Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 557 The teacher’s thoughts

Chapter 562 The teacher’s thoughts

Just when everything in the territory was developing prosperously, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly received an official invitation letter from Shrek Academy.

The sender of the letter was Flanders, and the content was to invite him to attend Shrek's 25th anniversary.

This elegant invitation, as well as the neat handwriting, looked like it was written by someone else.

Wang Xiaofeng touched the rough letter and felt speechless.

You just used the same trick to trick him into attending a banquet two months ago, and now you're using the same trick again? The same moves are useless against him.

Wang Xiaofeng put the letter aside and quickly forgot about it.

However, he obviously underestimated Flender's determination.

Two days later, an uninvited guest knocked on the door of the laboratory.

Gref spread his hands to show that he had tried his best, Ma Hongjun turned to the side and showed a playful smile, and Wang Xiaofeng helplessly held his forehead. It seemed that he would not go on this trip.

It was rare for Ma Hongjun to make such a trip, so Wang Xiaofeng wanted to help him no matter what, and asked the chef to make a chicken and duck feast for him to taste the fresh ingredients produced in his own territory.

Wang Xiaofeng said in a bad tone: "Fat man, you are really good. You are not soft at all when you trick your brothers."

Ma Hongjun stared with innocent little eyes, and with his oily hands took out an identical invitation letter from his arms and placed it on the table.

"I don't want to, but once I am a teacher, I am always a father. I have to listen to the teacher's words. Besides, Brother Feng, you have been away from the academy for a few months. I didn't just want to take this opportunity to see how you are doing recently. Well."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the bones piled up like a hill next to the table, and a # appeared on his forehead, "Then, I saw something."

Ma Hongjun held up half of the roasted chicken, "This roasted chicken and roasted duck taste really good. It's much better than the college cafeteria. But if it can be marinated for two and a half hours before roasting, it will be even more delicious."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't like him. He was confused when he came up. "Some of them are pretty good, but you still have to choose!"

After eating and drinking, Wang Xiaofeng took Ma Hongjun for a walk around and took a look at the current development of his territory.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar's territory is still just a piece of barren grass. They mainly visit the breeding farms, pastures and a small half of the fishery in Wang Xiaofeng's territory.

After visiting the chicken and duck breeding farm and looking at the endless pasture, Ma Hongjun became more determined to become a hands-off shopkeeper.

For this reason, he bluntly said: It doesn't matter whether he can make money in the future or whether he gets dividends, as long as he has a lot of food, that's enough.

Two days later, Wang Xiaofeng was dragged back to Shrek Academy by Ma Hongjun.

A cheap red banner hung on the gate of the college, crookedly written in white paint: Warmly welcome new and old alumni to return to campus.

When he first entered the academy, Wang Xiaofeng received a warm welcome from Flanders.

He was dragged directly to the playground and gave a very crude graduation speech to a group of junior students who were older than himself.

Celebrating their successful graduation from Shrek Academy.

Of course, they officially leave school in July, and now they are just holding a graduation ceremony.

Half an hour later, Wang Xiaofeng, who was wearing an ill-fitting classic yellow graduation uniform, rubbed his cheeks that were stiff from laughter, and followed Flanders back to the dean's office with a resentful look on his face.

Taking off his embarrassing clothes and looking at the tea with no foam in front of him, Wang Xiaofeng reluctantly picked up the gourd at his waist and poured saliva into his mouth to moisten his throat, "I even played the emotional card, Dean, this If you want me to do anything again, let’s talk it over first. If you don’t have the person you want, if you need money, I can transfer the money to the college’s card now.”

With such serious words, it seems that we need to play some emotional cards first.

Overturning the draft he had made before and quickly running through the new words in his mind, Flanders slowly stood up and stood by the window, looking at the students playing in the distance, and said with a slightly heavy expression: "Actually, this I came to you this time because Shrek Academy is about to run out of business."

Wang Xiaofeng was a little surprised: "How is it possible, Dean, you are so stingy? Shrek's financial situation is extremely healthy, and he even started to enjoy subsidies from the empire a while ago. There is no way it can't go on."

Flanders said: "This has little to do with money, the main thing is the lack of people. The overt and covert struggle between the royal family and Salas has affected the normal operation of the college.

Now there are only 14 teachers left teaching in the college. If this continues, we can only dismiss some students and implement a small class teaching system. "

Wang Xiaofeng did not expect that Shrek's situation was so serious. He asked doubtfully: "Other colleges are not affected?"

Flanders shook his head: "Let's do the math. The Tiandou Royal Academy is the most serious. The family and the sect were originally their main source of students. Now under Salas' instigation, many students and teachers have left. The teaching staff are weak. The number of students dropped by almost one-third.

Emperor Xue Ye suggested that Tiandou Royal Academy be merged into Shrek Academy. I would still serve as the dean, but I refused. "

Flanders took a sip of tea leisurely: "I don't want the students in the academy to get into the bad habits of those rubbish nobles. Moreover, the three highly respected deans of the Royal Academy are respected by others. I can't do this to add insult to injury." thing."

After going around in such a big circle, Wang Xiaofeng still couldn't figure out why he came here this time.

In the final analysis, this is a political struggle, a matter between two behemoths, the Empire and the Spirit Hall, and Shrek is just a small shrimp affected.

Could it be that he wanted to use force to intimidate Wuhun Palace and cut through the chaos with his sword?

Wang Xiaofeng asked cautiously: "So you came to me this time?"

Flanders' eyes widened: "I hope you can temporarily take over as Shrek's teacher."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.



Fortunately, the dean was not so inflated by his promotion to Contra that he wanted to compete with Wuhun Palace.

"No time."

Wang Xiaofeng refused, stood up and said: "In a few days, a sum of 100,000 gold soul coins will be transferred to Shrek's account as a special subsidy for the college to recruit high-quality teachers. If there is nothing else to do, I will go back first. There’s still a lot to do in the territory.”

"Let me speak." The master opened the door and walked in.

"The struggle between Salas and the royal family will not last long. We hope that you can temporarily serve as the teacher for the first, second and third grades. During this period, Shrek will be responsible for all your training resources and research expenses."

After Wang Xiaofeng heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, saying: "Master, you and the dean may not be aware that I need at least 200 gold soul coins per meal to barely fill my stomach. There are also studies Yes, I just negotiated a cooperation with Senior Titan. The initial construction cost of the laboratory alone will cost 500,000 gold soul coins, not to mention the need to build more expensive and sophisticated experimental equipment."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "Based on the funds on Shrek's books, you really can't afford to hire me, so you'd better find someone else."

The master and Flender exchanged glances, "In that case, let's change the conditions.

You only need to attend six hours of classes a week, three periods of "Basic Arithmetic" in the morning and three periods of "Biology of Soul Beasts" in the afternoon.

In exchange, all our teachers can help you handle a large number of low-tech but tedious experiments, or serve as assistants to help you find soul beast materials that need to be studied. "

This sounds much better than the unreliable suggestion before, but all teachers? Lao Zhao and the others probably don't know, they will get sacked if they walk at night like this.

Wang Xiaofeng frowned, "No, why are you so persistent? Is there any big hole in the college that I can only fill with these few kilograms of flesh?"

Master and Flanders said in unison: "No."

It seems there is.

You won’t be able to act in this show anymore, right?

But no matter how many tricks you have, I will defeat them with one punch.

"It's not impossible to let me take up the post." Wang Xiaofeng smiled slightly treacherously, "However, I think we can cooperate in depth."


Flanders picked up the document placed in front of him and looked at it with the master, and then it was their turn to have their eyelids twitch.

The first page started to raise their blood pressure, involving the rules, regulations and future development of the entire academy.

What does it mean that in-class test scores and midterm and final exam scores can be converted into credits in proportion, and credits, as general equivalents, can be exchanged for skills, money, natural resources, knowledge or individual guidance from teachers?

What does it mean that the college releases tasks from time to time and students complete the tasks to earn credits?

There is also this, which encourages students to establish their own clubs and develop hobbies. Establish a student union and let students manage themselves.

Establish a small spirit fighting arena in school to allow students to resolve personal grudges on their own

Flanders threw the documents in his hand on the table angrily.

You wrote it in such detail and so well. If you go by your ideas, will this college be named Wang or Fu from now on? !

Wang Xiaofeng said calmly: "Hey, don't be angry. I'm asking for a high price. You can pay me back on the spot. Everything can be discussed."

This document was a joke he wrote a year ago. There were many unreasonable things in it. He just wanted to use it to scare Flanders away from bothering him no matter what happened.

However, the master picked it up with great interest, read it carefully, and occasionally asked about some places.

It was Wang Xiaofeng's turn to ride the tiger again.

After all, Flanders is just the dean on the surface, used to take the blame and act as a tool.

The only person in the academy who can actually make the final decision is the master.

"It's well written." The master read all the content slowly, "There are just a lot of minor things in it that need to be corrected, but I still want to say it in advance, congratulations on joining Shrek Academy, Teacher Wang .”

Wang Xiaofeng slumped on the chair and said feebly: "I am convinced that I have lost, so please let me know why you have tried so hard to get me here."

The master glanced at his brother.

"That's what I said." Flanders smacked his lips: "Actually, it's to protect you."

Wang Xiaofeng was a little confused: "What can I protect? I'm not a mistress."

The master said: "Salas has been acting more and more erratically recently, and it is even more inexplicable to have a grudge against us.

You are alone, and your territory is not far from Tiandou City. No one can guarantee that he will not personally target you.

So after thinking about it, it's safest to be under our noses. At least with Flanders and Fudo Meiou here, he can't make any trouble by himself. "

Wang Xiaofeng was suddenly speechless.

Flanders added grimly: "Of course, we are indeed short of teachers recently."

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