do and went to observe and study the armor worn by the soldiers.

He has seen the Black Armored Army, which is comparable to the Guardian Knights of Wuhun Palace.

But there seems to be no uniform standard for the armor worn by soldiers at the bottom, and it varies from city to city.

For example, the armor worn by the soldier now, with its silver luster on the outside, should be made of iron sheets polished to the size of scale armor and then sewn together.

The helmet on the head is just an ordinary iron helmet, and it only has a thin layer of cloth sewn into the iron helmet. I wonder what it can protect with this little protection?

The lower body is made up of an iron scale war skirt, and the combat boots are just shoes, and the outside is covered with a layer of iron sheet. Judging from the sealing performance, it is probably very hot in the summer.

The weight of this armor should be about ten kilograms. With weapons and dry food, it is almost twenty-five kilograms. But why does it look like training equipment...

Suddenly, a burst of neat footsteps came from inside, breaking Wang Xiaofeng's divergent thinking (daze).


Rapid footsteps sounded.

Two columns of soldiers wearing armor and holding spears rushed out from the gate.

As soon as two lines of soldiers came in, they surrounded them both.

"Roar...roar...roar..." A deafening roar sounded.

The soldiers raised their spears and chopped them to the ground. Along with their roars, a strong murderous and vicious aura rushed toward Wang Xiaofeng and the others.

"A show of force?"

Wang Xiaofeng was noncommittal, and the four soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, and purple appeared in sequence from his feet.

The heart-shaking pressure, with him as the center, violently burst out to the surroundings! !

Carrying the dust on the ground, it formed a thick wave of soil and swept away in all directions.

The so-called murderous aura met Wang Xiaofeng's mental pressure, just like foam met steel, and was ruthlessly crushed the moment it came into contact.

The shocked soldiers couldn't react at all, Tulang had already arrived in front of them.


A voice suddenly sounded outside the field. The surrounding soldiers were agitated and subconsciously took off their shields from behind. They raised the shield horizontally with their left hand to protect their upper body, and stretched their left foot half a step forward to form a lunge.

The waves of earth hit the shields, making a crackling sound, and the soldiers remained motionless like rocks under a waterfall.

Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows. He had good military qualities and was completely different from the soldiers standing guard.

The tulang seemed to be huge, but in fact it was just loud thunder and small raindrops. Apart from making the soldiers disgraced, it did not cause any real harm.

"Four-ring soul sect? You have good cultivation. Regardless of whether you are friends of the second prince or not, you are all qualified to see the general."

I saw a tall man with a sinister look on his face past the soldiers and walked in front of Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia.

He wears a helmet, a yellow armor, and a broadsword hanging from his waist. The beard on his face, combined with the scar on his left eye, makes him even more sinister.

However, the surrounding soldiers saw that he seemed to have a backbone, and their expressions were no longer flustered.

"Please, our general has been waiting for a long time."

"Wouldn't it be better if I did this earlier? I have to give him a beating to be honest." Nitya muttered.

Wang Xiaofeng tugged on her clothes, indicating that she was still on someone else's territory, so be careful of misfortune.

This was Wang Xiaofeng's first time entering the military camp and entering the gate of the military area. He had a clear view of the situation here.

Here, I saw small two-story buildings arranged in an orderly manner, and soldiers could be seen coming in and out from time to time.

The fierce man had no intention of introducing them, and led the two of them straight through small buildings until they came to a three-story building made of stone bricks.

"This is it."

Bringing people here would be considered as completing the mission. The fierce man said something and left vigorously.

"It's so rude to leave us at the door like this." Nitya couldn't help complaining. Although they were obviously here to save people, why did it feel like they were here to ask for help.

"This shows that the matter is beyond the control of the military region, and they are not even bothering to maintain the appearance. As for the politeness issue, these are Boss Dai's subordinates. Let's educate them ourselves when he comes back." Wang Xiaofeng squeezed the soft and boneless hand in his hand. To ease her dissatisfaction: "Let's go and see our General."

As soon as they entered, Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia were led by a delicate-looking woman. Instead of going upstairs, the three of them walked through the hall and came to a separate courtyard at the back.


Next, a servant was replaced to lead the way, and Nidia complained: "I'm not a big official, but I have a lot of airs."

After passing through a long corridor, I saw the owner in a room.

I saw a burly man sitting in the main seat looking at them, with a bit of resoluteness on his face and cold eyes.

"Wang Xiaofeng, this is my friend Nidia. I have met the General."

Han Guang looked at the two of them with a cold expression. The token given by Dai Mubai was placed on the table casually, "Are you the friend that Dai Xiaozi said? You don't look older than my grandson. But hurry up In good times, we do have a bit of a shortage of manpower.”

"No matter which force is behind you, with this token, you are qualified to go down. Tomorrow is just the time to go down again. You can go in with the team, and the necessary equipment and information will be prepared for you."

"If there's nothing else, you can leave."

‘We just said a word and can we leave? ’ Nidia looked at Wang Xiaofeng with her big watery eyes: This general is really resolute.

"Then let's say goodbye first." Wang Xiaofeng nodded slightly and prepared to leave.

As soon as his left foot stepped over the threshold, a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind him.

The black stream of light pierced the air, covering a distance of more than ten meters in just a moment.

Twist your waist and raise your hands.


With a soft sound, Wang Xiaofeng caught the incoming object in a flash of lightning.

"Such strong soul control, so much strength."

Han Guang raised his eyebrows as he watched Wang Xiaofeng put away the token in his hand without changing his expression.

Although he only used three-thirds of his strength, he still had the strength of a thousand pounds. Under such a powerful force, it is still possible to ensure that the token is not damaged. The opponent's control of power has reached the level of ease, which is rare among the younger generation.

"Don't forget to take your things with you."

Wang Xiaofeng keenly captured that flash of momentum, which was not weaker than the three old men from the Tiandou Empire Royal Academy.

"Contra-level seniors still bully me, a junior, for not practicing martial ethics." Wang Xiaofeng endured the severe pain in his palms, for fear of causing trouble again, and silently quickened his pace and pulled Nidia away.

Han Guang looked at the leaving figure and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Prince Zhou's granddaughter actually has a sweetheart. Those old immortals are probably going to be angry with shame, but what does this have to do with me..."

He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the bamboo tube in the corner.

It seemed to be a portrait of someone.

The arranged residence is a small courtyard with a single door and a single span. The interior furnishings are quite simple, but Wang Xiaofeng and the others are not picky, so it will be fine if they can live in it.

A night of silence.

"Dong...dong...dong..." The strong drum sound reached Wang Xiaofeng's ears in the military tent, forcibly waking him up from his practice.

There was no light in the sky outside the window, and the waning moon still hung high in the sky.

Wang Xiaofeng was a little dizzy from the sound of the drums. As expected of a military camp, he got up earlier than a chicken.

The strong sound of drums resounded through the sky, waking up even the deepest sleepers, making it impossible for people to think about going back to sleep. Even Nitya, who always likes to stay in bed, can only wear a pair of red clothes. Come to breakfast with both eyes.

Wang Xiaofeng said hello: "Good morning."

"I feel bad!"

Nitya grabbed the bun with all her strength, split it in half with both hands, then bit it viciously, stuffing her mouth full.

Like an angry little hamster, he vented all his anger on the food in front of him.

After eating breakfast and putting on the equipment they had prepared, Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia instantly became soldiers of the Southwest Military Region.

Meanwhile, on the playground.

A thousand soldiers stood quietly and neatly. Even if they were motionless, they still exuded majestic momentum and intimidated all enemies.

Han Guang was both satisfied and a little distressed.

He trained these elite soldiers bit by bit, and he didn't know how many of them would come back this time.

"Let's go!" Han Guang gave the order, and the army, like black marching ants, began to advance in an orderly and orderly manner.

Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia quietly integrated into the team under the leadership of a soldier.

The group of people walked through grassland and forest, and at the end was a canyon. From a distance, it looked like an entire mountain peak had been split in half by a sharp blade, leaving a crack only a few meters wide.

A light mask about ten meters high is covering the crack in the valley.

What Wang Xiaofeng saw was only the exposed part of the mask, and the rest was hidden under the rock formations.

If it weren't for a series of coincidences that caused the ground to crack, this place would probably never have been discovered.

The exposed light mask was not bright, and several obvious cracks could be seen on the surface. It seemed that it was damaged due to ground cracks.

Like mist, like water ripples, it is constantly rippling, and the terrifying fluctuations are constantly dissipating in all directions. No living thing can exist within a radius of a hundred meters.

"Rest where you are."

At this moment, the messenger from the front came quickly and shouted quickly.

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and had to admit that this was indeed a suitable place for repairs.

They were in a basin. On the peaks on both sides, there were no trees, and there was no way for the enemy to hide.

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