Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 488: Traveling through time again?

The huge wooden city gate has decayed, half of it is leaning, and the other half has fallen to the ground not far away.

Judging from the scattered footprints around, it should have been moved by the previous team. It seemed that they had all entered the city.

Wang Xiaofeng took advantage of others not paying attention and quietly touched the city gate. Sure enough, the seemingly thick city gate shattered between his fingers like tofu with a gentle squeeze, and it was also weathered.

Everyone walked in through the gate and found that the ruins in front of them were almost intact.

The bluestone slabs on the ground were still hard, but the vast streets were empty.

There were a lot of footprints left on the street, and the light from the torches was very dim. It was difficult to tell which path the Second Prince and the others had chosen, and they didn't know what dangers there were in the depths. So the generals discussed it and decided to focus on the city gate. Search around.

In this way, even if it touches any mechanism, it will not cause large-scale casualties, and it can also improve efficiency.

"Finally we can act alone." Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia easily got rid of the few soldiers who had been secretly watching them and walked into the city along the street.

Wang Xiaofeng found a house closest to him and poked at the window... The seemingly intact wooden window quickly turned into a pile of powder.

Looking into the room, I saw that the furniture was neatly arranged in the living room, and there were dishes on the dining table. It was very neat and there was nothing messy.

Then they checked most of the houses nearby and found that all the rooms were neat and full of life.

It's just as if time suddenly stopped at a certain period of time, nothing has changed, the only problem is... everyone is gone.

No bones, no bodies whatsoever.

Not even animal carcasses.

The entire ruins... or rather the entire city, was so 'clean' and 'complete' that it was extremely surprising.

It seemed as if someone had taken an eraser and wiped away the creatures in this city.

"Now how to do."

It was also the first time for Nidia to encounter such a strange situation. She nervously pulled on Wang Xiaofeng's clothes and kept looking around, as if there were invisible monsters hidden in the darkness.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his smooth chin, and unconsciously raised the torch in his right hand a little higher. Looking at the light source above his head, he instantly caught the thought that flashed through his mind.

He said: "Let's go to the city center and have a look. Maybe we can find the mission target."

Dai Mubai must have discovered the same situation, and the dry food each person brought was not much, so it was impossible to support long-term research.

Getting in and out is also very troublesome.

Therefore, from his point of view, he would rather take some risks to obtain something of value, such as items like the light mask outside or knowledge that transcends the times, rather than just some dishes and chopsticks that can only be regarded as antiques.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for a prince like him to go out with bare hands.

The two of them walked along the street toward the center.

The searching team behind them gradually lost sight, with only the torches in their hands guiding them.

They walked for maybe ten minutes, and the two of them walked further and further away, until Wang Xiaofeng suddenly stopped, causing some clone Nidiya to bump into his back unprepared.

"Ouch! Why did my head...stop suddenly."

"I think we should have found the target."

Wang Xiaofeng sprinkled some pine oil on the torch, and the flame suddenly exploded.

Nidia opened her eyes wide, and through the swollen flames of the torch, she seemed to see a huge object rising into the sky from the darkness.

That should be the goal Wang Xiaofeng mentioned.

"Let's go, this underground space is much bigger than I thought."

The two of them continued on their way.

Before long, they arrived at the center of the city.

With the help of Wang Xiaofeng's fourth soul skill, Nidia finally managed to see clearly what the huge object in front of her was.

A huge, pyramid-shaped building.

Made of large black square stones, it is very tall, at least estimated to be a hundred meters high.

In such a city center, there is such a huge pyramid, which makes people feel very abrupt.

It's like a martial arts comic suddenly mixed in with Transformers.

Extremely awkward.

The two of them walked around the pyramid, and sure enough, there were many footprints at the entrance of the pyramid, which showed that they were looking in the right direction.

Wang Xiaofeng patted the gourd on his waist, and the colorful amplified light immediately covered the two of them. Nidia also summoned the moonlight scepter and held it tightly in her hand.

I thought there would be hidden weapons inside, and I might even see the corpses of my companions.

But what they didn't expect was that the above was purely a personal fantasy and there was nothing in it.

Except for the stones of the pyramid itself, there was nothing, not even murals, which directly poured cold water on Wang Xiaofeng, who had a high desire for knowledge.

Maybe it should be there, but it may be that the paint technology is not up to standard and it has evaporated over time.

Ignoring Wang Xiaofeng who was feeling sad alone, Nidia walked around and successfully found the stairs going up.

"Maybe all the good stuff is up there." Nitya's words immediately gave Wang Xiaofeng a shot of blood.

The two of them kept going up and finally reached the top of the pyramid.

When Wang Xiaofeng reached the top, he discovered that the golden tower had no spire and the top was actually flat.

The space at the top of the tower was not big, only about 200 square meters, so Wang Xiaofeng saw at a glance what seemed to be a sacrificial platform in the middle of the top floor.

"Is this a temple of some god?"

Wang Xiaofeng made a bold guess, but the actual situation still needs to be investigated in detail.

The two walked in and took a closer look, and found that this thing that looked like a sacrificial altar was empty in the middle, as if it were a large water tank (or a square swimming pool without water).

Wang Xiaofeng jumped into the sink and found that there were words carved all around the sink.

But it doesn't match the current mainstream scripts of Xingluo and Tiandou. It should be ancient scripts.

Wang Xiaofeng asked Nidia to come down and have a look, but it turned out that Nidia hadn't seen it either, so he could only take a blank piece of paper and make a rubbing of it, then go back and find someone to translate it.

The clue was broken, and Wang Xiaofeng was a little disappointed.

Nitya suddenly pulled up her clothes, pointed not far in front of him, and said, "Look, Xiao Fengzi, there is a small stone monument there!"

Wang Xiaofeng turned around and saw that there was indeed a black stone tablet standing there.

He shouldn't miss something so obvious...

Wang Xiaofeng asked Nidia to stand farther away, then put the gourd in front of him and walked over cautiously.

It is indeed a black stone tablet with writing on it.

There are about two lines of words, and the shape of the font is completely different from the shape of the fonts on the surrounding walls, so there should be no repetition.

However, there were two mosaic-like black things covering the middle of the words. Wang Xiaofeng frowned and couldn't help but reach out to wipe them.

But the moment his fingers touched these words, the stone tablet glowed brightly.

Wang Xiaofeng was startled and retreated suddenly. At the same time, the gourd on his chest instantly grew larger, blocking him like a shield.

"There is a trap, be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Xiaofeng's head suddenly felt a stabbing pain, and his sense of space and direction were directly distorted.

The whole person fell heavily to the ground. He didn't dare to get up at all. His head was so dizzy that he didn't dare to move.

When he regained consciousness and took control of his body, he heard noisy voices.

There was also a comfortable breeze blowing across my face.


Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes, the darkness dissipated, and then he saw...a bright and vivid world.

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