Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1010

There is a clear gap between the battle strength of the FTA and the 5 Demon Beasts sent by the gatekeepers. uctxt. com

Even if there is a Mind Power player who is as strong as Giles, the essential gap will not change much.

There is an insurmountable gulf between the two, just like Netero and Ant King Meru Aime.

After fighting, Giles knew what it meant to be a real racial difference.

Total amount of energy, body power, nerve reaction ability, body structure suitable for battle …

As a human, Giles is completely defeated, not to mention the powerful skills shown by ancient claws.

That’s right, although it’s incredible, the ancient claw does know how to use advanced mental skills.

The ancient claws can be used familiarly, whether it is flowing or firm, or even the hardest to operate.

This gap, which is enough to make people despair, also makes Giles gradually lose the slightest chance of winning.

However, Giles has a strong will to survive.

He didn’t want to die here, so he could only escape.

Can’t go to the forest, the survival rate is too low.

The only place to escape is the ancient labyrinth city.

Although it is not clear who the ancient human beings are, he can’t take care of that many.

The tail flame of the chanting power of the Zen stick pushed Giles into the air.

There are many injuries, but it will not affect Gilles’ mental output, and the speed flying into the air is quite fast.

The ancient claw didn’t expect Giles, who seems to have run out of gas, and also has spare time for his escape. In addition to accidents, his legs are charged with cracking the ground, and he is shaped like an arrow. uctxt. com

Nay Giles escaped desperately and did not hesitate to stay within the body, and the flying speed erupted very quickly. Even if the ancient claws responded in time, it was eventually a beat.

The pursuit in the air failed, and the body of the ancient claw fell to the ground, only to look at Giles flying towards the ancient labyrinth city.

He is extremely capable of melee, but he is not good at long-range attacks.

The first air pursuit did not want Giles to fall, but then there was no way.

“Well, misguided.”

The face of the ancient claws was indifferent, hitting the ground like a shell, and smashing a large amount of dust.

He stabilized his body, raised his arms and spread the dust around him, staring coldly at Giles in the distance.

In the battle just now, he has been onslaught after winning the first chance, and Giles can’t breathe, but from the beginning to the end, Giles is in a posture of relentless fighting.

The ancient claws despise humans, but admire Gilles’s Warrior style.

As a result, his face was flushed.

The look of the ancient claws turned away from the fled Giles body, and turned to look at the humans on the field who are about to be swept away, and farther away, the little nose that is hunting down the remaining humans.

“Can you run away?”

Ancient claw coldly smiled.

Even if I ran into the ancient labyrinth city, there were only a few people, and the end was a dead end. (Fastest update)

Under the steady victory, the discomfort that Giles escaped was soon disappeared.

The ancient claws rushed towards the temporary human-built base, assisted the remaining 3 companions, resolved the remaining humans scattered in the base, and then kept up with the small noses of several humans who were hunting and fleeing to the ancient maze city.

Ding Bi is the female Demon Beast who looks like a fox. The human soldiers in the previous stronghold restrained them crazy, and ten or six humans escaped.

She was responsible for chasing the fleeing humans. In the process of chasing, she successively killed ten soldiers who had left her life forgotten, and the remaining six were still fleeing.

Eyes at those 6 humans are about to step into the ancient labyrinth city, Ding Nose is not panic at all, but she knows that the gold and silver ingots in the ancient labyrinth city like humans as parasites.

Further speaking, gold and silver ingots are the nemesis of human beings. It is estimated that just a few people ran into the ancient cities, which are not enough to play with many gold and silver ingots.

Ding Bi turned into a streamer of red, tearing away the last human running with his bare hands.

Minced meat and blood spilled on the hair, but they didn’t care.

Ding Bi’s enchanting long tongue sticks out from the dense mouth Paulie, sweeps all the blood stained on his face into his mouth, looks at the 5 humans who successfully ran into the ancient labyrinth city, with a flash of light in their eyes blurred.

After she chuckled, she didn’t wait for the ancient claws to chase them in.

There were a total of 6 escaped human beings. In addition to Giles flying into the air, the other 5 were Jin Kerry, who did not know Mind Power, Norman, an elderly research scientist holding vanilla, and 3 soldiers who were in shape.

Jin Kerry and Norman have better physical fitness than ordinary person, but it is not enough to deal with the pursuit of Mind Power.

Therefore, the two of them were able to successfully escape into the ancient labyrinthine city, partly because of the desperate breakage and containment of the soldiers in the base, and partly because of the two specially selected bodyguards.

These bodyguards do not need to be too powerful, but they must have a strong physical fitness, and the most important thing is to run fast.

Jin Kerry and Norman were selected bodyguards running on their backs, and then fled into the ancient labyrinth city.

“Damn, damn …!”

Norman was carried on the shoulder by a soldier bodyguard, staring at it somewhere, muttering to himself.

He double-handed holding the glass cover with vanilla, looking very embarrassed.

The strength of the attack on Demon Beast directly subverted his inherent point of view. At first, when he heard the attack, Serene’s posture was crushed so that no scum was left.

Even if he was protected by the soldier’s bodyguard, he was already panicked.

Compared to Norman, who was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, Jin Kerry, who was also a non-combatant, was very calm.

He glanced at the vanilla guarded by Norman, raised his hand and pushed the frame, calmly, “Please don’t give up yet, we are not without hope.”

The two soldier bodyguards carrying Norman and Kim Carrey were silent, apparently without much expectation.

The team when landing on the dark continent was so huge, but now Giles Captain doesn’t know about life and death, only a few of them struggling on whilst at death’s door.

Even if you are lucky to escape the hunt of Demon Beast, there are also strange gold and silver ingots here. Even if you are lucky to escape the ancient maze city, you have to cross the dangerous sea of ​​trees to return to the coastline.

Where is hope …

The two soldiers’ bodyguards felt deeply hopeful, but still fulfilled their duties with due diligence.

Another younger inch-inch soldier’s bodyguard looked back at behind the empty Kakuzu, said solemnly: “Where should we flee?”

Jin Kerry took a deep breath and said, “It’s up to me to guide you. As long as you follow the explored route and go straight to the old nest of burned plants, gold and silver ingots, there is the possibility of escape alive.”

Luo entire group, after picking 7 herbs, relied on the characteristics of the hand of God, and soon joined with Saling.

When they saw Luo coming back, Lao Bai’s first question was: “How about the harvest?”

“Not counted carefully, there should be more than 400 leaves.”

“More than 400 leaves!”

Lao Bai heard a sudden flash in front of his eyes, but sighed with regret at the thought that he had not exerted much effort this time.

“How about you? Is there a result?”

Luo first glanced at the gold, and immediately looked towards the ground, ignoring the image, and carefully watched Saling engraved with graphic text.

King also looked at Sarah, saying, “We looked at 25 roofs, but the graphic text on each roof is the same.”

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