Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1017

The roar of fury from the ancient claws is equivalent to the blasting battle number Kakuzu. ()

Hearing Luo’s words, Kim and they immediately went into battle.

Located on the left, the killing intent emanating from those 3 Demon Beasts, but they reminded them substantively.

Luo looks at the direction of the roar, take out a piece of lichen, put it in his mouth, Paulie chew, and then say, “So, please.”

Before the words fell, he was heading towards the location of the ancient claw.

The back view of the crowds at Luo’s departure, and several people who had previously fought for a long time, all of them took out lichens and stuffed them into their mouths.

The incoming Demon Beasts are very strong, and by their apparent strength alone, they are not weaker than Ant King Merriam and the direct 3 guards. As for the power of the body, they cannot be judged before they fight.

The only thing that can be used as a basis for judgment is Giles’s statement.

All in all, at this moment, it is not necessary to think about how to save the consumption of lichen, even if the supplementary mental ability will overflow, it is not a priority to restore your state to Peak first.

“Let me pick an enemy,” King said suddenly.

As the second member of the battle strength in the team, what is said will naturally not cause objections.

Nobunaga has considered his own disadvantages, knowing that there must be at least one person to team up with him, and the target of the team is self-evident, it must be Uvogin.

After King said he wanted to pick an enemy, Nobunaga immediately looked towards Uvogin. When he wanted to make Uvogin team with him, Uvogin first spoke. (Fastest update)

“Nobunaga, you deal with one with me.”


Nobunaga heard a word of surprise, didn’t expect the belligerent Uvogin to take the initiative to form a team request.

Uvogin didn’t look at Nobunaga’s expression, but stared at the left side of killing intent, said solemnly: “The enemy is very strong. If you can’t kill the enemy with one sword, you will be dead. If you are with me, then You can try to avoid this. “

Nobunaga listened, his mouth Kakuzu silently, nothing more to say, just nodded.

Normally, when encountering a strong enemy, then the belligerent Uvogin will only think of fighting alone, but he is not a simple muscle, and will decide how to choose according to the situation.

And he clearly has a basic judgment on Demon Beast’s Strength. Considering the safety of his peers, he will choose to team against his heart.

“It hasn’t changed at all.”

Nobunaga right hand pressed on the handle, thinking silently in my heart.

In the battle, Uvogin until now is the most worthy person to trust.

It used to be, now it is too.

“The remaining one will be dealt with by me and Sergey.” Bissy glanced at Giles, and then looked towards Slickie.

Noting Bisji’s sight, Steve was gentle nodded, and immediately called out the black stone harp.

In fact, she thinks that she can solve a Demon Beast by herself, but the number is that they have the advantage, and 2 to 1 is unavoidable. (Fastest update)

Giles was a few people who had already divided their heads at silent looks at, and could not help shaking.

There were only 4 enemies, and they were divided by Luo.

In this case, is there any reason for him to leave the team, so as to find Jin Kerry as soon as possible.

“Jills, have you said there were five Demon Beasts that attacked you?” King said suddenly.


Giles stumbled, speechless nodded.

King glanced at him, and immediately looked at Luo’s movements. The body was full of thoughts. At the same time, he said, “The movement of the fifth Demon Beast is still unclear. It is always a threat. Can you help us solve it?”

“You …” Giles’ eyes narrowed, was his mind clearly understood?

Golden eyes froze suddenly, indifferently said: “I’m leaving now.”

Giles couldn’t keep up with King’s dialogue channel, and the whole person was messy in the wind.

At this time, Luo went straight towards the ancient claws. On the way, the 3 Demon Beasts that had previously fallen into the left labyrinth passage, the Demon Beast with that lizard characteristic suddenly jumped from a “t” turn Kakuzu Rising towards Luo in the air.

Luo immediately noticed the attack of the lizard Demon Beast, but didn’t even go to see the lizard Demon Beast.

When the lizard Demon Beast saw this, the killing intent between the expressions became stronger, and he roared in his heart: You will pay for your arrogance!

Then at the next moment, he noticed that his body was beginning to fade, and he suddenly felt a stun.

It’s too late to think about what happened, and the environment has changed with Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

At the same time, after being on the top of the building, Jin said that his body gradually faded and disappeared.

It was his ability to pull the lizard Demon Beast that attacked Luo into the game space.

The disappearance of King made Giles’ eyes slightly changed, but Bi Siji did not react much, and took the initiative to find the remaining 2 Demon Beast.

Seeing this, Giles soon realized that the phenomenon just now might be Kim’s Mind Power.

Does it have the spatial capabilities of the modernization department or the Emitter …

He stood alone on the top of the building, looking at a few people who took the initiative to attack, and his heart was immediately tangled.

In the game space, gold double-handed interludes looks at the lizard Demon Beast who was pulled in by himself.

The scene chosen for this game is the desert at night.

“Is the victory condition … to go water?” Kim said with a slight smile.

Outside the game space, Luo came unhindered over the ancient claws.

The noise from inside the building has never stopped, and the ancient claws have not come out.


Luo frowned slightly, took out the flintstone from the black cat space, and politely dropped a small piece into the building hole underneath.

After a few breaths, the raging fire was rising from the interior of the building with the momentum of the sky, forming a pillar of several dozen meters in diameter.

Luo was walking in the air, less than 2 meters away from the pillar of fire, but unaffected.

As the pillar of fire came out, the roar of fury from the ancient claws ceased.

The temperature contained in the chaser flint is certainly not comparable to the fire ammunition of the FAA team.

Even so, Luo didn’t think that a piece of flint-by-stone would be able to kill the ancient claws.

Luo looked coldly at the pillar of fire that was about to dissipate the last heat, suddenly took out Allah and held it in his palm, withdrew back a distance, and fell to the roof of the building not far away.

At the same time, a silhouette rushed out from the pillar of fire, and it was a scorched, rather ancient talon.

He didn’t make any meaningless angry shouts at this time, but his eyes flushed toward Luo, which fell to the top of the building, and Speed ​​was quite fast.

“I overestimate you.”

Luo looks at looking at the ancient claws full of fury, the eyelids drooping slightly, a stray body flashing from the top to the bottom.

While flashing away the finger bone, he slashed across the abdominal cavity of the ancient claw.

Silently and silently, he crossed the ancient claws that Luo rushed forward, and his body was divided into two.

“Attack Power got stronger …?”

The flesh on Ancient Claw’s cheek shuddered and filled with shock.

He knew his body had been cut in half, but he didn’t feel the pain, and there was no blood splashing.

For a short while, he suddenly calmed down.

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