"Let' back first and take this barrel home chief"

Well, this barrel is quite heavy and I don't want to carry it all around the way.

"Okay, it's almost lunchtime anyway. Let go back first"

So we return to chief Harvard house to put the barrel down and have a lunch. I wonder what they make for lunch this time and whether Silvie already returns from the pond or not.

When we arrive, I see Silvie already returns and busy preparing the lunch in the kitchen. After putting down the fats barrel in the backyard, I go to the kitchen to help her.

"What do you make for lunch Silvie?"

Although I know she making the tortilla that I teach her this morning, I pretend don't know

"Ikki, I try to make the recipe you teach me this morning, but I haven't make the topping yet"

"Alright let me help you. What we got for the topping?"

"My mother left me with fish, cabbage, and tomatoes over there, can that made for topping, Ikki?"

"Sure, any meat can be used for topping. Fish, chicken, beef, mutton, or pork all can be used. Okay, I'm making the topping you make the tortilla"

After we divide the job, we start doing our respective work. I clean and remove the fish gut, cut head and tail then make a fish fillet from that fish. Another important thing to make fish tortilla is salsa sauce. Since we have many tomatoes here, I can make it salsa sauce too. I pick some cilantro, garlic, and onion from the shelf to make that sauce. Also some sugar, salt, and chili from my backpack.

First thing in making this salsa sauce is, cut the tomato in half and removes the stem. Since I want to make a thick sauce, I also remove the seed then cut into big pieces. After that, I chopped the onion and cilantro that I take from Silvie's herb, put them all in a basin, then chop the garlic. Actually, it would better if there's some jalapeno or Serrano chili, but since those things not available here, I replace it with ordinary chili. Finally, I also pour some lime essence, salt, and sugar on the basin. Then I grind them all in the basin using a wooden grinder that I found in the kitchen until all of the turns into a paste. Then, voila, salsa sauce is ready. After the sauce is ready I chopped the cabbage and soak them in vinegar for some minutes before putting it in a bowl and serve it with tortilla

Within 20 minutes, salsa sauce and fried fish filled already finish to cook. Together with the tortilla that Silvie made, we make a fish tortilla for our lunch today.

With fish fillet, cabbage bowl, and salsa sauce accompany the tortilla, we bring it all to the dining table. Chief Harvard is already waiting there for lunch.

"We use the fish for the tortilla filling this time chief. This morning I use the mushroom for the filling. Please take the fish fillet, chopped cabbage, and smear some of this sauce over it. Then fold the tortilla and eat it, chief"

I give chief Harvard how to put the chopped cabbage over tortilla, the fish fillet and pour the salsa sauce over the fish fillet and chopped cabbage, then fold the tortilla and put it into my mouth and eat it. Chief Harvard follows my example and also eat it.

"Hoh! This great…there's some sour taste, also hot taste, fish meat taste…all mix in one bite of this food. Amazing! This is good!"

With two bites chief Harvard already put one tortilla in his mouth and take another piece.

"Master Ikki, since you here, I think my appetite growing larger and larger. I'm really into your cooking. What can I do to make you cook delicious food every day?"

"It's depending on the ingredient chief. For example, this garam is necessary for cooking, if I can get enough of that garam I can cook delicious food every day. Also something like what used for chicken feed, if possible I also want this thing cultivated here"

"Oh yeah, we were working in this garam right? Is there anything that can make it faster than make a garam field master Ikki?"

"We can cook it chief. Put seawater in a big pot, boil it until all the water evaporates and leave the garam in the pot. That way is faster but requires a lot of fire to cook it"

"That can be done. While we cut the tree, the wood can be used for cooking that salt water. For big pot, I can ask Lukas to make it"

"Then when we go to sea again, we should carry that with us chief"

"No problem. Next time we go there, we bring more people with us. And about that chicken feed, is that can eat, really?"

"Yes, chief. It also tastes delicious if you know how to cook it. And its name is rice in my world"

"Good! Make that dish from that rice, and I will tell the village people to plant it in their field"


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