Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 101

The splendor of spicy city is different from Yorknew. The latter is a strong sense of modern city. The former is a dense crowd of coastal fishing villages.

The sidewalk is paved with green bricks, and the black square Kakuzu street lights stand side by side with the grass. The buildings seen along the way are generally not high, only three floors high, but the city covers an area much larger than Yorknew.

The architecture of the spicy city is mostly based on blue and white, which is the color of the sea.

The roof of each house is mostly paved with blue ceramic tiles, and the 2 sides of the eaves extend outward, showing a clear ‘herringbone’ shape.

The walls are mostly white, just like white clouds. There are no decorations or oil paintings on them. The porch and floor-to-ceiling windows are basically arched. The overall look has a strong exotic style.

Both spicy incense and Yorknew are coastal cities on the mainland of Eurubian, but the style differences are extremely obvious.

This city that seems to make people smell the sea, its prosperity is not created by the sea, but the entertainment facilities that are incompatible with drugs. Therefore, even if the color of the building corresponds to the white clouds of the sea, you can’t see the sea life Related decorations.

During the day, this is a tourist attraction that is loved by tourists everywhere, and at night it is a carnival.

Luo was walking on the sidewalk, and a big bag was swollen on his head, which was stunned by Sambica.

When Sambica punched him, he did not resist, even converging the energy on his head, for fear of hurting Sambica’s hand.

The reason for this reaction is that he has seen Sambica’s hands, like ceramics, giving a weak sense.

Sambica walked in front of Luo. Because of her special body, she was very sensitive when contacting people. Just now she was very impatient before giving Luo a punch, but Luo’s reaction made her heart hard to calm down.

She was clearly the beating side, but she had to bear the worry from Luo, and seemed to be afraid of hurting her hand.

“Zambia, are you still there?” Luo suddenly asked.

Find a place to go online and sign up for a hunter test online.

“Cross the road ahead and take several dozen meters.” Sambica pointed at the road ahead.

Luo strode forward, walked to Sambika’s side, and stared at the glittering red light on the road ahead. The explanation was about to switch to a green light, saying, “Hurry up.”

Having said that, he hastened his pace and wanted to cross the Madara crossing in time for the green light time.

Seeing that Luo’s walking speed became faster, Zambia Camer followed silently. After finding the computer, she also uploaded the relevant information of the g2 virus to the database.

When Luo was about ten meters away from the Madara horse line, the red light switched to green light. After a pair of mothers and daughters saw the green light on the road, they went to the Madara horse line.

Just then, the roar of the engine rang from far to near, and rang through the street.

Many people walking on the sidewalk looked around and could not help but exclaim.

A brown off-road vehicle was speeding from the other side of the road, clearly a red light, and the Madara line in front, but showed no signs of slowing down.

Listening to the sound coming from my ears, holding the mother of the little girl about 5 ~ 6 years old, she looked at the sound and paused.

The off-road vehicle, which was a full lap larger than the ordinary car, was moved towards them, rushing towards them, and a faint laughter mixed with the sound of the engine was faintly heard.

Subconsciously, mother made a powerless move. She hugged her daughter, put her back in front of the off-road vehicle, and the speed of the off-road vehicle exceeded 100 kilometers per hour. After that, Madara was visible in the end.

Pedestrians on the sidewalk are all looking at this scene with wide eyes, can not give any help, can only open their eyes at the off-road vehicle about to hit the mother and daughter 2 people.

Both Luo and Sambica, who were heading for the Madara horse line, saw a dangerous scene.

Zambia complexion changed, and her subconsciously gathered on her feet, and someone was faster than her, but Luo.

In the flash of light, he rushed to the mother and daughter, and stretched out a hand in front of the off-road vehicle.

It should be a reasonable rescue style to take the mother and daughter off the Madara line, and then avoid the bumper off-road vehicle, but time is too late.

Pedestrians saw a flash, and saw a man suddenly appear in front of the mother and daughter, thinking that they would have to bury another life, many people could not bear to close their eyes.

A moment later, the expected crash sound came from not at all, eyes opened, and I saw that the off-road vehicle with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour just stopped strangely, and there were not at all dark brake marks on the road.

A slightly young hand blocked the off-road vehicle in this way.

Seeing Luo blocking the off-road vehicle, Sambica was sighed in relief and ran to the mother and daughter who were already scared.

Luo looked through the window and saw the people inside.

It’s a few youngsters with crazy look on their faces, it seems to be sucking.

His eyes were slightly cold, his air volume was slightly thinner, and he only heard a loud sound of “peng”. The whole head of the off-road vehicle was hit by a huge invisible fist, and it was deeply sunken, emitting bursts of white smoke.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the sidewalk was dumbfounded.

Those youngsters seemed to be awake a bit, and got angry and got out of the car with a solid steel pipe.

Luo simply didn’t bother to give them time to play, and when the momentum burst, just staring at it, it made the youngsters startled and fell unconscious.

“Sambica, go.”

Luo glanced back, not at all to see the mother and daughter, and walked straight across the Madara line.

Sambica glanced at the undecided mother and daughter, got up and trot to follow Luo.

Pedestrians on the street watched Luo leave, seemingly not digesting the scene before him.

A ten-to-three-year-old teenager with a bright red lip print on his cheek, a big bag on his head, single-handed stopped the off-road vehicle, and then stunned a few aggressive youngsters coming down from the car.

“Luo…” Sambica kept up with Luo, and when he was about to speak, he saw that Luo’s air volume fluctuated, and a black and white book appeared. The cover of the book was 4 fonts she didn’t know. Below is A number of ‘104’.

Luo didn’t open the book, just glanced at the numbers.

“Is this your idea?” Sambika asked.


Luo nodded and then removed the book.

Just saved 2 mothers and daughters, and then added 2 pages to the book, so we can be sure that saving people can indeed increase the number of pages.

Even if there is no such condition, that situation suddenly occurs, and normal people will choose to rescue if they are capable.

To be honest, Luo didn’t hate this restriction. Instead, he agreed with this restriction in his heart.

This kind of conceptual identity is equivalent to the identification of restrictions, and belongs to the will of the individual.

Reading this kind of thing … it’s strange.

Whether it is the unknown swordsman who has not lost Allah and has never hurt anyone, or the Netero President who persists in giving thanks to his thoughts, it is a manifestation of individual will.

The practice of carrying through the will of identification to the end will gradually make the formidable power exerted by Nian gradually reach an extreme.

The characteristics of Luo’s hand of God, regardless of the manipulation in the realm, are the characteristics of cutting.

If Luo, like the sword lord who owns Allah, made an oath that does not have the ability to hurt any life, then after carrying out this will to the end, maybe he could cut 10000 things.

The restriction on increasing the number of pages is a manifestation of this kind of will. If Luo implements it to the end, the characteristics of the hand of God will become more terrifying and purer.

“Why do you deliberately use thoughts after saving people?” Sambika looks at Luo, linking the two.

Luo thought about it, and then seriously said, “This is just a special celebration style to celebrate that he just saved 2 people.”

Sambika and Luo haven’t been together for a long time, but they still know a little, knowing that Luo is talking nonsense, so they don’t ask.

For the first time in her life, she was curious about things other than viruses, and that was Luo’s thoughts, a thought to explore.

Without continuing the topic, she moved to a bookstore that provided computer use.

Luo laughed, keep up with Sambica.

Two people walked into the study and took a computer.

At Luo’s request, Sambica first named Luo with the name ‘Luo’.

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