Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 587: Star Luo Royal Academy (Part 1)

Chapter 592 Star Luo Royal Academy (Part 1)

Although a carriage has to pull more than a dozen people, including many tall and strong people, the Star Luo Royal Academy's carriage is very large, and it is not crowded even with so many people.

Four tiger horses were pulling ahead. After leaving Soto City and arriving at a sparsely populated road, the horses no longer restrained themselves and ran with all their strength. The scenery on both sides of the road quickly moved backwards.

It was not the first time for everyone to ride in a carriage, but at such a speed, the carriage was still so stable. Even if there were thick cushions under the seats, it should not be so stable.

Li Muchen said with some pride: "This is a carriage specially designed by the research institute for nobles. The chassis and wheels use a special shock-absorbing structure, which can filter out bumps to the greatest extent and is suitable for various road conditions.

Of course, this also caused the carriage itself to be too heavy, otherwise there would be no need to use four tiger horses to pull the carriage. "

Wang Xiaofeng was quite interested in this shock absorber, but as soon as he asked, Li Muchen muttered and changed the topic.

He only has a superficial understanding of it, and he doesn't know anything about shock-absorbing structures.

Wang Xiaofeng doesn't embarrass others either.

As the saying goes, you can make enough food and clothing by yourself.

While resting on the road, Wang Xiaofeng quietly used his mental power to scan the carriage up and down. Whenever he had free time, he would dive into the mental space and reproduce the carriage to the same proportions.

After disassembling and assembling it hundreds of times, I figured out all the secrets on the carriage.

Wang Xiaofeng had a great time playing in the mental simulation space, but behaved taciturn outside.

This did not attract the attention of others, because no matter how much the shock is absorbed, the carriage will still bump. If you are unlucky enough to encounter a bad dirt road, it will make people shake to the point of despair.

Not even halfway through the journey, many people were already looking gray due to motion sickness, even vomiting and were slightly dehydrated.

The group of people walked and walked like this, spending nearly half a month and traveling through half of the Star Luo Empire before finally arriving at Star Luo City.

Tall and thick city walls gradually rise from the horizon.

"That's the capital of the Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City." Many students on the carriage sighed as they looked at the huge city wall in the distance through the windows.

Compared with Tiandou City, Xingluo City in the distance has a thicker and more solemn feel.

However, this time their goal was Star Luo Royal Academy, not Star Luo City, so the carriage deflected slightly and headed towards a large mountain nearby.

Since various complete facilities and training environments require large areas of space, like Tiandou Royal Academy, Xingluo Royal Academy is also built in the mountains not far from the capital.

With the royal emblem on the carriage and the face of Li Muchen, he went straight without any interrogation or obstruction along the way.

After passing the majestic gate of the college, the carriage drove along a six-meter-wide stone road for about ten minutes, and finally came to several beautiful white buildings in a row.

White walls, red tiles, fountains, white tiger statues, gardens, green trees, and exotic features are all cleverly combined to give people a pleasing look.

In front of the building, there were already more than a dozen people waiting there. The leader, a short and fat middle-aged man, walked quickly to Li Muchen and said respectfully: "Director Li, everything has been arranged."

Although Li Muchen failed in the competition for dean, his background and connections cannot be underestimated.

Li Muchen stretched out his hand and introduced everyone: "This is the director of the Life Department of our Xingluo Royal Academy, Wang Chen.

In the next year, he will be responsible for everyone's life and study. Teacher Wang Chen, please make arrangements for the children.

Teacher Qin Ming, Teacher Ma Hongjun, Teacher Wang Xiaofeng, you come with me. "

After speaking, Li Muchen strode away with the three teachers, not even giving them time to say a few more words to the students.

From this moment on, this exchange and learning activity has officially begun.

Considering that everyone is exhausted physically and mentally from all the hard work, the physical examination and course arrangements have been postponed to tomorrow, keeping everything simple.

Under Wang Chen's meticulous arrangements, Shrek's students quickly received student certificates, academy maps and student rules.

A dozen servants behind them quickly measured their physical data. At about 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, a servant would deliver the uniforms of Star Luo Royal Academy to their doorsteps.

As soon as they entered the Star Luo Royal Academy, everyone experienced firsthand the serious, steady and meticulous work style of the Star Luo Empire.

It only took half an hour for everyone to complete the simple admission guidance and move into the townhouse.

Marco and Fang Jing were arranged in Villa No. 5. The entrance was to a small garden of 20 square meters. They opened the door with the key.

There is a small entrance hall at the entrance, about four square meters, with a thick carpet on the floor, a two-meter-long leather low stool on the side, and two pairs of brand new slippers in the shoe cabinet next to it.

Marco and Fang Jing put on their slippers and stepped on the soft carpet that covered their insteps and looked around every room in the villa.

The villa has two floors, a mirror-image design, with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

Marco slumped down on the sofa and said with emotion: "It's so luxurious. In comparison, our college is like a farm in the countryside."

It feels like they are not here to study but to take a vacation. Even the place where they live is like this, so wouldn’t other facilities be better? No wonder the annual tuition fee is five thousand gold soul coins.

Fang Jing struggled to push his big and heavy suitcase in, "After all, the academy is in Tiandou City, and every inch of land is precious."

Marco thought of the 'poor man's meal' in the college cafeteria, "That's right, everyone has his own merits."

Seeing Fang Jing struggling so hard, Marco took the initiative to help, but as soon as he got started, he felt something was wrong. The suitcase weighed at least a hundred kilograms.

"What do you have in here?"

Fang Jing said with some embarrassment: "I still have some equipment for the unfinished books."

A stiff smile appeared on Marco's face, "As long as you are happy."

After saying that, he used his soul amplification power to move the suitcase up to the second floor.

The comfortable environment of the villa greatly relieved the tired body and mind of the students.

Early the next morning, the energetic people followed Wang Chen to a huge playground.

“This is the physical area of ​​our academy, and all students entering the academy must complete physical tests here every year.

Don't be nervous later, just complete the physical test items according to your usual training.

However, I hope that everyone can do their best and not hide it, because we will arrange grades for everyone based on your physical test scores, as well as the scores of the soul power and knowledge level tests that will be tested later. "

Under Wang Chen's explanation, Shrek students learned that it was different from the relatively relaxed learning atmosphere of Shrek Academy.

The course schedule at Xingluo Royal Academy is very detailed, starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 8 p.m.

From normal language and mathematics courses to painting and music literacy training, from eating and taking naps to practicing in a mimetic environment, every item is clearly arranged.

There are also assessments every month.

It mainly examines three aspects: intellectual literacy, physical fitness and soul power. Only if at least two items meet the standards and are maintained for one year can one be promoted to a higher grade.

As long as you fail to meet the standards for three consecutive months, the only option is to drop out of school.

Therefore, the number of students at each grade in the college varies greatly.

In the first grade, there are thirty-two classes, each with fifty students.

By the second grade, this number will be reduced by one-third or even less.

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't think they would fail in the entrance test. After all, they were all the best among Shrek's geniuses.

Their thoughts at this time were similar.

This college exchange activity was not as relaxing and enjoyable as I thought before.

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