Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 498: Beast Tide (Part 1)

"Dad, your feet are so red."

The voice of his son in his arms brought the man back to reality. Only then did he feel the severe pain coming from his calf.


The pain made the man's expression twitch into a ball, but in order not to worry his son, he forced out an ugly smile and said it was okay.

Wang Xiaofeng came over and said, "Are you okay?"

The man looked at the young man with a pale face, his twisted face full of pain: "Thank you, my benefactor, for saving me."

"Are you injured?" Wang Xiaofeng casually took back the twisting gourd vine, then squatted down and looked at the right leg that was almost penetrated by the wooden thorn.

"Trouble, there is no doctor to treat the injury at this time. If you want to save this leg, you must operate immediately."

The man opened his mouth: "I think..."

Wang Xiaofeng took out various knives and said, "Let me think about it, disinfect it first and then anesthetize it before the operation, so that the patient will not feel the pain, but it seems that I did not bring anesthesia!"

"Um, benefactor..."

Before he could finish speaking, a sharp pain suddenly came from the back of his head.

The child looked at his father in bewilderment as he suddenly fell to the ground, completely unaware of what happened.

Nidia put down the scepter in her hand, "This way he won't feel the pain."

"Yes, physical anesthesia should be used at this time. Why didn't I think of it?" Wang Xiaofeng nodded with sudden realization, "He is indeed the leader of our family's IQ."

Wang Xiaofeng took out his own proportion of disinfectant alcohol from the gourd and poured it on the scalpel.

Then, the next scene was very bloody.

Two minutes later, Wang Xiaofeng skillfully sewed up the wound, poured medicine on the wound, and wrapped it with a cloth, ending this experience as a doctor.

"Well, it's not bad, my craftsmanship has not declined." Wang Xiaofeng looked at the bow tied on the man's right foot, nodded with satisfaction, and then told the children a few things to pay attention to.

Something happened here.

When Wang Xiaofeng was about to leave, a man stopped them.

"Your Excellency, thank you for your help and helping me deal with this crazy giant ape."

Standing on the rooftop for so long just to say thank you?

Wang Xiaofeng scratched his hair and said, "Oh, you're welcome."

The man was wearing a raincoat, a very ordinary outfit, but Nidia's eyes were fixed on the black jade pendant inadvertently exposed on the man's waist.

"People from Mofang, when did Mofang start to take care of the beast tide?"

"Mofang? Sells clothes?" Wang Xiaofeng looked confused. When Nidia saw this, she explained to him in a low voice.

"Mofang is an intelligence organization belonging to the empire. Its main task is to help the empire secretly collect and analyze intelligence about other kingdoms' royal families, sects, individuals, families, treasures, secrets, martial spirits, etc."

"In the beginning, Mofang was just a small organization, not called Mofang, but called a governor. Its duty was to supervise the words and deeds of officials.

But after Davis took over, their power continued to expand. Until now, no one knows how many people they have. "

Wang Xiaofeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Davis, who was beaten so badly by them in the elite competition, to be so good.

Seeing his appearance, Nidia naturally knew what Wang Xiaofeng was thinking and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

He is the first heir to the throne of the empire, and his cultivation and martial arts are only a small part of it.

The man didn't expect that his identity would be discovered. He didn't keep the fake smile on his face and said expressionlessly: "Why I am here is a secret and there is no comment."

"Miss Zhou Jiasan, you are quite familiar with us, but I don't know where you overheard us."

Nitya said disdainfully: "Humph, do I still need to eavesdrop? Someone has been saying at home all day long that your Mofang always speaks ill of others behind their backs and makes snitches. My ears can feel cocoons."

There was quite a bit of tit-for-tat in the two people's words, but they stopped short of that. It can be seen that both sides were wary of each other's background.

The man in coir raincoat looked at Wang Xiaofeng with complicated eyes.

He was following those monsters well, but he didn't expect to fall into their trap.

If those unlucky soul masters hadn't accidentally barged in and attracted the giant ape, giving him a chance to escape, he would have died by now.

Because he is the Soul King and has fought against giant apes, he can better understand the terror of giant apes.

That giant ape was bewitched by a demon, and its strength was far superior to that of its own kind. It could also explode at any time. With one explosion, it could easily cross the boundary between thousands and ten thousand years.

The ten-thousand-year-old soul beast is still a strange species with this type of power. It requires at least a standard three-person soul king team to conquer it.

But such a giant ape died in the hands of a soul sect.

This is as outrageous as a child stabbing an adult man to death with a tree branch.

And he could see clearly from the sidelines that no soul skills were used in the process, it was just pure skill.

Wang Xiaofeng's first move when he entered the scene did not cause any damage. He just used his skill to deflect the giant ape's attack. His purpose was to protect the civilian.

The second move was to use force against force, the tip of the needle against the wheat awn, and smashed the giant ape's arm with one punch.

There must have been some very advanced movement skills involved, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to achieve such extraordinary strength, and his physical fitness was far superior to people of the same level.

The third move was to take advantage of the moment when the opponent paused during the explosion, and smashed the opponent's head with one punch. Unfortunately, the opponent had the ability to regenerate flesh and blood at a high speed after the explosion, so this move did not cause any substantial damage.

The next step was to be pressed down and beaten by the giant ape.

Then, the giant ape died inexplicably.

Although he works as a spy, he is actually a martial arts fanatic. As long as it is related to martial arts, he is extremely obsessed with it.

While Wang Xiaofeng was treating the civilian, he secretly checked the body of the giant ape. There was no damage on the surface of the head, but the inside had turned into paste.

He was very curious about how Wang Xiaofeng killed the giant ape.

How is this done?

It was clear that no poison was used, and the body was clean, with no trace of cheating.

Wang Xiaofeng saw curiosity, inquiry, doubt, and various complex emotions in his eyes.

That look in his eyes was very familiar to him, it was the desire for the unknown.

"Your Excellency, I hope you won't waste your martial arts skills." After saying something that sounded weird to others, the man turned around and left.

He still needs to continue tracking those monsters, so he can't waste too much time here.


Wang Xiaofeng stopped him, and in the eyes of the other party's doubtful eyes, he smiled and said: "You seem to be very curious about my moves?"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"Hey, it seems like something is coming, and there are quite a few of them."

Nidia and the man followed Wang Xiaofeng's line of sight and saw a black line appearing in the sky in the distance.

In a short period of time, it changed from lines to black curtains.

A sharp sound like knives cutting glass and the sound of flapping wings came from the sky.

The man opened his eyes wide. What was that black curtain? It was clearly a mixed flock of various birds.

Sparrows, pigeons, vultures, eagles and other birds of prey filled the sky. They were densely packed, buzzing and circling in the air.

The look and state of this group of birds were obviously abnormal, like evil ghosts hiding in the night. Their blood-red eyes looked particularly eerie in the dark and humid environment.

The man suddenly felt something and looked at the corpse of the giant ape lying aside with a large pool of blood. His face suddenly became very ugly: "Damn it, you were careless. This is actually a trap."

Not surprisingly, these birds are all attracted by the giant ape.

Although I don’t know how it was done, I am now in big trouble.

Now the soul masters with some strength in the town, as well as most of the officers and soldiers, have been sent to the front line to support, and the towns within a radius of ten miles are in a state of empty troops.

In other words, there are only three of them who can serve as combat power at this time.

The man subconsciously said: "Let's go quickly, this is beyond our capabilities."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nidia immediately retorted: "We can't leave! These birds are unusual at first glance. There are still many civilians in the town. What will they do if we leave?"

"They will die when they die. But you are different. Those of you who hope to become Titled Douluo are the precious wealth of the empire and cannot easily perish here." The man stood in front of Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia, "I will give you Try to get a chance to escape."

Nidia frowned, looking very dissatisfied. Although she has the ability to read minds, under the protection of her eldest and second brothers, she has not been exposed to deeper darkness, so she still maintains a kind heart. Therefore, Nidia strongly disagrees with Mofang's value-oriented way of doing things.

"Don't worry, most of these birds have no signs of using soul power. In other words, a large part of the birds are just ordinary animals." Wang Xiaofeng passed the man and walked towards the giant ape's body.

He originally thought this was just an "ordinary" soul beast that could explode, but he didn't expect it to attract birds to fight for it. It seemed that this corpse did have considerable research value.

Although he had no intention of wasting it, it was like picking up a stone and finding it was gold. It was quite an unexpected surprise.

Nidia held the moonlight scepter and jumped up to follow, "Xiao Fengzi, it should be my turn to take action this time. Don't steal my limelight."

"The attack range of your soul skills is relatively large, and it is indeed more suitable for cleaning up mobs." Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "However, you are suddenly so confident, could it be..."

Nidia wrinkled her nose and glared at him fiercely. Wang Xiaofeng quickly raised his hands in surrender and said: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. I won't take action later, I will just watch your performance."

"Hey, you guys..." Looking at the backs of the two of them, the man stretched out his hands and suddenly felt a little out of place.

Wang Xiaofeng and Nitya were playing around and getting closer to the giant ape's body, but this behavior obviously angered the birds.

High in the sky, strong winds roared and rain fell like arrows.

A large shadow swooped down at a very fast speed, a large black mass, rushing in like a mountain torrent.

This is the first time Nidia fights with Wang Xiaofeng.

There was no tension in her heart, only a bit of excitement.

Taking a deep breath, his whole temperament suddenly changed.

A layer of faint ice-blue light was released from her body and covered her whole body, and her whole body's essence, energy, and spirit were instantly raised to the extreme.

Nidia raised the ice scepter high, and ice-blue light spread from her body instantly.


At the same time, among the four yellow, yellow, purple, and purple soul rings floating on his body, the first soul ring shone brightly.

Then, the other three soul rings began to move closer to the first soul ring, and the four soul rings suddenly merged into one.

The pale yellow soul ring suddenly burst out with intense orange-gold light.

The temperature in the air suddenly dropped at an incredible speed, from fifteen degrees to minus fifty degrees almost instantly. Moreover, this range covers a radius of two hundred meters.

One moment, the sky was just filled with raindrops, and the next moment, it completely turned into a world of ice and snow, with goose-feather-like snow raging crazily under the strong wind.

All the rain and moisture seemed to have become part of her power. Under the influence of this powerful soul skill, it continuously turned into biting cold wind and ice picks as big as thumbs and as sharp as knives, pouring down under the action of gravity. .

The secret of the melting ring? The cry of cold? The frost indicates that the sky is cold! !

The sharp ice picks were as hard as steel under the exaggeration of soul power. Those ordinary birds could not even reach a hundred meters in front of Nidia and Wang Xiaofeng, and were torn apart by the countless ice picks. Scarlet blood was flying all over the sky, turning into ice crystals at low temperatures.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes were full of amazement. He didn't expect that this little girl actually learned the improved version of the ring-melting secret technique in just over a month.

You must know that he spent three full months in order to improve this secret technique.

Coincidentally, the weather at this time happened to be a rainy day, which contained a huge amount of water element, which became the best carrier for Nidia's soul skill, increasing the destructive power of her first soul skill nearly a hundred times.

The time, place, and people are favorable, and this girl has them all.

There are dark clouds above that are constantly dropping icicles, and below there is a howling cold wind that is bone-chilling. The black clouds composed of birds in the sky shrink visibly to the naked eye under the attack of this environment.

However, although the number of birds has decreased, the oppression coming from within the black cloud has become more intense, and shrill screams are constantly coming from it.

There was a faint blood-red color seeping out, and it looked a bit strange and gloomy.

Wang Xiaofeng frowned and looked at the thick black clouds. With his eyes, he could naturally find that as more and more birds were killed, the energy contained in the clouds became stronger and stronger...

We cannot sit still and wait for death.

Although his long-range attack methods are relatively few, they are not none.

Wang Xiaofeng took off the gourd from his waist and prepared to use a heavy impact to smash the black cloud into pieces.

The black cloud formed by the gathering of birds seemed to sense Wang Xiaofeng's murderous intention, and actually began to dissipate quickly.

In just a moment, the black clouds covering the town dispersed.

However, the civilians in the town who had not yet had time to escape were not very happy, because after the black clouds dispersed, a blood-red eagle appeared in the sky.

The blood eagle is about the same size as a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, with a wingspan of more than five meters. Its body is filled with blood. The blood color is particularly dark, as if it is made of countless blood. At a glance, it has a certain... The feeling of numbness in one's scalp.

At the position of its head, the blood mist was billowing and changing, with only a pair of blood-colored eyes shining through it.

Those blood-colored eyes didn't have any emotion that any living thing could have. What they had was just the endless violence and murderous intent. This thing was a monster born for killing.

"Xiao Fengzi, it seems something great has come out." Nitya looked a little pale.

Ring fusion is a double-edged sword. Although it can greatly enhance the effect of soul skills, and a hundred-year-old soul ring can be used as a tens of thousands-year-old soul ring, it is not without cost.

Most of the soul power in her body had been drained away, leaving only the soul power that could only be used once at most. The fourth soul skill.

"You've done a good job, leave the rest to me." Calabash Vine gently sent Nidia to a safe location.

Wang Xiaofeng stared at the bloody strange eagle, casually summoned the gourd vine, tied up a shouting civilian who was charging towards him with an angry look and threw it aside, frowning slightly.

This strange eagle seems to have the ability to mentally pollute, and can affect the minds of others, eliciting violent, angry and other negative emotions.

However, in a short period of time, it will not have much impact on soul masters with higher levels and stronger mental power like them.

Therefore, it cannot be delayed for too long.

"I'll use the technique just now again. It's up to you how much you can learn." Wang Xiaofeng tilted his head and said slowly to the empty street.

The man who had been standing not far away had long since disappeared, but Wang Xiaofeng knew that he did not escape, but used his soul skills to hide.

While Wang Xiaofeng was speaking, the bloody strange eagle in the sky suddenly flew down like thunder.

The violent pressure contained in the claws directly tore the air and came suddenly!

Wang Xiaofeng's dark eyes were locked tightly on the bloody figure that was rushing towards him. The cyan soul power in his right hand flashed. His fist and claws collided, but the strange eagle's claws were inexplicably deflected to the side and hit the gravel hard. on the street.

The ground roared, and four cracks twisted and lengthened on the street.

"There's nothing much to say about the first move. It's just an ordinary force-relieving technique, as long as you have hands."

"There's nothing much to say about the second move. It's just ordinary brute strength. Just practice it every day."

"The key is the third move, keep an eye on it."

As he spoke, Wang Xiaofeng shook his shoulders and waved his right fist.

It looked like an ordinary punch, like a random punch thrown by a child.

No matter how you look at it, this punch doesn't have any power at all.

But it was this fist that actually knocked the bloody strange eagle flying in mid-air to the ground.

The bloody monster eagle roared angrily, its whole body was red, and it burst into blood all over the sky. It wanted to force Wang Xiaofeng back to the sky, but Wang Xiaofeng jumped up and punched it.

The cyan fist hit the smoky eagle's head hard, directly dispersing the terrifying blood light.

The strange eagle tilted its head. Its strong self-healing power allowed its concave beak to heal as before. After making a neighing sound like scraping glass, it flapping its wings again and stood up.

The bloody monster eagle has a frightening figure, thick and powerful. Every time its sharp beak and claws fall, it has the power of a mountain falling apart. It collides with Wang Xiaofeng's fist. The sky is filled with smoke and dust, and the roaring sound makes people in the distance The officers and soldiers were shocked.

The strength of the monster surprised them, but they were even more surprised at how that small figure could have such a powerful force and survive the collision of its bodies.

Some people even speculated in their hearts whether the young man was the incarnation of some ancient soul beast.

At this time, the battle seemed to be in a state of turmoil.

The two fought violently, the wind howling, and the surrounding houses shaking.

"Seventy-seven times, that should be enough."

Another ordinary punch smashed the bird's head into the ground. Wang Xiaofeng's mouth suddenly showed a slight smile. Before the strange eagle could pull its head out of the soil, the thumb and middle finger of his right hand interlocked and made a crisp snap.


Huge energy explodes from the inside out.

A muffled sound like a watermelon breaking sounded from the pit. The strange eagle he smashed into the ground did not get up for a long time. Its huge body twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

After waiting for a while, Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no more violence. He picked up the gourd, poured out the water, and washed his bloody hands.

This strange bird is much stronger than the previous strange ape, at least its bones are harder.

"Oh, such a monster is really scary."

"Woohoo, you win!" Nidia rushed out from the side and jumped onto Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng shook it casually: "Hey, why do you feel so much heavier?"

"Humph, you just gained weight!" Nitya said with a dark face, pinching Wang Xiaofeng's waist hard.

Is this solved? ?

The man who used soul skills to hide not far away looked at the body of the strange eagle with its head stuck in the ground like a garlic sprout, and then glanced at the man and woman who were fighting, and felt that his world view had collapsed.

Is this really something a human can do? While fighting powerful soul beasts, he was also able to teach (zhuang) and learn (bi) with ease.

"How about it? Did you see it clearly? Isn't it very simple?" Wang Xiaofeng tilted his head and said softly.

"Very...clear." The man answered in a dazed and confused manner subconsciously.

The principle is indeed as Wang Xiaofeng said, not complicated.

It means that while hitting the enemy's body, the soul power is injected into the opponent's body, and then when the accumulation reaches a certain level, it suddenly detonates.

However, although it seems achievable in theory, it is simply impossible in reality.

There are too many difficulties that cannot be solved.

Just thinking about how to put soul power into the enemy's body without being wiped out by the opponent's soul power will stymie most people.

At least he, who is known as a rare fighting genius in Mofang in ten years, cannot do it.

"Your Excellency has a broad mind, and I admire you." In any case, Wang Xiaofeng showed him his superb skills that can be passed down as a family inheritance without any reservation, and he accepted this favor.

The man's breathing could no longer be heard in his ears, and Wang Xiaofeng knew that he had left.

"Xiao Fengzi, do you want to subdue him? But that's Mofang, and no one has ever left standing." Nidia lowered her head and whispered in Wang Xiaofeng's ear. The faint fragrance made his nose itchy.

"Those strange apes and strange birds are not things that should appear in the beast tide."

Wang Xiaofeng wiped his nose and said, "If Mofang is really a huge force as you said, then it is impossible to send just one person here to investigate this beast tide incident."

"You mean there are people from Mofang around?!"

"There are at least three people who are as strong as him." Wang Xiaofeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I am Dai Mubai's good brother, and as a member of Mofang, he has said a lot to me."

"Even if Davis believes that there is no relationship between him and me, he will not use this person again just in case."

"On one side there is a talented young man with superb skills and a friendly attitude, but on the other side he is constantly being squeezed out. If it were you, what choice would you make?"

"Do you really think so highly of him?"

"A man with that kind of eyes is not ordinary. He will surprise you in the future."

Nidia pinched Wang Xiaofeng's face: "Xiao Fengzi, this is the first time I think you are so hateful."

"Hey, I'll take it as a compliment." Wang Xiaofeng lifted the meaty thigh in his palm, "Let's take a look at our trophies first. I wonder if they can still be eaten after they have been mutated."

"There will be no living beings within a hundred thousand miles. The mountains and rivers are most beautiful only if they are dyed red with blood! Anyone who stands in the way will die!"

On the hillside in the distance, a cloaked man shrouded in black, with stern blue eyes, reflected a terrifying murderous intention.

His eyes were fixed on Wang Xiaofeng and Nitya.

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